15 days no pmo, experience abd secual activity question.


So tonight marks 15 says since Ive last pmo'd. Ive shaken off all urges to watch porn or masturbate. I pass my time by spending time on hobbies, sports and the gym. It feels good knowing my life is soon going to be coming together again. I quit cold turkey just like many of you. Just know that there is always a way to get out of this prison. No matter how trapped you are, you can always escape. Dont think about not watching porn too much aswell. Because you will constantly think about porn which will make you relapse. Relax and take a breath when you have an urge because its worth not relapsing every single time. Ive fought off urges and so can you.

My question is that is it okay to have sexual activity with a girl (making out, fingering). Because I am a virgin qnd since my brain has developed to the pixels on my screen instead of skin on skin action. Without orgasm is sexual activity with a girl alright and will it help my recovery process?
Stay strong


Don't give up! 15 days is nice , but you have more job to do. :)
In my opinion , it can't be counter productive. Every experience in real life can only help you to get rewired to real girls!