Porn a trigger for other addictive behavior

Hello to all,

Today is my 1st full day without PMO. This has become a life and death battle for me. Unfortunately I am also a recovering alcoholic.
When I know I am going to PMO the first thing I want is alcohol to go with it. This has lead me to the emergency room on a few occassions.
In my flawed belief I view PMO with alcohol as going hand in hand. If I drink I PMO, if I PMO, I drink. This is a vicious battle since PMO sessions last hours so I keep drinking to the point my body cant take it and starts getting poisoned. Im grateful to my Lord and savior Jesus for leading me to this site and forum. I see there are others battling the PMO. What I havent read about is guys like me that are under the PMO and other addiction that leads to harmful physical effects besides just ED.

Now my battle is two headed - One head is the PMO & the other is the bottle of alcohol. I have to be sober from both if I am to survive and live. I already have the PIED I dont want to die drinking while PMO. So guys and gals please fight this addiction and I send my best wishes and prayers to all those battling the addictions that want to destroy our bodies, minds, and souls.


Respected Member

Glad you have you here. This is a great group of guys that as supportive and as caring as one can find.

Post often. Respond often. Read as much as you can. You can do this.

Thanks for the feedback guys. Today was somewhat hard because I live in a big city and take public transportation. I start looking at women and if I glance at their bodies and they have the features of women Ive seen in porns, it makes me want to look at their bodies more which made me want to relive the porn scenes. This is dangerous ground because it will sure lead me back to PMO. So I am trying to train my eyes to not look at their bodies but instead look somewhere else. Especially if I see a woman in the street that looks like one of the porn actresses.

So look somewhere else helped me not have to replay the porn scenes in my mind. Also I went to a 12step meeting for my alcoholism and shared with some of the men about my two headed monster alcohol-pmo. So now Im getting to do my evening devotion and then go to bed PMO free for another day.

Stay strong men. Remember - Feelings are not facts
Great news guys, Im still going strong and havent MO or PMO. The way Ive been doing it is:

1. Very to no TV at all - this is a trigger I found in the last couple of days. So many sexual innuendos and scenes that build up the lust in me.

2. SA and AA meetings - 1 or the other daily

3. Journaling in the morning and in the evening - The Journal is addressed to the only one that can free me from these addictions - My Higher Power I call "Jesus" -- Evening is moral inventory and gratitudes, morning is for guidance and focus.

4. When I see a woman that would tempt me to think erotic thoughts I look away and focus on not giving her/them my attention. This has been helping a lot because I am finding myself becoming less and less aroused when I see women that make me desire them sexually.

5. Limit your sugars and caffeine to avoid extra anxiety.

6. Speaking with other men about my porn problem.

I wish you all the best and please remember that Porn is the gate that allows all kinds of evil into your life. Its self destructive and self abuse.


Active Member
Good to read that you're doing wel Breal. I think you're right about porn being a trigger for other addictive behaviour. I used to use a lot of ecstacy and speed with porn years ago. Now I smoke a lot when I use porn.

When I'm not using porn, I am completely drug free.

I'm an all or nothing kind of guy lol :)