

Almost 3 weeks into my 2nd attempt at rebooting and today I suddenly got the urge to view porn. Once this occurred I PM but did not O.

I know edging is considered worse than actual PMO but I am worried that this may be considered a relapse?

Would I now need to start my reboot from Day 1 again or should I avoid counting the days?

From past experience, what should I do to avoid edging and continue on this journey in a positive manner?

Thank you all for the replies I have received thus far, it is much appreciated.


Active Member
Although I can't say for certain that you have relapsed, I do recommend that you try to focus on other stuff in your life like hobbies. If these thoughts come to mind and you feel the need to watch porn, I suggest you go somewhere public and avoid being alone. Honestly don't focus to much on the days off porn, rather focus on objectives in life that you may have and get out there. You could also try meditation, that can also help with these thoughts you have. I hope this helps you and I wish you the best of luck.


Although edging may be worse for rebooting surely it is better in the psychological battle to quit than orgasm?
What I mean is that for me at least it's better for my motivation to stop myself than to keep going and then feel hopeless in that I have to start the daily count all over again.
Of course you need to be able to not use this as an excuse so you don't just edge all the time.