This seems impossible..


I'm hate porn but I can't stop going back to it. I've tryed for so long (year and a half) n I just recently kinda gave up. I just can't stop. No one can help me everyone thinks porn is no big deal and is harmless.. they have no idea. I've tryed everything to stop cold showers prayer meditation exercise being positive went to therapy a couple time I've told people I'm my family to see if they could help which they didn't just made me feel stupid for thinking porn is harmful AF! I know there's other struggling like this but for those who struggle like a mother and finally beat this..any advice ..I just don't know what to do anymore..this is impossible for me..I can't do it:c I wanna post my whole story but that would take a long time I have a long terrible story with porn. That first orgasm to porn was the biggest regret in my life. I just turned 18 also. Very lonely got a phone with luck. I just wanna runaway and live in the middle of nowhere with no access to porn until I beat this.. but I have to wait to get some money but that what I think imma do.. I mean its everywhere I got hide from it I guess

Gabe Deem

Staff member
@ lilnavadaa
they have no idea. I've tryed everything to stop cold showers prayer meditation exercise being positive went to therapy a couple time I've told people I'm my family to see if they could help which they didn't just made me feel stupid for thinking porn is harmful AF!

Well you are at the right place because we know porn can be harmful AF...

My advice to you is learn as much as you can about this addiction. Read all the sticky threads on this site, and go to and study the information presented there.

My other piece of advice would be to stop telling yourself and this community things like "this is impossible for me.. I can't do it :c" because that is not true. Addiction is a bitch, but you can break away from it, as many others have before you. Keep fighting and learn from your mistakes.

Instead of getting down on yourself, dust yourself off and try again.. BUT, write down everything that happened leading up to your relapse. What were your triggers? How did you feel? What was your reasoning for watching porn? Was it to experience pleasure? or avoid pain?

If you were chasing pleasure, and this was my reason for watching porn, then you need to understand that porn is actually against your pleasure in the long run, and can take you to a place where it is actually harder to feel pleasure in general. Knowing that was enough for me to stay away. Well... that and my dick not working.

If you are avoiding pain, then you need to fix the issues that are driving you to use porn.

Regardless of which one you are, you need to fill your time up with healthy, productive activities and pursue the things you want in life. Change your mindset form "I need to stay away from porn" to something like " I need to workout, do better at my job, talk to real people..etc etc."

The reboot process is a very difficult process and can be very painful, but know that the pain is temporary and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

If you are chasing pleasure, know that life without porn is more pleasurable. If you avoiding pain, know that life consumed with porn is more painful.

Hope the best for you man. Welcome to the Nation


Yeah this is the right place for you. I'm also a victim of porn but since I joined this community I have been feeling victorious and I believe I'm going to win verry soon. So please do not give up! I know we are going to make it through.


Like Gabe said you need to occupy yourself

Focus on INCLUSION rather than exclusion. When you start focusing on things that you would like to include in your life and make changes to suite that lifestyle you wish to obtain, the stuff you wish to exclude suddenly seem to decrease in severity and become background noise. It's not a silver bullet but it's definitely much needed momentum


Thank you all that replyed ..your right I made a mistake saying it seems impossible ..but it just seems that way .. that what the addiction makes you think and feel.. this community seems to be motivating me ..letting me know I'm not alone and others are going through the same thing.. I will never give up .. read my new and better post called this is life in darkness but there's light too:)