New member looking for some answers


New Member
    I am a new member and would like to thank those who are responsible for this site.  I as I believe most who come here had no idea there were as many people out there in the same situation. 
    I completley understand and agree with cutting the cord to internet pron is the right step and doing it cold turkey for me is the correct path for me.  My question is about videos my partner and I have made.  I do not feel these videos are detrimental as the participants and actions are of  the two of us.  I use them when my partner is away to help produce the physical pleasure I crave.
    I know now after many years of internet use the right coarse of action is cutting the cord but do I need to do the same with our personel videos.

    Thank you for your time.


this is a grey area, just like sexy pics of your partner, sexting, using a video or text chat with sexual focus etc. You are interacting with a real partner here, but the way you are doing it resembles porn. But of course an explicit picture of your own partner only meant for you is not porn. The same is true for the videos you are asking about.

Porn is a vague term, the problem is artificial stimulation. You should ask yourself, is this artifical stimulation?

A few months into my reboot, my gf sent me a sexy pic of herself. It was hard not touching myself to it and I could not resist. It only took a few moments to get a dopanine rush I was very familiar with - it felt like I was using porn. I do not feel like that when I am actually with her. There are quite big differences between these two kinds of libido for me, I call one my porn libido and the other my real libido - and both are strong, but different from each other. And the pic fired up my porn libido. In a rare moment of mental strength, I stopped before I did what I would have had to count as a relapse. It was the only time, I almost relapsed during my whole reboot so far.

So this is a personal decision with no clear answer. I know the answer for myself, but I can't say if you feel the same way. If it fires up the porn-pathways, even if it is not "porn" per se, then I would avoid MOing to it.


Active Member
I think masturbating to vids of a partner is fine for NON addicts but your brain is a bit different and this is why there is confusion.  Like Mart71 mentioned it can have the same effects as porn so why risk it?


The problem is that from your brain's point of view, whether it's your partner or not, it'll be pixels, thus porn. And I believe that in order to cure this addiction, we need to remove any artificial stimulation. Any arousal that's not  the real deal will at least set you back, if not trigger and make you relapse.
When I quit porn I also deleted all the nude pictures of my girlfriend from my computer. I think your brain doesn't see a lot of differences between an unknown porn actress and your girlfriend. The point, I think, is sex through this fucking computers!