Women are into PMO just as much as men


I personally believe most women prefer erotica to porn, and most men prefer porn than to erotica. This is based on the people I know, what I've heard from different articles and our biology. Men and women's bodies are different in more ways than our genitals. We have different brain structures, for example. We have different hormones. We can pretty much accomplish the same things, but we do so in different ways, because we're wired differently. Men are generally more visually stimulated (thus the porn) while women are generally more stimulated by emotion, touch and verbal communication (thus the erotica).

But it certainly is true the number of women addicted to/using porn isn't negligible, and women who use porn are not alone. Neither are men who use erotica, although this is less talked about. https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/1rg4g0/out_of_curiosity_are_there_men_who_read_erotica/

This article has some interesting statistics on how many women are involved with porn: http://www.covenanteyes.com/2013/08/30/women-addicted-to-porn-stats/