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  1. T

    Hidden Relapse

    My husband has been on his journey of recovery since last February, 6 months before we got married. He did all the right things; started seeing a therapist, put accountability software on his phone, set up support systems, started coming on here, meditation, journaling, healthy diet and...
  2. T

    Finding the connection between the person and the addict

    One of the  toughest battles I have been having with this process is understanding my PA as an addict. There is so much disconnect between what I know and love about him and what his addiction has done to us. He is so loving, respectful and protective of me. Yet through his addiction he...
  3. T

    New to the forum. Looking for hope.

    The relationship with my PA started out wonderfully. We were one of those cases of two best friends falling in love with each other. I though I had the advantage of knowing his flaws before I stated dating him because we were best friends. We had an amazing relationship and I had never been...