Hitting rock bottom for me and achieving clarity


Hi All

This isn't the first time i've posted on a site like this, many years ago I used to post on feedtherightwolf.org but stopped after I relapsed. Gosh that must be over four years ago now! Under advice from my current therapist i'm gonna start documenting my journal for myself more than anyone, and it's good to share  :)

I'll try and be as concise as possible.

I'm a 34 year old man and I live in a rural area of north-west England with my parents. I grew up here and moved out to go to Uni when I was 24 or 25, was in a long term relationship for over six years and broke up due to my porn addiction and moved back home when I was 32.

I studied a creative subject at uni at Masters level, I recently changed career as I lost interest in that subject as I got older and am now a little bit lost in life.

At school I was bullied excessively. I thought I was completely worthless, ugly, and not good enough - too strange to get a girlfriend. I was bullied a lot by girls, boys and even some teachers at school and called ugly and retarded a lot, this made me angry as when I look at pictures of myself before high school I was a handsome lad, by the time I finished school I was overweight and didn't care about my appearence anymore.

After I finished college, I spent my early 20s on my own playing video games, watching movies and copious amounts of porn. I would go out with mates occasionally but most of the time I was at home desperately bored. At this point I didn't consider my porn use to be an issue, and still had a very low opinion of myself. I only really had one friend and my older brother as company.

I moved out of my parents home and went to uni when I was 24 where I quickly made a close circle of friends - most of them foreign, and a lot of them girls. In my final year of uni I was living with three beautiful girls in the same house  8)

I had a huge crush on one of them, and was close friends with the other two. I remember getting extremely jealous when my crush would go out and hook up with other guys, when we lived under the same roof, which compounded my belief of not being good enough. I had never felt this feeling of anger and emptiness before and I think this was a turning point for me to actually really 'wanting' a girlfriend.

Towards the end of my final year I got together with my ex girlfriend - a boisterous, eccentric and very attractive spanish woman who was 8 years older than me. We were close friends before and lived together, we had a genuine connection and used to stay up late into the night talking about everything. I felt very comfortable with her, she was the first woman to tell me she liked me - this felt fantastic!

...However the sex was terrible! My first time was not good I couldn't maintain an erection, in the six years we went out I climaxed during penetrative sex a total of about five times, this made her feel horrible and added to my already massive amount of guilt and shame. I used porn throughout the relationship in secret.

So to fast-track this a bit as its a bit of a long boring story. Porn killed that relationship. When I look back at it now there were other factors affecting it - my complete lack of experience in sex, my misunderstanding of what sex was supposed to be, incompatibilities in our characters, anxiety, depression etc. etc. During the relationship was the first time I felt truly suicidal - how could I continue watching porn when it was breaking my girlfriend's heart? what was wrong with me?

It was on and off between us for years, but due to our financial circumstances and us both studying masters degrees we continued living together which made a very unhealthy environment to live in.


After the breakup I dove head first into internet porn, I sought help through a psycho sexual therapist who specialized in addictions, it helped my self confidence a bit but I continued using porn anyway as I had no reason to stop now I was single.

I found my professional career falling apart - I wasn't enthusiastic about it anymore, my social circle became much smaller, and I had recurring bouts of suicidal tendencies - sleeping with a knife under my pillow, going for long drives late at night, lots and lots of sleepless nights fantasizing about killing myself and all sorts. Its scary to look back at it now.

After a while I've wound up back at my parents in the north of England which is where I still am now, working outside of the industry I trained so hard to be in, I earn peanuts and have little career prospects, but I have a full time job which i'm grateful for and is something my previous profession never offered me as well as some decent friends here.

My low point mentioned in the title of this post was going to a mate's stag do in Amsterdam in late March this year. I'd already decided I wanted to visit the red light district, and talked my brother into flying there a day earlier than my mates so I could 'do the deed'. I went there, ditched my brother in a bar and got it over and done with.

