The Evolution of A Secret


I have a deep dark secret. It is a secret that brought me an overwhelming sense of shame and guilt.  But I am however very good at keeping secrets. My job and profession depends on it.  You see I am a psychotherapist?a marriage and family therapist to be exact. Confidentially is the hallmark of the profession.  In addition to my profession as therapist, I am also a clergy person.  And these are only two of the many reasons the secret has been so deep and dark. 

The truth is I know better.  I know what it looks like when I see it in others.  I know that keeping it a secret only perpetuates the problem. It makes the illness either get worse or just fester under the surface. It can potentially damage all the true and significant relationships I have. It can injure not only myself but do some terrible emotional harm to those people that mean the most to me.

Oh you would never know or even imagine that this secret exists.  I am respected in my community. People trust me with their own secrets and emotions.  They look to me for spiritual guidance and hold me up as an example to be followed.  The fa?ade is a great one? The secret is, I am addicted to porn. But now that the secret is out, I have the resolve and commitment to truly and finally do what I need to do to end this insanity.

My story is probably not too uncommon. It all probably started at about age 12 or 13 when I went on a hunting trip with my dad.  We stayed in this old tobacco barn converted to a cabin or ?hunting lodge?.  It was the quintessential man cave complete with stuffed deer heads, guns, ammo, whiskey and a whole stack of Playboy and Penthouse magazines (circa 1970?s). It was the perfect goldmine for a boy just coming into puberty.  I remember sometime that weekend I had the opportunity to be in that little cabin by myself and being drawn to that stack of magazines like a moth to a flame.  It was just glorious? I could feel the blood rushing to my head and the instant erection.  But at that age, and in my innocent way, I did not know about masturbation yet.  That would come some years later.

Later in my teens I seemed to gravitate towards those ?dirty magazines? that seemed to be readily available either from neighborhood friends or finding someone else?s stash.  One time I and another friend found an old dryer someone had dumped.  Jackpot!! It was full of magazines and the golden ticket? Hustler magazines. The rush I felt was indescribable. But those feelings I kept hidden.

Then around age 16, right after I started driving, a friend and I ventured to a drive-in theater that showed adult films after 11:00 at night.  I will never forget that first sex scene and how I was just in awe that I could actually see this right on the silver screen.  The dopamine rush was incredible. Again, I kept those feelings hidden and our activity secret.

Fortunately at that time, there was no internet and going to porn movies was something you had to be sneaky about.  You never would want anyone know you were doing such things, especially the parents, the folks at church or your girlfriends. It was just something you did with your buddies or by yourself (if you got lucky enough to brave going by yourself; that way you could jerk off while watching the movie).

None of the magazines or movies seemed to affect sexual performance in those days.  I guess it was all spaced far enough apart and there were real relationships to focus on. Plus I had youth on my side and a very healthy libido. My first sexual experiences(with an actually woman) were probably pretty normal.  There was heavy petting with a girlfriend in high school.  My first intercourse was with my first wife and we had a pretty ?normal? sexual relationship, but in retrospect, I can see now it was not a healthy one.  You see it was about the time I got married that VHS came out and boom! Welcome to porn movies in the privacy of your own home! Besides that, the video rental place I went to had a whole adult section with too many to choose from. So I would find those times when I could sneak and rent a movie. This was the perfect storm for my addiction. It was also during this time that I began to venture into strip clubs with some of the guys from work.  But the strip clubs were not private or secret. Porn was better. It was private. It was a secret.

In looking back, I can see now how that whole phase in my life (late 1980?s) and the introduction of readily available porn lead me to years of porn use and ultimately into the black hole of addiction I developed.  The ability to keep it secret and the ready availability kept it going strong.  Even when I would get caught or vow to myself and my wife that I would never do it again, I would always gravitate back to its use.  I can say now, it really was pornography that was the catalyst for ending my first marriage.  Of course it was more complicated than that, but I did let my addiction to sex rule and wreak havoc on that relationship.

When I moved to the city I live in now in the early 90?s I began dating again and would seek out relationships that were potentially sexual. That was until I met my wife.  She was in many ways different. I guess I knew intrinsically I was searching for something more.  And to put it in religious terms, God was leading me in a different direction.

