My first step to recovery...writing on here


New Member
I just failed again. I managed to go 12 days without any masturbation and that was it for me. I just spent about 15 min in the bathroom staring at a wall and wishing I had a good scotch. I'm 24 years old and I've never successfully completes intercourse with a woman. The longest I've gotten was when I was backpacking for 4 months and I went about 5 weeks without masturbation. I had sex with a girl for 10 min and then it went soft.

My erectile dysfunction is ruining my life. I have so much regret with the girls I've had in the past. I've never had a problem meeting a girl. It's keeping her that is the problem. The amount of lies and the amount of bull$hit I've said for not being able to get it up is ridiculous. I'm ashamed for some of the things I've said. I met a girl a few weeks ago and the time for sex came and as usual I couldn't get it up. I said a little white lie on why it didn't happen. I saw her yesterday. Everything was good. I had been 12 days without any masturbation and I was getting hard, I was getting excited. Unfortunately she was on her period. But I'm suppose to see her again next week and I could see how hopeful she was. She made me promise that the next time I see her to be in the same mood as I was yesterday. But I know it's not going to happen.

I'm going to lose this girl, just like I've lost all the other ones. It doesn't phase me anymore. Which in itself is a clue that something is wrong. But I need to finally fix this. I need to take control of my life. The source of my problem is my laptop and internet. I'm going to give it to my parents and make due with my phone. Start training again, reading more books. Like I did when I was backpacking. I just feat that I will grow an old man, filled with regret. I just want to be normal. I want to meet someone for real and not lie to them. I just don't know if I can do it. I've tried so many times in the past and I fail each and every time. I hope this time is different....

I'll try and post here on a weekly basis on my progress. Wish me luck! And to all of you who are also beginning this unpleasant journey I hope you will make it. Good luck!


When you were backpacking for 4 months did you watch porn? That seems like a good amount of time to be away from porn to help?