I felt confused and embarrassed but not too bad the day after, then after admitting it to my mates I felt overwhelming guilt, one of my mates  - a long term friend of mine who has had a lot of girlfriends in the past, said he would never pay for sex as he couldn't live with the guilt... great..  :(

Cue the return of the suicidal thoughts and the overwhelming feeling of numbness which continued until I got back to the UK. I still continued using porn though. And to top it off i'd decided I really liked Cannabis!  :(

I decided to seek help a month ago, contacted a local psycho-sexual therapist and see him once a week. He's a top guy and I actually look forward to our meetings. I also watch Johnny Berba's videos on Youtube as I can relate to a lot of the things he's been through, he in particular has shown me that I have worth, am a damn decent friendly guy and deserve love.

Something changed inside of myself and I feel stronger and have more resolve than I ever did before. I can not watch porn daily. Recently though my cannabis use has been high, and I drink more than I did before. So i'm worried i've cut out one addiction and replaced it with another. I used to exercise a bit, I love walking in the lakes, and go Thai boxing twice a week but haven't done any of that recently.

I haven't watched porn since early April, its been the longest i've gone without porn in years, and although the temptation is there I understand the consequences and what its done to me and others around me better than before, so I can usually back my mind out of the trigger moments for now.

I have also been on an online dating site and messaging girls - my intention was just to practice talking with women and getting over my shyness and practicing congruency, however I ended up meeting a girl in person through the site!  :eek:

Through her i've learnt I love affection, both giving and receiving, hugs, kisses caressing, being touched etc. The advice I learnt in the past about dealing with ED and off this site was this is all very good, it turned sexual a couple of times and I couldn't climax, but I've learnt to laugh it off if I can't 'make it' and just enjoy her company, and amazingly she's been fine with it too so far.

My issue now is I've replaced porn addiction with drinking, smoking cigarettes and cannabis, as well as meeting up with this girl and receiving affection.

In my opinion the cannabis use on its own has helped me to look at my life introspectively, as for me personally when I get high it allows me to see myself for who I really am. I do however appreciate it is another addiction and has destructive qualities as well.

I've not drunk alcohol or smoked the past three days and to be honest its bloody tough! my online cuddle-girl hasn't been around either as she's a bit of a drive away and has kids, so i've felt quite down again, but the desire to watch porn isn't there much at all thankfully.

Well done to anyone for making it through that pile of rubbish! it's been a while since i've sat at a computer and typed anything in length like this and its hard to make it concise and my grammar is awful, sorry!

I'll try and keep this journal going.
Mate, your grammar was perfect to my eyes and I can relate to many of the things you have been through, especially about feeling horrible about replacing one addiction with another. I began my reboot process about 2 weeks ago and I have definitely upped smoking to almost a pack a day. Smoking itself is disgusting and I realize that but I have quit cold turkey for 6 months before and I know I can do that again when the time is right but while smoking doesn't affect your circles in the short term, porn definitely does. I cannot count the number of times I have been late to appointments, ignored friends' calls to meet, etc. when I got hooked on to watching porn in my flat and the sun would set while I clicked for the next kink.

From what I've read, I definitely can see the determination you have. I highly suggest you get back on your extracurricular activities as I have increased my weekly cycling routine and some days I am so tired when I get back home, I have no energy left to waste on porn and masturbation. Of course we are not robots so we don't act on commands and will have times when our brain is playing tricks to get us back into our old routine but I know almost surely that we can succeed if we don't let go our determination/willpower. You sound like a champ that deserves the best of life so keep at it.


Hey mate interesting story. I can relate to using pot to relax and reflect. I have been so tempted to start the habit again, I know an occasional cone here and there during the day helps take the edge off. I always had to be careful not to smoke to much or else I get anxious and panicked.

I found my DE has improved A LOT to the point it no longer exists as I've cut down on porn. I'm trying to quit but must say cut down because of regular relapses.

