Recent content by Thomas1026

  1. T

    REBOOT&REWIRE journal

    Day 4 6/10 I made some achievement today. It is not bad. I made some improvements compare to yesterday. One change I made is that I allow myself to watch YouTube on Wednesday. Originally, it is not acceptable. I only allow myself to watch YouTube on weekends. But watching all the videos I want...
  2. T

    REBOOT&REWIRE journal

    DAY 3 7/10 I finished my morning routine today. It was not bad. The only thing matters is that I should put praying after the ERP. AND the journaling time should be shorter. Anyway, I didn’t get up on time. I need a plan to help me get up on time after workout. Problem one: I distract myself on...
  3. T

    Breaking Out of Relapse After Success?

    I think you should sit down and write down your deeper inner thoughts. If you are unwilling to go through the withdrawal all over again, that means you are not fully committed to quit porn. Only fully committing to yourself can you help the battle. Yes, the porn actor is sexy, but tell yourself...
  4. T

    REBOOT&REWIRE journal

    Day 2 Score: 5/10 Today is not good not bad. I had a wet dream last night, so I feel pretty uncomfortable.But I managed to hit the gym. I can feel my strength is increasing. The problem is that I need a plan. I can't just walk around without any purpose. In addition, I watched too much TV show...
  5. T

    Advices and encouragements for quitting porn

    This is truly helpful. Thank you!
  6. T

    REBOOT&REWIRE journal

    Day 1 Today is actually the second day. But yesterday I did nothing but trying to pull me out of frustration and despair. Today, I hit the gym for two hours. My current bodyweight is 58kg, and my bench is 62.5 kg. I haven't make progress last week because of my multiple relapses. But I didn't...
  7. T

    Advices and encouragements for quitting porn

    I think the biggest problem is my determination. I always want to quit pornography because it is ruining my life that every aspects of my life is bad. But I can't be fully committed to quit because I still enjoy the new stimulation of different porn scenes and actors. Yesterday, I relapsed...