Hey Guys,

I'm having a hard time explaining to my wife about the progression of my porn addiction. I went from viewing all the normal stuff to using some craigslist ads and escorts ads as porn.
She discovered this by seeing my internet history, and automatically came to the conclusion that I was cheating.

I am having a difficult time convincing her that I have not cheated and was not planning to cheat. 

She says she doesn't care about actual porn, that if I had just been using porn she would work through this addiction with me.  It is the craigslist and escort ads which she cannot handle.

Is there anyone else on this forum that has progressed to craigslist or back page ads, without planning to cheat?

I have scheduled a polygraph but they say its only 98% accurate, she'd like some more evidence.


New Member
I did it myself as well on occasions. Browsing the local casual encounters section on craigslist and even escort pages to get a certain thrill. You have to realize this is part of your addiction as your brain is searching for something along the lines of porn that isnt porn, BUT IT STILL IS DETRIMENTAL to your reboot. The only thing I can imagine something not being detrimental is masturbating to a picture of a clothed girl. Something like that doesnt seem bad, but from the sources of yourbrainonporn it says any artificial stimulation during a reboot will set you back. This even includes erotic stories. Basically you can only have sex or masturbate to sensation and the thought of a woman that has nothing related to porn.

I strongly believe you arent looking to cheat. Youre just getting your dopamine high from another source. Just dont do it anymore as it will set you back everytime. Even omegle will too.