Good luck with it man, if you are going to quit so many things you should find replacement activities. I have quit all alcohol, weed, cigarettes and now porn. It sometimes feels like I'm giving up everything but I am gaining motivation, happiness and health. Right now I'm exercising to get fit and dieting to lose weight. I think it combines well with quitting porn.


Hi all, i'm still here and still going strong!

I can't actually remember the last time I PMO'd, I think it was some short time after Amsterdam, so maybe early April. Its definitely been over a month. Aside from the odd naughty youtube video or junk post on facebook there hasn't been much temptation to go back to it. I MO without P about once a week after advice from my therapist. Gonna try a two week stint without M and see if I feel any better, as I did the deed last night and felt like death this morning.

The Johnny Berba videos help a lot. As do some Ted Talks regarding depression and addiction. YouTube is a brilliant thing; i spend most evenings chromecasting vids to my TV as I find regular TV boring as hell.

Had that horrible voice in my head a couple times over the last week and over the weekend. I rode my motorcycle down south to visit my brother - a 400 mile round trip, and everything ached, my head, back, legs etc. Which made me realize I need to get into shape.

I've started a personal journal on my phone, and decided to eat healthier. The cannabis use will go down eventually but I find it helps when i'm all alone in a big empty house in the evening to stop my mind going to dark places. :)

jstratham84: Its hard quitting cold turkey isn't it... but i've done it before with smoking and stayed off it for a long time. Also signed up to the gym today so gonna start lifting weights again. Thanks for replying brother!

Stone: You'll have to clue me in on what DE is. I'm glad i'm not being torn to shreds for suggesting there may be a positive side to smoking cannabis. I don't consider myself a habitual user but I found it definitely helped with my depression and my porn addiction in a roundabout way.

I've found the high gives me a more 'external' look at myself, like I can see myself without any preconceived ideas of what I think I might be or would like to be - if that makes sense... And when I PMO'd (is that what you call it?) the first time when I was high, I felt very odd, like I was watching myself through a camera - and I didn't like the sight at all!

Thanks to you both for replying. Hopefully my typing will improve with practise as I tend to dart around a lot in my mind and I can sometimes type jibberish.


Well-Known Member
I think you mentioned something to be completely true...career can be affected by pmoing as well....without pmoing I am way more assertive...with pmoing I just used to be a big pussy....
Viffer said:
jstratham84: Its hard quitting cold turkey isn't it... but i've done it before with smoking and stayed off it for a long time. Also signed up to the gym today so gonna start lifting weights again. Thanks for replying brother!

Mate, keep up with physical exercise. It definitely helps. I rode my bike for 50 kms yesterday and burned around 2000 calories so when I got home, my reward was a juicy big hamburger with fries and a few beers. Before the reboot, I would ride for a max of 30 km and the urges would be all present for me to waste an hour or two on PMOing. LoL. We all have wasted so much time on P, incredible. I made a calculation the other day and came up with a figure of around 10k hours wasted on P. I think any one of us could have reached expert level on a foreign language with that number of hours spent on it :) Wishing you all the best mate.


jstratham84 said:
Viffer said:
jstratham84: Its hard quitting cold turkey isn't it... but i've done it before with smoking and stayed off it for a long time. Also signed up to the gym today so gonna start lifting weights again. Thanks for replying brother!

Mate, keep up with physical exercise. It definitely helps. I rode my bike for 50 kms yesterday and burned around 2000 calories so when I got home, my reward was a juicy big hamburger with fries and a few beers. Before the reboot, I would ride for a max of 30 km and the urges would be all present for me to waste an hour or two on PMOing. LoL. We all have wasted so much time on P, incredible. I made a calculation the other day and came up with a figure of around 10k hours wasted on P. I think any one of us could have reached expert level on a foreign language with that number of hours spent on it :) Wishing you all the best mate.

Thanks mate, signed onto gym, started going twice a week. Signed myself up for a charity boxing event as well, i'm a complete novice - done a bit of Thai Boxing but not been for ages. Scared but it needs doing!