Shortly before we got married, my wife confronted me about some porn magazines I had kept.  I also had small stash of VHS movies I kept.  I got rid of them and made a promise to not watch or look at that stuff again. During that same time the internet was just starting to explode.  Of course in those days the internet was mainly used for email, static websites and downloading music.  When I did relapse and seek out porn, all you could find in those days were static pictures.  Which was probably a good thing; they just didn?t give the dopamine rush of movies. I don?t really know how to measure if I was truly addicted at that point, but I did manage to stay away from looking at porn images for several years.

Then in the early 2000?s this wonderful thing called high speed internet came into being.  Still, I managed to stay away from the porn just because the opportunity to look at it was not there.  I didn?t have a much time by myself and I was now a parent and wanted to definitely keep that secret from my daughter.  Not only that, but I was then in the process of discerning a call to ministry. 

The crazy part about all this is I was able to create for myself a compartmentalized mentality and rationalization about the porn.  Yes, I knew it was not a good idea to look at it and I knew it was potentially damaging and ?sinful?.  And because I was so good at keeping it a secret and because the rest of my life was so ?normal? and even successful, I kept it in the shadows and hidden from literally everyone around me.

Sometime around 2005 or so, I began traveling some in my job with the mental health agency I was working for at the time.  Well that is when the addiction took off full force.  Getting a hotel room with free high speed internet was just the ticket to feed this thing festering under the surface.  I would spend hours upon hours in clicking from one streaming video to another.  I even got so brash as to download a few, but that did not provide enough novelty.  So I would waste hours in the evenings, staying up until 2 or 3 in the morning, surfing and streaming porn.  I would go the next day into work and be exhausted, then drive the 5 hour trip home. Still, no one knew.  It was a secret.

It was also during this time that I was becoming less and less interested in my wife sexually. She was picking up on this and was questioning my lack of being able to get an erection and my avoidance of normal affection and sex. She thought it was her.  And the thing I regret the most is for her to think there was something wrong with her all these years. There were several times throughout those days when she would become furious with me.  She wanted and craved the closeness of making love.  But I was not able to perform. I would blame it on my blood pressure medication or make the excuse that I was just getting older. I did ask my doctor for some Viagra which he gave me. But I would rarely if ever use it.  I had no interest in a normal, healthy, sexual relationship with my wife.  My libido was gone and my desire for human contact was null. The drug of porn had taken over.  And I had let it happen?

We would have sex sporadically, but the times in between would get longer and longer.  We would go months, then years without any sexual contact. What my wife didn?t know was it had nothing to do with her, although I know for sure she thought it was.  The thought of having normal sex terrified me.  I had gotten to the place that I could only seem to get an erection with the use of porn.  And even those erections were not full erections.  I would ejaculate quickly and then have these sinking feelings of guilt and shame that I would quickly suppress or compartmentalize. I had developed a full fledge case of porn induced erectile dysfunction.

My porn ?habit? became pretty consistent. When given the time and the opportunity, I would carefully get online, hide my history, and go to the site that always produced free clear porn of any variety I could think or imagine.  It is true with this disease it requires more and more variety to keep the dopamine engine running.  I noticed that at times I would even go look at the sites without even masturbating.  I just wanted the dopamine rush.  I would get my ?fix? and then go on about my day.  It became almost a routine and common as brushing my teeth.  It became just something I did.  And despite what I knew, both in my head and especially in my heart the damage it was doing, I kept it up.
Then I did something crazy and at the same time almost paradoxical.  I started a support group for men struggling with sex addiction in my therapy practice.  I had several clients that were battling the very thing I was dealing with within myself.  Their stories were the same as mine. I knew I needed to somehow address this, but kept putting it off and making excuses.  I had vowed to myself though that I was going to somehow stop doing this without my wife ever knowing the enormity of my problem. I wanted to get rid of this thing but still keep it a secret.

