

As part of my healing i've recently taken up mindfulness meditation and am finding it very useful.
I was interested in finding out what mindfulness can do to the brain, and it would appear that it basically has the opposite effects to addiction.


There are lots of videos on youtube about mindfulness. I'd particularly recommend Jon Kabat-Zinn's videos.

Maybe give mindfulness a try, what is there to lose?


Yes, that's what i've found too. It tesches you not to suppress thoughts, but to just recognise them, in a non judgemental way and then let them pass. Thoughts come and go like clouds in the sky, and fr me trying to suppress certain thoughts just seems to intensify them sometimes and causes anxiety.
With mindfulness i'm learning to just recognise 'oh yes that's a craving' or 'that's a porn image', and not react to them but just them pass. And they do pass, the mind always moves on to something else. Mindfulness also teaches you to at times just rest in the space between thoughts as the mind quietens down, and that taps into a deep calmness and serenity.

I know it can sound like a load of new age, hippy shit, but i'm a scientist and there's a lot of good scientific studies showing it can be very effective for anxiety, depression and stress, and as we know there's plenty of that around when you give up porn!


I also feel this is the right track.

Call it mindfulness, awareness, being present, paying attention.. whatever.

The mind is still the ultimate mystery .. and one needs to be careful, or it *will* run on autopilot.
Often to uncharted territory.


Staff member
I totally agree! Mindfulness and aerobic exercising were some of the best tools I had for combatting anxiety I got while rebooting.