It's masturbation addiction and porn addiction the same thing?


Active Member
Some people on this kind of forums say that they are addicted to masturbation, pointing out that for some of them it's easier to quit porn compared to masturbation.. The thing is though that I've never heard of regular masturbation (the kind that's been practiced by humans and some animals for eons) causing addiction-related brain changes - on the other hand porn CAN and DOES.

Saying masturbations is addictive in the same way as porn is missing the point of what an addiction actually is. Sure, it's hard to stop masturbating and/or orgasming, but it's also hard to stop eating, drinking and breathing for example, yet we don't really consider the latter examples as addictions.

BTW, I'm not a big masturbation advocate (I've only masturbated like 4 times during this porn free streak), but I do think it's unnecessary to feel that the urge for a release (even by your own hand if real sex is not a possibility for a long time) is something that's indicating an addiction.

You DO want to quit masturbation for a while if you have PIED though, but that isn't ment to be permanent...


Active Member
I think masturbation too can be addictive, and I dont think that neanderthal men felt the "urge to release" by own hand, rather than wanting a release by fucking women. This is of course my opinion, but I just cant see why human body would naturally want to come to ones own hand. That just doesnt do any good in the name of evolution and such.


Active Member
Our ancestors lived in the same time as Neanderthals, but we didn't evolve from them. There seems to have been some crossbreeding, but still, we are Homo Sapiens and have very little in common with Neanderthals.

Regarding masturbation practices of our ancient ancestors I don't know much, but primates are known to masturbate sometimes and I see no reason why therefore our hunter&gatherer Homo Sapien ancestors arounds 40 thousand years ago didn't masturbate also sometimes.

Not all of our behaviour is adaptive. And if itsn't adaptive in and of itself it doesn't mean it's necessarily wrong, unhealthy OR an addiction. If you think like that then you shouldn't use contraceptives or have sex just for pleasure - it doesn't serve any evolutionary purpose.