Then one day in June not long after our daughter had graduated from high school my secret got exposed.  I knew that something was going to have to change before too long.  Life was just starting to change for me and my wife.  We were moving into that empty nest phase of life.  It meant that our focus would have to be on each other rather than our child. I would have to deal with this hidden chasm in our relationship.  She was being kept from this deep dark secret. Then on that evening in June we were going to look at a DVD of my daughter?s band performances.  The DVD player in the den would not work right.  I said let?s just go and look at it on the computer upstairs.  I had forgotten, or maybe it was simply a cry for help, to put away the lotion I had used to masturbate to porn that morning. It was still on the desk next to the computer.  She said, ?What?s that doing there??  I lied or half-way tried to and said, ?I don?t remember?.  She knew, she knew by the look on my face and my whole demeanor.  She left the room and went to bed.  I sat there stunned and felt almost borderline suicidal.  I felt like my life was over.  The overwhelming sense of shame, guilt and self-loathing hit me like sacks of concrete.

I went to bed and surprisingly she did not sleep somewhere else that night.  The next day we both went to work as usual.  Nothing said the next morning.  I got an email from her that day saying that she wanted to pay off all of our joint debt and for us to finish the work we had been doing on our house. I thought, okay this is the end of our marriage.  That evening I knew I had to tell her the whole truth.  And this time it had to be something that was more than just empty words of ?okay I won?t do it again?.  I had to have real change this time. She was so hurt, so angry and disappointed that whatever she handed me at that point I fully felt I deserved.  But I needed to change not because of her.  I needed to change because of us.  I had lived with the pain of this secret too long.

The next day I found a certified sex addiction therapist and made an appointment.  I called my bishop and gave him the news.  It was a heart wrenching and at the same liberating conversation. Thankfully, I am on the way to recovery.  My wife and I have a lot to work through together. And she, at least at this point, is willing to stick with me through this.

That is my secret? that is my journey.  I am hopeful and thankful that I am on my way to health and sobriety.  It is as if the lights are coming on again.  The air seems fresher and life is coming back into focus.  Thanks be to God for pushing me to recovery?


Thanks very much for sharing your story, I really illustrates that we all come from all walks of life on this forum

Posting on this site has helped me to stay away from the big P for the longest in my adult life.

Thank you Starting New;
Without getting into it too much, I too lead a double life that was completely contradictory and was/am in a similar position as you.  Very much.  You're not alone.
I'm reading a book right now called "breaking the cycle" which is good, but I think nothing works so much as limiting access to internet, and getting honest and accountable with someone.  I'm finding some genuine peace and humility from 12 Step groups as well.
I have to be very careful how my mind can deceive me.  The dark side wants to isolate and destroy me, and keep me in front of the computer or out there looking for intrigue and lust-based sex opportunities.
I have to act as if my life depends on abstinence-because it does!  Porn and what it does to me will take away my life, or if I am rigorously active and involved in my recovery and helping others, I can have a life undreamed of.
Good luck and welcome!
That is a strong story. You made a brave decision coming clean like that. I guess your most challenging journey will come socially and emotionally with you wife. Quitting porn is not so hard, as the steps are so simple. Just quit. Read this forum to get strength and motivation.

There is just no way you will be going back! I look forward to follow your progress and cher you on.


Active Member
Hi StartingNew

Great to have you on board.

I know a lot about living a respectful double life, and feeling the shame all the time of this whole PMO thing hanging over my head.

Through the grace of my Creator, Saviour and most importantly my Re-creator. He, through a process of working with me, and eventually exposing my addiction to my wife have set me free from this deep dark place that you are also getting out of. I still need to post the rest of that part of my story though.
All this is so powerful that I believe that I am standing at the brink of big things about to happen in my life. God wants to use me in more than one way to further His work. He know that I can not be that empty vessel willing to do His will and stand in the gap for Him with this thing in my life. So He is purging me, cleaning me out.
In order for me to survive an amputation had to be done, now that PMO is out of my life, I know that I can be healed. And most of all I can be the clay in the Potters hands.
Best of all, I have a beautiful, lovely wife supporting me, wanting me to be healed completely. Willing to support me all the way. Though I have hurt her and broken the trust in our relationship. Over the past 83 days of my reboot a lot has changed and even my perspective of my wife has changed. You can read all about it in my journal, titled Victory over PMO.
The same can and will be true for you. You are at the best place to beat this. Journalling by it self does wonders for people in recovering... As you in your profession will know.
So keep it up buddy, I am proud of you, and so is He!

