Struggling to go a day with no fap


New Member
I'm 18 and I've been telling myself for a week I'm going to quit and no luck. I just wake up every morning with terrible morning wood and my cell phone. I don't use porn videos but I do use pictures, I don't know if that's also bad for the brain but I can say I'm a chronic masturbator, I've known for a while. There have been days I've done it 5 times a day, usually I go twice. Either porn videos or pictures. I've only gone a week one time, and that was when I was very depressed and I ended up forcing myself because of the semen leakage (I just read the article on it and realized I should have continued on).
I would like to quit in hopes of raising my testosterone levels, I've always felt like I had lower levels than other men. And frankly knowing I masturbate everyday and don't get any girls becasue of social anxiety has not made it easier on me. I'm tired of it, yet I give in all the time to it. I can't do my homework without thinking of masturbating. I've placed my cell phone and laptop in a seperate room and still had the urge to masturbate. I can't concentrate if I don't masturbate first, and then when I'm done with my homework and have nothing to do, it makes me wanna masturbate again. I also can't do many activities do my lack of motivation and social anxiety.
I need help


Well-Known Member
To start with, if you havn't already done so, go here:
Equip yourself with the knowledge of what's happened to your brain, and why quitting will help.

Secondly, and this is a difficult step for some: Delete ALL of your porn, erotica and anything else that 'revs your motor' so to speak.  If you're serious about giving up porn, you don't need it.

Thirdly, I don't know if it works on mobile devices, but install K9 web filter.  It blocks porn sites - all the information is on their page:

Many people get morning wood, most of the time it isn't due to sexual arousal at all.  It's to do with stuff like REM patterns and the pressure of a full bladder (I'm no doctor, so don't quote me on that :p ) So your morning wood isn't your body telling you it's time for sex, it's just an involuntary consequence of sleep.  Just ignore it and take a cold shower ;)

Boredom is one of the biggest triggers for PMO, so find a hobby, find ways to fill your time, find reasons to leave the house, or just go for a walk if your homework is finished.  Everyone's different, so everyone will find different things help the process.  You can visit the aforementioned YBOP website for tips and accounts.

Good luck, quitter!  I'm starting over from day 1 again, but even cutting down a little is great progress.


Your problem is, you don't have a good reason to quit porn for good yet. You are like a smoker who knows, that smoking may cause cancer at some point, but not right now. So - get a good reason to stop.

I recommend using your time you spend on porn on working on overcoming your social anxiety and start talking to girls and try to get a girlfriend. That requires you to get out of your comfort zone though - and porn is your go-to comfort zone it would seem.

Good luck! You are very young, things will work out.