Recent content by FutaRuinedHim

  1. F

    The Post-Reboot P/M Conversation...

    Yesterday, I began a conversation with my SO about the prospect of whether or not he planned on using P after his reboot (however long that takes). I'm worried because while he said he wouldn't use it right away and maybe just resort to M from time to time, he seems to think it'll be ok for him...
  2. F

    Has anyone seen that movie "Don Jon?" What are your thoughts?

    I saw the movie "Don Jon" the other day, and it had some parallels to what I've been dealing with. Also some different aspects to the story. I was interested to get other people's take on it if anyone here has seen it. If not, definitely relevant subject matter to what many on here go through.
  3. F

    On the road to recovery, there are drivers, and there are passengers.

    This is my first journal entry. I posted in the forum for partners and families of rebooters about how my boyfriend has developed PE as a result of heavy porn use. That is kind of my backstory so I would recommend viewing that first. My entries will be long on average as I'm a writer and this is...
  4. F

    Boyfriend has developed issue with PE as a result of heavy and odd porn use.

    I apologize for the sheer length of this post but this problem has been building for a long time and I have a lot to say. I wanna start by saying how relieved I was to find this site and YBOP because it made me realize that I'm not alone in this situation and that I'm not crazy or letting sex...