Be blessed


Active Member
Hi StartingNew

What happened to you?

Hope you are still standing strong against no PMO!!!

Please post an update, good or bad. This will help you to fight the PMO Devil!

Be Blessed
That was a great story to read StartingNew.  The hidden part is common with most of us.  Please keep posting and staying PMO free. Regardless of our slips, past, present,  and future,  we are all working toward better lives.

SO Reboot Partner

Dear Starting New,

I just read your post. What I didn't read (and what is common in many first posts) is any hint of scapegoating, avoidance of the impact on others or attempts to diminish the harm done to yourself. This self-awareness and honesty, even after years of hiding, is your strength.

I sincerely hope you continue to post your recovery here. As a reboot partner and untrained ad hoc therapist who also has her own share of post trauma from marital adventures in PMO addiction, I think your insights would help others. Please consider sharing your thoughts, as long as it does not slow your own healing.

Thank you for posting.




Active Member
I will add my voice to those rooting for you, StartingNew.  I too started out in counseling and teaching while hiding my shame and guilt.  I too was caught by wives who I lied to and said it was "nothing."

I am still early in my full recovery but and extraordinarily lucky to have a loving and understanding woman standing with me.  I hope your wife in that role for you now.

Peace and Stay Strong.


Active Member
It's so strange that you struggled with Porn while investigating a call to full time ministry. My story was very similar to your own. When you described that sort of male 'bear cave' with your Dad and you were a teenager, I immediately thought of my relationship to my Dad. He was ex Military and taught me to shoot an air rifle, drive a car, ride a bike, swim, and do all that sort of Ernest Hemmingway 'back woods stuff.' I loved it, totally LOVED it and I howled in abject agony the day he died! I felt like a Lion protecting his body, I wouldn't let anybody else into the room for ages. I nearly had a mental break down. My hero was dead!

I would say that porn played a part in ending my first marriage as well. We have two wonderful grown up boys and I am now happily settled down with my present partner.

For me the marriage had never been very good anyway. We were married 18 years but for her own reasons she could be highly emotionally abusive.

I recall it was when I was investigating a call to full time ministry that I again told her of my porn habit. In my case I knew the relationship was doomed almost from the very start. We'd had good sex but she was prudish, emotionally very cold and lacked empathy. Unlike me she was also very pyschologically unaware. Add to this the fact that having been bullied she was a bully and you can see when I told her I was expecting the relationship to finally end in divorce. She had threatened to divorce me from about day two of our honeymoon. The threat became almost a standing joke between us.

I often wonder even now if God calls me back to the ministry still. I mainly don't do Church because I simply can not find one where a liberal like me fits in well. That's not important though, I know God, I know his Grace and I rely on him.

Bless you and strange to see the similarity in our stories. I've had loads of counselling over my whole adult life and would certainly not be alive typing this had I not sought that help. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has helped with many issues. I also see the roots of the porn addiction in childhood and an inability to 'self-soothe.' A technique I am now much better at...It sounds odd but the GREATEST thing that ever happened to me was divorcing my first wife. We get on fine now and I bear her totally no I'll-will...Life is too short and I now live in God's Grace which is sufficient for all my needs.


Starting New.... thank you, thank you, thank you... for sharing your story.  Many years ago (early 80's) I felt a call to the ministry.  Even went to bible college and got a degree.  The degree should have never happened in my opinion since most of my college days were spent at the local adult video and book store looking at porn.  Thought I would try getting married and then moved to a completely new town and entered the ministry for a short time.  However, the porn addiction controlled my life during every waking moment. All I could think about were all the video's I had seen from the moment I woke up to the moment I went to sleep.  When my wife went to work, I went to the adult bookstore.  Porn had consumed my life.  Eventually, the senior pastor found out and that meant I was out of the ministry.  My wife and I then divorced shortly there after and I then gave up any sense of responsibility and dove straight into a deeper porn life style. 

After moving to another town I got involved in a different church.  Immediately went to one of the pastors and shared my "story".  The only thing I wanted at that time was a strong accountability partner.  I got that and more from that particular church.  There was a lot of great supportive friends that really loved me in a lot of the same manner Christ might have.  Eventually, I meant a wonderful woman whom I later married.  Our relationship was going really well until we purchased out first computer and then had it connected to the internet.  Even though I had been free from porn for several years, there was such a huge craving to begin a search out on the internet. 