So update on my story:

I actually slipped up last Sunday late night, couldn't sleep, it was after my weekly MO without P - actually ended up MOing twice since I couldn't sleep, was feeling depressed and ended up PMO. Bit gutted to say the least...

Rrecent few days feel a bit hectic, and i'm full of emotion at the moment. I'm thinking i'm getting a bit manic depressive. Woke up this morning with a 'same shit different day' attitude.

Listened to this song about 10 times today (no joke): https://youtu.be/z32HJ7PHnKY

Wish i could get away a bit sometimes.

I'm still strong inside, more aware of my thoughts and actions than before, more able to make change, I think being more conscious can make you realize your current situation better and in turn make you feel even more depressed if that makes sense.

No more POF for now. My therapist said to cut all sexy times out for a while and try to reset myself. Did contact my last POF success and say sorry for being quiet and thank you.

Been watching a lot of videos about Terence and Derrick Mckenna on Ego Death and psylocybin/ayahuasca trips... my mate wants to do the 'hero dose'


Quick update. Time for the second reboot. F***ed up a few times over last week. Every time I enjoyed PMO less and less, the feeling of despair was stronger than before, but I don't hate myself for it, I know I can quit.

I need contact with people, I need good people in my life. Thinking of joining a support group, as this shit's f***ing hard to do by myself.

Had a night out in town with a female workmate on Saturday, one of the best nights of my life. Nothing happened between us but we opened up to each other and it felt really good, we told each other a lot of dark stuff from our pasts. Spent a long time sat on the pavement with a homeless guy chatting about life, saw a side of her i've never seen before.

I ended up telling her I like her a bit, invited her out for dinner, said its ok to say no etc. Now i'm worried she's gonna start avoiding me at work. I'm not interested in getting into a relationship but I need to be honest with myself and others around me. She's had a string of bad relationships and a rough childhood - I come from a privileged background with amazing parents who have given me everything, but i've grown up isolated from normal life.

I have a strong desire to be close to her, not in a sexual way, but I just want to be held. To lie on the sofa and be hugged, that is so much better than porn or sex to me right now, I feel like I need affection.  :( am I a love addict now? I hope not.

I feel myself more emotional these days, I keep almost bursting into tears when i'm on my own thinking of stupid S**t. I'm listening to a lot of Kendrick Lamar rapping about depression, alcoholism, and survivor's guilt, and also his songs about his recovery, accepting he loves himself and forgiving himself - Loving you is complicated.

I get so damn lonely in this house sometimes.


Staff member
Viffer said:
I ended up telling her I like her a bit, invited her out for dinner, said its ok to say no etc. Now i'm worried she's gonna start avoiding me at work.

You didn't say what her answer was.


She hasn't.  :(

She's off work for a week. I had a good friend from Uni who did a similar thing - admitted to a girl after being her mate for two years, that girl cut him off and doesn't speak to him anymore, i'm worried this girl will do the same. I know I can't help that if it happened and its her choice to do that but it still hurts like hell.

I don't do well with rejection yet, i'm still learning, its something I have to overcome.

I've thought about it a bit and although I am attracted to her I value our friendship more. I thought i'd feel better for admitting my feelings but I feel worse right now, like i've f***ed up by saying something I shouldn't have - sometimes when I get emotional and passionate I say daft things and people don't respond well. Going to bed now, its 1.30am over this side of the pond and I need to sleep on it.

