Recent content by Ghope:@#

  1. G

    Progress (Day 40)🎉🎉🎉

    Hurrayy... Glory to God, today marks day 40 for me. I feel happy as I type this. I'll keep on saying this, don't forget that you are a child of God and you are strong 💪💪... Btw I'm an introvert and I've recently noticed that I've been more social with other people, even if it's still a work in...
  2. G

    Day 25

    Today marks my day 25. Happy that I've been going smoothly in this journey. Glory to God. We all shall overcome, God is always with us. We all can do this????🙏🏽. We are strong 🌟🌟🌟. I've been worrying alot these days about stuffs in my life, but prayer has been helping. After 9 years of pmoing...
  3. G


    Day 15. Glory to God. Keep on moving Fam, let's all win together. We are stronger than we think
  4. G


    As you count your days, ensure your days also count Day 7. Glory to God
  5. G

    Learn from your failures

    The last time I posted here was  Nov 2 2020, 6 days after that I relapsed again, after which I was sad but decided to get back up. Then I started my journey again and lasted till last week which was 82 solid dayss, I felt bad and then I binged again hours later. Then I went 3 days(yesterday)...
  6. G


    Hey guys, so today is my 9th day and I edged....I feel sad cuz I watched P and I M'od but I didn't O'sm. I know what my trigger is and when the temptation came, I stayed in my trigger and one thing led to another and I watched P and M'od. I felt bad honestly, but there's no point feeling bad cuz...
  7. G

    Journal Day 5.....let's goooooo

    Day 5 Hello y''s my day 5...phew, no giving up. Keep on pushing. Btw on my day 3 I was with my smart phone device and the thoughts were trying to take control and make me loose guard, but thank God I didn't fall for it. I noticed this occured  at the moment when I was done with what I...
  8. G


    last month I discovered nofap and I went 41days and the relapsed, since then I've been relapsing continuously,  yesterday I relapsed and told myself it's time to take a stand and stop this. So today is my Day 1 on this journey of recovery again...I believe I'll beat this habit