Trying to Start


Active Member
Hi Guys,

I've made it a substantial amount of time almost 2 months without watching any porn.
But I'm back to square one and its becoming more frequent.  Right now I'm having troubling getting past the addiction and porn urge.  I know porn is bad for me, it shrinks my brain, unbalances the dopamine levels, causes brain fog, reduces enjoyment, causes me to spend hours alone in front of my computer PMOing, and causes me significant anxiety, depression and loss of sleep.

I just feel like I need a stronger reason right now to stop PMOing than I can come up with.

I've called a counsellor to get some back up.  I need to disconnect for a few days from these computers and get myself away from all the triggers.


Active Member
No one can give you a reason to give up porn.  It has to come from you.  Why do you like porn so much?  Why not start there since most people do destructive things to get a payoff.  Obviously your payoff is outweighing all of the negatives.


Active Member
You have pretty much explained why you should stop porn, the problems you are experience is enough reason to stop. Honestly you should stop for yourself alone and live a more healthy life style, the benefits from stopping out weigh the negatives from watching porn. Although nobody can tell you to stop porn, only you yourself can answer this question, but I can assure it's well worth the effort and while I'm still in recovery, I will never go back to watching porn and masturbating again.


Active Member
Just reviewed my old post.  Two months without porn.  Great work me!  Well I managed to pretty much stop porn completely.  Maybe, had one relapse about 5 or 6 weeks ago.  Originally, I had the goal of stopping P, but I decided to allow M and O.  I thought P would be enough.

But then I went on to hook up sites.  I basically replaced one habit with another, although a far less destructive one.
The hook up sites replaced high speed internet P with low speed pictures of real people with real conversations and real hook ups.
However, I realised that hooks up sites were kind of a link to porn and not going in the direction I personally want.  Still seeing semi-naked people in pixels and finding it arousing.  Still fantasising electronically.  It was still causing me anxiety issues.  Just like porn, it would take many hours of my week up when I had more important things I wanted to focus on.

So it occurred to me, that I had to stop it all.  No P, no M and no O.  I went well for about a month, then off and on with hook up sites for a few weeks.  Then back to a more stable path again.  I went well for a f/n, then relapsed and just getting over the first hump week.  Starting to feel good again.

Overall, since coming here I am moving forward.  Still getting knocked back, but with every step back there is a giant leap forward.

Don't wish it were easier. It will never be easier. Wish you were better, then put in action a plan to make yourself better, 'Jim Rohn'.
I've used this PMO addiction as an opportunity to improve myself overall.  I've put goals back up on my wall, I'm refocusing on my priorities and I'm using you great guys on this forum to help motivate me.  Thanks and keep moving forward.