Thanks for replying Malando


Staff member
Yeah, rejection sucks. Although in this case it seems you didn't really want to pursue something romantic with her. If she does get a bit funny with you, you could pull her aside at an opportune moment and explain that you are not at all bothered about dating, you just enjoy talking with her as a friend. All she can do is agree or not. After that, it's out of your hands. Sometimes we build people up too much in our minds and feel that we've messed things up or missed out on something incredible. Usually that's not the case. Being honest with somebody is rarely the cause of trouble. If she does go funny on you now, you've actually learned something about her that's very informative as to whether you could have had even a longterm friendship with her. It would indicate she's lacking a maturity  and stability that you would have needed - so better to find that out sooner rather than later because this weirdness would have happened at some stage. On the other hand, she might just be thinking about it. And she might be normal next time you see her. Prepare for all scenarios, knowing you haven't done anything wrong. There are people with issues everywhere.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
Good morning Viffer,

it is all statistics. The more girl-friends you have had the better you cope with rejection. in the end it doesnt matter if this particular girl rejects you. Just forget about her and move onto the next. I have had a lot of rejections but I also had lots of successes. If one girl rejects you maybe you should be happy because maybe she has some issues herself.....so if she rejects you, you do not talk to her anymore. Very simple. Just turn it around.


Hi guys, thanks for the thoughtful replies.

She got back to me, just wants to be friends. I'm more than happy with that  8)

Today felt a lot better than yesterday, one day down one more to go!


Today was eventful, think I had a night terror last night, vague memories of moaning and screaming in my room. Not had a proper night terror in years.

Today I managed to fall out with my eldest brother who is also one of my best friends, over something trivial. He's under a lot of pressure from his work and I triggered him - this wasn't my intention.

It's all resolved now and were mates again.

I think I suffer from anxiety, I can't stop crying today. I was fighting the tears back at work. I feel mentally exhausted now...

Porn is the last thing on my mind though!  :p

How do I add a day counter to my post? I last PMO'd on Sunday. I felt numb doing it and got very little pleasure out of it at all.

My recent addiction I was PMOing nightly, or every two to three days, couldn't go more than three days without, but I feel stronger now and am confident I can get through to next week.

I lasted a month before, and it became difficult around the 30 day mark, so will have to keep an eye out for triggering situations or events.


Woo! found a counter! eight days in and feeling pretty good about that

Except today was tough, I didn't want to use but I felt a bit empty, a bit agitated. Was a tiny bit snappy with people at work and my mum at home. I'm trying to eat healthier and do a bit of exercise, have a goal which conicides with my 90 day reboot of losing at least two stone, as I know i'll feel amazing for it and look hot as hell  8)

Went to an old friend's wedding on the weekend and it was beautiful, I came out happy for him, not feeling jealous but feeling a bit empty inside; i'd love to get married to some amazing woman and have loads of kids, but i'm frustrated as i'm not ready for it yet. I'm irresponsible, spend too much money, work in a dead end job, spend my free time until recently smoking weed and drinking every night to escape reality. At the wedding I purposely didn't drink too much but felt more depressed. Right now i'd usually be on my second beer and first joint and I feel depressed.

A close friend of mine from hasn't been in touch all weekend which is unusual for him.

He's an alcoholic stoner, a stand up guy but very emotionally damaged, ten years my junior and a lot of living to do, used to self-harm, drinks whilst at work, and gets high every day. I didn't invite him to a night out the weekend before last as every night out he becomes a bit of a liability and we all end up 'baby sitting him'.

He's an emotional wreck when he drinks, shouting, aggressive, crying, happy, every single emotion in the space of ten minutes. After a while it gets extremely tiring, I was a bit selfish not inviting him out but didn't want to feed his addictions, and fancied a break with a different circle of friends.

I feel more level headed, and still very 'conscious' started watching some Eckhart Tolle videos on Youtube on mindfulness and spirituality.


Had a great session with therapist last night, took myself out on the bike to watch the sunset by the beach, felt very good about myself.

Therapist told me he thinks my resolve and understanding is strong and he believed I could do it. He mentioned that my addiction may not be as strong as I think it is, that it is tied into my depression and compulsiveness. I eat too Mich, am overweight, used to drink a lot and spend too much money, and generally live beyond my means.

I'm starting to feel frustrated and get snappy with my mum who I live with. I hate being bored, have a lot of free time at work. Am considering joining an SA group local to me. I feel very strong in my resolve but am scared for the future and being weak.

