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  1. G

    When do we start rewiring?, my reboot so far: 1) One streak of 40 days. Relapsed. Binged. Back to square one. 2) One streak of 47 days. Relapsed once. Lasted 20 seconds on a pic. No binging. Progress still there. 3) Been on hard mode since that last relapse, It's been 14 days. Had one wet dream. Some morning...
  2. G I relapsed on day 47...

    Ok...there it is. It happened. So a matter of seconds. Some guy on a videogames forum posted a link to some twitter account, turns out if was the twitter of a P star. The rush was just too high, I jerked off for like 20 seconds on pictures and had to run to the bathroom so I didn't...
  3. G

    Unablity to love your GF

    Hi guys. I'm wondering if my unability to love my GFs is related to my porn addiction. This is the second time this year that I get into a relationship, and 2 months in, I still can't feel "in love". When we're walking in the streets I can't help but desire other women. Or if one day she...
  4. G

    Little tip that helps me when I get urges

    Hey guys, just thought I would share a little tip. Everytime I feel an urge to fap or watch porn, I ask myself these 3 questions: 1: Will acting on this temptation bring me long term satisfaction or instant gratification? 2: What will be the end result If i act out on this temptation? 3: If I...
  5. G

    Question on relapse after 40 days

    Hi guys. I'm 26 years old, been watching porn since i'm 14-15 years old. Started getting ED and DE about a year ago. After some googling, like most guys here I found yourbrainonporn and decided to reboot. I started my reboot on the 19th of march 2014. I didn't masturbate or watch porn for 40...