Re: 45 tired of pmo, and pied


Active Member
Here I go again. It's time for a change.  I've been listening to Gary Wilson and I think he's been following me around for the last 30 some years. I know for a fact all his stuff he talks about is based on me. It has to be. He knows me better than I know me


Active Member
Hey Jbow,

Welcome back! It's really time to stop this pmo addiction. Good of you for listening to Gary Wilson. That's one fine human being, enlightening us in darkness. Use all your weaponry to kick this addiction from your life. Good luck and keep writing!



Active Member
It's day 4 or 5 . Getting the withdrawal stuff I've had before. I was expecting it. I'm going to hold on tight. It will pass.  I'm staying clean.


Active Member
I'm on day 8. I feel awesome.  I'm trying not to let myself be idle for too long. I've been exercising on my treadmill 3 day a week. Notice I didn't say running. Lol. I'd hardly say what I've been doing is running. Anyways that is the best thing I can do for myself. Exercise is key if I want to best this thing. Stay strong.


Active Member
Friday night, the fam is in bed, and I'm all alone with a computer in my hand. Right now is the time for a smart decision. I'm gonna read a few r.n. stories, realize where I want to be in a month, 6 months, or a year. I know I don't want to be a dopamine junkie anymore.  Time for a change. Only I can make that happen. This shouldn't be so difficult.  Stay strong. Porn is no longer an option


Active Member
I'm telling you, exercise is so important.  I'm going to try meditation.2weeks pmo  free. 


Active Member
3 weeks and day. I get up on Monday,  Wednesday,  and Friday and run o. My treadmill for about an hour.  I feel so good exercising.  The nice thing about 6 o'clock at night  is that all I want to do is go to bed. Hey, whatever works. It's kind of funny, I'm not even think I g about porn. It's like My best friend and imo longer speak. Yaaaaaaa!


Active Member
I'm almost one month clean. I've noticed over the last couple of days I've been thinking about P more. I know I need to work past that crap. I'm keeping up the fight.


Respected Member
I am so proud of you buddy. You are showing a great understanding of what needs to be done to move past this; begin life anew.



Active Member
Thank you Bob. I know you are battling too. We will beat this. It may take us a couple different attempts, but we will win.


Active Member
Hello Jbow,

Congratulations on 1 month!
The PMO habit is very sneaky, so please be on the watch.
And keep replacing the bad with the good.



Active Member
Thank you IWTL. I hope I'm ready for anything this nasty addiction tries to throw my way. I was alone for a few hours today and I was on guard. One month down and 2 to go for my short term plan. No looking back now


Active Member
Another weekend down, and I'm feeling great. I've changed my diet, I'm exercising regularly, and focusing on me getting mentally stronger. There's no looking back. Stay strong and pork is no longer an option.


Active Member
Another weekend down, and I'm feeling great. I've changed my diet, I'm exercising regularly, and focusing on me getting mentally stronger. There's no looking back. Stay strong and pork is no longer an option.


Active Member
Something is off. I'm about a month and a half into my reboot, and for some odd reason I'm not even thinking about porn. It's almost like me and my brain have just moved on. I'm exercising regularly,  and eating g healthy. When I'm at work I do t think about porn at all. I use to sit therein my truck and be on the edge of surfing that crap. I don't think about it. Maybe I've finally realized it's a dead end street, and I have nothing , and i mean nothing to gain by watching it.


Active Member
I'm 93 days clean. Things are a little bit better. I'm been ongoing for 30 some years, so I'm not surprised I'm "healed". I'm going to move forward,and keep up the fight. I will get better, those ruts I've established will take at least 2 years.


Active Member
Congratulations Jbow. 93 days wow?its amazing !
It has been an extraordinary effort, keep fighting for the next 93 days.
I'm 49 days clean and I must to tell you that I don't need porn in my life now and I don't miss it except some craving days, but there are psubs and things that I have to deal with yet.

Congratulations again mate.


Active Member
April 1st. I had a slip. My wife and kids took a trip without me, and I had a day. One out of 98 isn't bad. I'll start my new counter. I'm still a better father,  and husband than I was 100days ago. I'm gonna keep fighting.


Active Member
Unlucky on the slip up, but I applaud you for having a forgiving attitude - as you say, you've obviously made good progress in other terms. Punishing yourself (speaking from my experience) never achieved anything.



Active Member
Thank you for the support karzam.  Luck had nothing to do with it. I made a poor decision .