This is the longest I've been without MO since my breakup. I'm quite proud of myself!

Gonna start hitting the gym next week, get some weight off over summer and by the end I'd like to treat myself if I achieve my weight loss goals. Maybe a beach holiday somewhere  8)


Wow 11 days without a hint of relapse! feel pretty good about that!  8) 8) 8)

Was having a chat with a colleague at work on the subject of strip clubs. I went to a stag do back in March and blew a lot of money on strippers in there, it was just me and another friend - the one I mentioned who is alcoholic and a light drug abuser who stayed in there, the rest of the stag party left to go somewhere else.

What a waste of money! and for nothing! even paying for sex was like paying for nothing for me! I felt so horrible after and depressed, that money could have gone into my savings and helped me towards a deposit for a house, or fix my long-broken car, sat in the garage looking sorry for itself!

What's done is done, but it was good to chat to an impartial person about it, and I got my point across without being too explicit and revealing my issues.

I have the problem of boredom these days, empty evenings with nothing to do. I used to play a lot of video games and watch a lot of movies/anime, but I don't really do that anymore as it doesn't interest me. I'm currently addicted to self-help videos on Youtube; Johnny Berba, Authenticmanwithin, Eckhart Tolle and the like.

Today felt a lot better, didn't snap or get shitty with my mum, I do find her a bit negative and she often says the wrong thing, she treats the house like a museum and won't let me contribute to anything. I can't stand the TV, and somehow don't find the patience to watch movies or series these days, I get too restless.

I'm starting an eight week training program next week, by the end I want to be at least a stone lighter as i've been overweight since I was 16 years old. And I think after my reboot i'm gonna try dating again- if I make it, which i'm sure I can do.


Day 13, weekend and little to no plans. I'm trying to recover a bit as i've not been sleeping well. Ended up taking an afternoon siesta but now i'm  wide awake  :mad:

No booze is easy, No junk food is easy, smoking i'm still doing, but all i've got at the moment is the internet. i'm a bit scared tonight.


Day 14, roasting hot here, went out on bike , and took some painkillers to ease my poor back. Was generally ok until about 4pm and I lost my temper over something minor, lashed out at my mum a bit, realised what I was doing but I went with it anyway. Slammed doors shouted and screamed and swore really loud.

I had outbursts like this all the time when I was younger, they went away with meds, I'm off meds now and I realise 'I am not my thoughts' but sometimes the thoughts are overwhelming.

I had no discipline as a child, was allowed to stay up late, I would sleep all day, drink as much beer as I could, eat whatever I wanted when I wanted and treated my mum like shit. And I got away with it.

I am the youngest of three brothers, my eldest is a really nice person but suffers from OCD, is hooked on SSRI anti depressants and struggles through life, my other brother is sanctimonious, patronizing, antisocial and introverted, I haven't spoken to him for over a year. We all have issues.

We were never an overly affectionate family, no hugs or little physical contact. We were taught to hide our emotions, not 'rock the boat' and do as dad says. I was always scared of him until later years. Now I accept him for who he is and love him for it. But we grew up in a dysfunctional environment cut off from the outside.

I think my mum is scared of me, she quickly changes channels when I enter the room, its her TV and her house, i'm tired of telling her she can watch what she wants, but she quickly flicks through channels trying to 'please me' when all I want is some company. She's partially deaf, narrow minded, and has some very backwards opinions on things, she doesn't encourage me to go out or do anything, generally puts down any ideas I have of bettering myself, and if she had it her way, i'd be lying in bed all day being hand fed by her.

I'm 34 and know not to listen to her, she has no control over me, but she is the only person in the house at the moment and she is very negative to be around. She is old and won't change her ways, I don't want to fall out with her but I find it incredibly difficult to find middle ground with her, I can't be in the same room as her without being agitated and having to leave.


Staff member
Is there any chance you could make a move into living independently, Viffer? It might be just what you need to enter the next phase of your life. It sounds like you're ready to be your own man.
