I don't know if I should laugh or I should cry

Hi guys,
I've being struggling as most here with pied and actually Im managing to stay without fap and porn for approximately 3 months already. All its going well, actually I even started a relationship with somebody and had sex to some extent in some occasions. All its going fine, I still have the depression and no morning wood, but I keep going things will get better eventually...

My latest fascinating thing in all this quest is that I tested positive for Ureaplasma & Gardnerella vaginallis(aparently man can also get this)today. Surprise, surprise...

I told my girlfriend that it would be nice not to use condoms, this could help with my erection so I went to do a full screening(i thought to tell her when the results arrive) and well... The result came today with those 2 things.

Apaerently I'm lucky, seems I can fix it with some antibiotics the doctor said in matter of a week. Some of my thoughts:

- the doctor told me that I might have this for long time. I wonder if this coulda have also impact in my erection.

- I had sex with a couple of hookers in the past months ago so I guess here is where this is coming from, I see no other explanation. So using the hookers for reboot is definitely not a good idea. They were not cheap I can't believe it. If I survive this thing I guess I will learn a good lesson.

- now I have to tell my girlfriend to get tested because maybe I passed her something. By the way she mentioned that she had a delay in her menstruation. I'm not sure if that could be caused if I did get her infected. Maybe she is pregnant? Hehe... I think this is getting more and more interesting day by day. *sight* I think my relationship is going to end very soon.

Yeah so that's the latest thing in my quest, I really needed to share it. Have you guys had any similar situation to this? How did it go? The good thing is that today after all this shit I really didn't have thoughts about killing myself, I feel more for crying and laughing at the same time.