Relapsed and need advice.


Hello, so I have relapsed.. I call it relapsing, although I did not "M" or "O." I just watched porn for an hour and it was everyday for three or four days. Just peeking and I would look at gifs... Although I didn't "M" or "O," I still feel I relapsed. I was about a month and half out of porn and was free and felt better, especially when I was just focusing on touch and not image. After I relapsed, I felt the after math or the struggle to get off porn was harder and made me feel more hopeless and anxious while stopping again. I haven't watched it for about a couple days now or looked up images. probably two or three days now. Is it possible that it makes you feel worse and suffer more if you relapse. My objectifying was limited and I wouldn't compare others to pornstars but when I go back I couldn't stop but comparing and having images and feeling anxiety and wanting more. But it felt worse and horrible than the beginning and the first time I tried to quiet.. This was my first relapse or "LONG PEEK."

Anywho.. I would just like some people to explain what they went through when they relapsed and put my fears and anxiety at ease. Thank you for reading and if any advice comes than thank you =)


Hi. Am starting tomorrow with my recovery hopefully we could take this jurney together and strengthen ourselves.