what should I do


Active Member
Hi all i don't know what to say but i will say it directly
My porn flavor escalated and the old flavors dosent give me a bit of sense and I don't know what should I do and weither if i quitted will vanilla type let me feel horny and high again?!
D_F said:
So, having had two half-year periods of sobriety, I'll say this:  it depends.

If your recovery is "active" (i.e., it includes meditation, writing, meetings, posting), then what will happen is that your more extreme fantasies will begin to die down after a few months of sobriety.  They may not go away completely, as they may have become imprinted, but it will get to the point where you could go months without having a more extreme fantasy, as I did.  And yes, the vanilla stuff will turn you on again.  However, if you just try to white-knuckle it, then probably not.

Also, this is a very good reason to quit using porn as soon as you can.  Every time I had a hard relapse, my brain not only picked up right where I left off, but started building on top of those more extreme fantasies within days.  Quitting and staying sober helps to ensure that your brain doesn't run away from you like this.

Did your hard relapses include extreme porn?

I MOd today after 68 days of hard mode but I am actually feeling quite positive as I didn't need Porn to have an erection or achieve orgasm.