Say NO


Active Member
Today, I feel weak, and strong, and motivated, and fearful!

I feel porn trying to draw me in, but I shout back, NO!!!

I don't need porn. I have an awesome fianc? who loves me, who is always there for me, who even hugs and holds me when she is sleeping.

When has pixels on a screen ever done that.

When has those producers ever done that. Those sick people who exploit girls to get guys to come to their websites, earning money from advertisers, and even memberships! How have those sicko bastards ever helped anybody.

Did they ever help those girls? No. Unless you want to think, a girl having to go to a hospital because she has a big welt in their vagina that needs to be drained - yup, that's one of the things that happens to the girls you watch on the screen. But she's not a person, she's just pixels - nothing happens to those pixels right!!!!

And what do we get for watching digital pixels of a girl who needs to get a welt drained in her vagina? A shrinking reward system, a shrinking front lobe and that means, depression, bad judgement, PIED, PIDE, anxiety, suicidal thoughts!!!

WHY do guys want to be selfish, when being selfish could cost you your life if the perfect storm happens.

Two years ago, before I knew porn did that, I use to walk pass busses on my way to work and think, I hate my life and job so much, I should just walk in front of this bus right now.

I didn't, I pushed through that pain. But since I have been seeking porn freedoms for over a year now, with a current streak of 34 days, I haven't had those thoughts for over 10 months now!!!

Stop being selfish, and get your life back! It is possible!


Active Member
Over 60 days now.

My entire mindset has changed. The always in a hurry, try to get things done immediately, always slightly angry about things mindset I have been running in for the past 10+ years has changed.

I enjoy taking my time doing things now. The little things that did bother me don't bother me anymore. Everything is fantastic.

It started to happen around day 56-60, so the recovery is even better than expected, and I can't wait to see what happens in the next 60 days.