Re: 45 tired of pmo, and pied


Active Member
Thats good to hear ! Wow 30 days congratulations ! Keep up the great work! I am on day 14 today and am look forward to a great day. Got to find something to keep me busy but the weather is great and I am feeling energetic. Hope you have a great day as well. Hang in there and stay strong !


Active Member
Well it was official yesterday.  My account on the porn site is gone forever.when I closed it 31 days ago, it said I had 30 days to change my mind. It's been 31 days, and I damn sure haven't changed it. No thanks. I have to say it feels weird.  That was where I went to get away from everything. Time to move on. Stay strong guys.  Porn is not an option,  ever.


Active Member
Good for you in dumping that subscription! Speaking of paying for porn, I am just 12 days into my reboot, but when I was PMO'ing I would pay to download clips, watch them once, then delete them out of shame and guilt (and rightfully so). What a waste of money. But even more importantly, what a waste of time.


Active Member
Hello gentlemen.  One more day down. I'm glad I came back to reboot nation,  this is a good place to come to, and not be judged. I'm just trying not to think about it at all.


Active Member
Well it rains, it pours.I hurt my knee last week, and I was told by my doctor to go home, ice it, and definitely stay off it til I go see him on monday, to maybe get it drained.  This is great. I'm expected to sit here for 3 days, and be good. Guess what, I will be good. It might get tough for me though. Remember,  porn is no longer an option


Active Member
Well, look at the bright side-- the pain will make it more difficult to get up and go to your devices, lol.


Active Member
Had 2 busy days of cutting up a huge madrone, for next winters firewood.  I'm beat.  It's funny if I could just get on my favorite site and surf til the wee hours of the morning.  That is not going to happen anymore.  I'll be glad to get past this stage of my reboot. Stay strong porn is no longer an option, ever.


Active Member
Day 45, and nothing us getting easier,  in fact every day seems to be worse. I just keep having these thoughts about woman. Thoughts I shouldn't have. I try to think of something completely not sexual. I'm getting better, but it's a damn battle.  Someday this will all be behind me. I know one thing...Porn is never an option .


Well-Known Member
Bang on half way on your counter. That's awesome man. Keep going! You're reminding me of urges that I'm sure will be headed my way too. For my two peneth/cents, I'd say to remember urges pass and that these scenarios in the head are not the reality of a real woman/person.

Cheers, fyg.


Respected Member
Wow, I didn't know you were at 45 days! That's great.

Keep going buddy. I have faith in you.


Active Member
Thanks g u s for the support, it means the world to me. I'm just taking it one day at a time. I have these urges, and I know they will pass, and I know I will get less and less of them as the time passes. Porn is never an option


Well-Known Member
Jbow said:
Had 2 busy days of cutting up a huge madrone, for next winters firewood.  I'm beat.  Stay strong porn is no longer an option, ever.

Cutting down trees and logging them is my all-time, #1, favourite, antidote for P withdrawal. Very envious!!


Active Member
I've not been here for a bit, but the battle continues.  I think about p often throughout the day, but that's it. It's just a thought, and nothing more. I'm not very good at putting things into words, but I'll try. I think about how I feel after a pmo session, and that semi to be enough to keep me on the straight and narrow. I also know that my process of thinking,  and problem solving are so much more clearer. It semi like I can reason things out better. Stay strong gentlemen.  Porn is never an option..we don't need it.


Well-Known Member
Hey man. Great post. I love how you can use the knowledge that your thinking is so much clearer to keep on the path. I say this with you, not at you... Keep going man. Thanks for posting, Jbow.


Active Member
Hello rebooted. I've been off for a while. I was really struggling, then I had a dear friend die of cancer, and I just went on a long binge. I feel likely brain is I. Just a downward spiral.  It's time to get better. I've been thinking about getting back to the r.n. for a few days. I ready to improve myself. I got on my favorite p site, and just kind of got sick to my stomach. That means it's time to change. There has to be more for me than looking forward to getting off work and wasting the entire rest of my day, doing nothing but turning my brain to mish.


Respected Member
Welcome back Jbow. I'm back too.

This whole thing can be a real struggle. Slips and stumbles can feel like failures when one has been at this a long time but I also know that we have to keep a positive attitude. Move upward and onward.