I have been married for 16 1/2 years now and I really feel as if my wife does not know of my addiction.  I have had several bouts of depression and anxiety at different times but nobody has ever said it was because of the porn addiction - I'm thinking there's a direct correlation.  It wasn't until about a month and a half ago that I searched for effects of porn on the brain and found this web site and others like it.  I'm at day 49 and experiencing a lot of brain fog, headaches and some anxiety.  My goal is one full year and then to tell my wife. 

I know that I have made a lot of really bad decisions in relationship to porn.  Understanding the chemical effect porn has on the brain and what to expect during a reboot was so liberating. 

I am believing that God ultimately has a much better plan for the both of us (and all the others struggling with this). God never said it would be easy but He did say He would be there for us at all times.

Praying for you and would like yours as well.  Blessings to you.  Icandothis.


Thanks for all of the sharing of similar stories. I have been on vacation made an effort to stay off the internet for the majority of the time. Still no porn since joining this forum. Plan to be more responsive since getting back. I do appreciate all the sharing and support.


Active Member
Staying on your plan while in a changed situation like a vacation can be difficult, glad you made it through.  Hope things are going fantastic for you!

Peace and Stay Strong!


Just a quick checking in. About to hit 50 days without PMO. I will say again, the sharing of our stories here has been quite liberating. I would say my journey into life without porn is probably pretty normal based on all the research I have been reading and the great yourbrainonporn website. I have felt relief, sometimes sadness on the verge of depression along with sheer joy and happiness... Pretty normal stuff for someone working through the reboot. Still a lot of relationship healing to do, but making progress there too. What's also cool is getting myself into therapy; kind of weird a therapist finally going to therapy. But, it's something every mental health professional should do anyway regardless of having any "issues".

I really liked one of the articles I read pointing out that people without any significant issues can become addicted...those brains of ours are funny but wonderful things... Peace to us all on this journey...


Active Member
Great to hear you are getting into therapy! I have been in some form of therapy most of my adult life and I am now 56. Without a doubt it has not only IMPROVED but SAVED my life. After my ex Wife walked out I had become depressed and suicidal. I very nearly hanged myself.

What is amazing for me is that my now partner of nearly six years has bi-polar and mild personality disorder. I have NEVER related to anybody as well in my whole life! We have been living together since my Heart Attack in June 2013 and we plan to marry March 2015. I love her to bits and actually feel we found each other as part of God's plan for my life!

Peace be with you my friend as you journey on.
I get a tear in my eye when I see men overcoming great obstacles and bettering themselves.  Very inspiring.  We've all been high and we've all been low.  But it's the lows that tend to test us the most and can break those who just get overwhelmed.  How very true is it that "10 percent of life is what happens to us and 90 percent is how we react to it".


Active Member
Hi StartingNew

Glad to hear you are doing so good with your reboot. 50 days in is good progress.
What you are saying about rebuilding the relationships, especially with our dear wife's or SO is so important and I would say the just as challenging as the reboot itself.

Stay strong and be Blessed.


It's been several days since I have been on the forum. But I am happy to share and say I have managed to go out of town, stay in a hotel with high speed internet, and stay PMO free! It feels great to do this! Probably the first time in 10 or more years to actually stay someplace alone and not look at porn or masturbate. Oh sure I did think about it.  I even watched some movies on Netflicks being very careful to choose movies that kept the dopamine levels low; no nudity or sex scenes.  In the past, having a hotel room and being on a business trip by myself was the golden ticket to hooked into an all night porn session. But I made it through this trip absolutely porn and masturbation free!

I think the greatest challenge will continue to be not only rebooting, but changing my mind about the possibility of ever going back to porn again. I was driving back and passed a couple of "adult bookstores" and "gentlemen's clubs" along the highway. My mind did wander to the porn images implanted in my head. I am wondering if those will ever go away? I did get my mind back on more sane things and came home feeling relieved that my short trip was over.  My hope is that when I do have to travel for business every so often, I get to the point I no longer have to do this mindful wrestling matches with porn. I am glad to be back home in many, many ways!