59 days in. Need some encouragement! Feeling vulnerable to a relapse

Hi all,

I'm at day 59 of overcoming my addiction. Things have been going really well except for this past few days. I've found myself looking at P sites, finding images just short of actual P, and actually getting close to PMO-ing. I have come so far and don't want to relapse. Can someone please send me some support - I could really use it right now.


Stay strong brotherman!
I was having some insane urges and posted a similar thread a little while ago, Gabe hooked me up with some good advice. He said to print out some of the science and articles from YBOP.com and go read them outside in a public place! make it tough, need to definitely get off the computer and being alone is not ideal! I have battled that quite a few times now.

I have also found going and doing something works well too, clean out your garage, or do something outside!


Active Member
Congratulations mate 59 days, that's a big step in the right direction. Honestly being active and avoiding being alone is definitely the best bet and having an objective helps to, are there any goals that you want to accomplish?, what about hobbies that you enjoy doing?. If you get thoughts just accept them and let them pass and it'll get easier. Best of luck too you!


New Member
stay strong brother!! :)

the more you want to avoid thinking about porn,the more you think about it,
so stop thinking about it and think about other else,

if there are some pic trigger you then just think "oh there were girl,its okay--->click other else sites

if you still see P site,then you still think about it

forget about P,forget it ever existed ;)
Hi everyone,

I'm very sorry to say that I relapsed yesterday  :-[

If I had waited a little longer and seen your support, it definitely would not have happened, so I want to thank you for those words of encouragement.

After nearly 60 days, I found myself in a situation where I almost found it inevitable and could not control myself. I learned a lot - mainly that being on my own around a computer with no real plans make the temptation very difficult to avoid. Also, because it had been nearly 2 months, and I had been doing such a good job, I hadn't been as disciplined as I should have been around triggers and let them get to me. The addiction continues even many months after full abstinence of the activity.

I am proud of going 59 days. I am embarrassed and ashamed, but I also feel like I have learned a lot. My PIED is gone and I feel so much more normal - things with my girlfriend are really great. But, I would still like to continue to live my life free from my addiction. So, I'll go another 2 months, minimum, so that all of this effort was not for naught.

Could you all consider checking up on my journal entries for encouragement? I know it doesn't seem like much, but it helps to have someone out there rooting for you. I am doing this without telling anyone I have actually met in person, so sometimes it feels very mental. Even just a note would be much appreciated, and I'll help you out when the time comes.



Active Member
Hy Mate
Congratulations on making 59 days. Sad to hear about the relapse, however your were victorious for 2 months. I bet you you learned a lot about yourself and your addiction. It is not time that were wasted. Glad to hear you are still positive and that you are motivated to give it another go.
I Know exactly how you feel. Today I'm on day 60 and I can tell you it is more difficult than ever. I've been struggling with my addiction for 40 years. Not easy to stop, however after I was caught red handed by my wife, things had to change.
Up till now it was a breeze, but the last I would say 4 days it really was a struggle. Especially like some of the others mentioned, I think part of what makes it so difficult is that I've been entertaining the thought more than I have over the time before then. So yes thinking about PMO is actually instigating you to want to do it.
I'm married to my wife now for 9 years and together we decided to do a reboot of 90 days. For us this means that we are not even having sex during this time. I never thought that I would be able to even make a week. Now I'm this far, and all of a sudden it is like the temptation is even more than when I started. So definitely I would say, stop thinking about it. Keep yourself busy. Don't find yourself in just your own company, this is dangerous. Stay active on the blog, read others stories. This will encourage and motivate you. Try not to depend on your own strength. This is like walking on thin ice!
Would like to hear from you!
I still need to post my story, hopefully soon.
Many thanks for the words Victory. Things have been going well since then. Perhaps the relapse was my complacency coupled with the fear of having it happen. Nothing to do but keep soldiering on - I have learned so much about myself since then, it has been well worth it.

Hopefully I can go another 60 days and onward!


Active Member
Hopefully?, No you can do it or at least that's what you should be telling yourself. No question if you put your mind to it, you surely will succeed. Don't let yourself down, let yourself shine. I believe in you mate and I wish you the best of luck.


Active Member
Hi LarrySheets
Glad that you learned from your relapse. This is what it is about. We must learn from our mistakes. I forgot who said it first, but it goes something like this. -*- If we keep on doing the same things over and over and expect different results, we are bordering on insanity. -*-
So yes learn from your mistakes and move on.


PS if you want to go read my journal,"Victory over PMO". I'm going to update it now and share something very interesting that happened to me earlier on this morning.


G'day mate!

59 days, wow, congrats, that is a solid effort and you should be proud. For a person like myself who is yet to go past 30 days I totally respect and admire that streak!

I have relapsed so many times over the past attempts at a reboot (most recently yeesturday) but you, provide inspiration.

Keep going strong mate!!

Look forward to read your journal and many others!