How strong are your cravings?


Active Member
I had been 3 weeks with little to no cravings at all. But today I had many strong urges. They were like pictures, scenes, fetishes and actions popping into my head and feeling like they were the most arousing, fulfilling, sexiest things ever. Of course I know its just a lie and I wont give in them. But damnit, sometimes it feels like normal sex is just boring and those old porn scenes are the best ever. How strong cravings you guys get? Will they make you feel like just a peek at some pics would make your body tremble, heart beat faster etc?


Active Member
Hey dude, I've been trying to kick this habit for over 3 years now and I always fall for the same old things: My urges. I've conditioned myself for over 10 years that as soon as I think about sex/porn in any way = fapping to porn. Even if I couldn't do it at that moment, you bet I'd do it as soon as I had the chance!

You'll most likely feel like "normal sex" is boring until your reboot is complete and you actually start connecting with a partner. Your view of sex has been warped by porn.

Whatever you do, don't peek at any pics, don't even google a category or actress/actor that you used to enjoy. Because a peek won't be enough, you'll want to just see a little more... and you'll end up going back to PMO. And yeah, I've had the "rush" by just peeking, my heart would beat faster and its like an engine revving in your brain "Oh boy, time for some porn! Awesome!". But its not awesome. It fucking sucks and afterwards you'll feel absolutely horrible.


fnatk said:
Whatever you do, don't peek at any pics, don't even google a category or actress/actor that you used to enjoy. Because a peek won't be enough, you'll want to just see a little more... and you'll end up going back to PMO. And yeah, I've had the "rush" by just peeking, my heart would beat faster and its like an engine revving in your brain "Oh boy, time for some porn! Awesome!". But its not awesome. It fucking sucks and afterwards you'll feel absolutely horrible.

totally agreed!
If i see only one girl i used to PMO to i can?t stop thinking about jerking for hours!


Active Member
Cravings can get real tough sometimes. You are right, fnatk. Sometimes my brain just says "just look at one pic, it wont hurt, and I will give you lots of dopamine". Its annoying. I wonder if my relapses is the reason I still get urges, I guess if I had been clean all time I would have forgotten already. Well, no more relapses, EVER.


Active Member
The cravings are there every damned day for me. EVERY FUCKING DAY. I think they will be there until I manage to stay PMO free long enough for them to lose their control over me. Its just a battle every day, do not look at porn. And for me I think I have to couple that with no masturbation for 90 days or as long as it takes for me to separate the two. Because I've tried staying away from porn and masturbating, it doesn't work for me personally as the chaser effect ALWAYS gets me in the end.

I think this is where you need to like, go out and do stuff, make yourself busy to take your mind off it! Go for a 20 minute walk and clear your head! If you play an instrument, go practice it! Read a book! Go meet a friend for a coffee or cup of tea!

Idle hands are the devils plaything or in our case: the porn addicts worst enemy.


Active Member
I have found that really bad cravings are easier to handle then the more discreet ones. Sure, these violent cravings really hurt and feel like complete shit, but in a way they are so obvious that they motivate me to stay clean, since I don't want that pain any more.

The more silent and careful ones, where porn feels very natural, easy and harmless are the really dangerous ones. That was the way i relapsed. Much harder to detect the lurking danger.