3rd Reboot Attempt and Rewiring

Day 181

Well, after 6 months of no MO or PMO, I finally MO'ed again. I didn't watch porn, but I just had to masturbate again. And let me tell you, after the orgasm.. I didn't feel lethargic, I felt reenergized... Reinvigorated. Like something kicked my ass into gear again.

So, what was it like not masturbating or watching porn for 6 months?

1st month: Noticeable changes such as change in mood and personality; my productivity increased and I seemed to have a new view in the world. Sex dreams were common and I had a lot of morning woods. I was somewhat motivated to talk to girls and conversations flowed.

2nd month: The novelty of quitting masturbating slowly faded and I had slowly reverted back to where I was prior to when I was still watching porn. Granted, I was still productive though. Sex dreams faded away and so did morning woods.

3-5 months: I just started going through the motions, I started feeling numb, and I didn't really feel anything. I could see boobs or something just scrolling through instagram or the internet or some movie, but it wouldn't even phase me.  Sex dreams and morning woods were nonexistent. But the times I did get a boner, it was so hard, it was almost impossible to resist masturbating because there so much built up pressure.. And, if I ever flirted with a girl, I would start getting a boner for some reason and it was kind of weird but I understood it was my body convincing me that I was going to have sex with the girl.

6th months: I have started getting anxious around girls for some reason. I second guessed what I said and everything I was saying just seemed forced and awkward and unnatural. Anytime I would see a girl I was attracted to, I would get strong sexual fantasies that would be really distracting.

So, in summary, the first few months of going extreme cold turkey is good, but not masturbating had some minor adverse effects of my personality and how I interacted with girls.

For those of you reading and considering quitting porn AND masturbation, do it for a good while, but don't drag it out too long, or your progress can somewhat backfire.

Moving forward, I am going to keep masturbating limited but I will participate in it every week and find a happy medium.

If you have any questions, just let me know.

Good luck y'all.


Don't rationalize M or MO. That "backfire" in the process must be viewed as the exponential sinusoidal stairs to feedom, you access and learn and activate other dimensions in your life. And you confirmed my thoughts that it would take more than a year for me to "reboot". Keep up the good job.
Day 224

Yes, I am still alive. I am somewhat persevering on not watching porn. There was one occasion yesterday where I literally typed in one of my porn fantasies in the google search bar, but I didn't click it.

There was another instance about a week ago where I was making myself a DIY fleshlight, and I got onto a sight that had suggestive images.

So, I've slipped here and there but I hadn't done the actual act of PMO just yet. I have MO on many occasions and when I do, I have been imagining the porn I used to watch or someone I worth with. But in terms of using artificial stimuli and/or a computer screen or iphone screen to masturbate, no I haven't used those.

Just strict imagination and my plain old DIY fleshlight lol

I feel like I have regressed a bit. All the benefits I had saw at the beginning of this journey have faded away. I seem to lack confidence sometimes, but not as much as I did when I was watching porn.. I also have lost some self-dignity in myself and have texted my ex many things that I didn't mean such as wanting her back when really I didn't. I was thinking heavily through my dick, and I guess that's what happens when you don't have porn to fill in your sexual feelings, you look for other ways of sexual release. But, I'm putting an end to it tonight. All of it, I need to get my confidence back. This isn't healthy for me.

I think, after tonight, I am going to stop masturbating for a while, because I think that has put a damper on my progress.
I still get really hard boners from time to time, but maybe I should transition from masturbating every day to 3-5 days a week and then once a week..

The temptation to watch porn is there every day. Doesn't help that I am alone most of the time and that I don't really have a girlfriend.. Oh well, gotta push on.

And to the new people who are reading this, it's going to be okay. It's going to suck at first, but you need to get back out there and talk to some girls (or guys if you're a girl reading this) and get a life again.

I know I need to...

Good luck y'all and hopefully we will all make it.



Active Member
I hope you are doing well man and you're starting to see some progress??!! It is a very difficult journey sometimes and even more hard when you want a sexual interaction with someone, but don't know how to do it. I am in that boat frequently. I have watched P since I was around 12-13 and was never one to sleep around. I feel like if we continue on this journey and we find the right girl, you're feelings and wants and desires for the real thing will be even stronger. Try to cut back your MO'ing and allow your body to control your urges. I MO maybe once every couple of weeks. But I also feel as if my libido/ sexual drive is a little less than others. It is what it is.

Keep trucking forward. Someday we will look back on this and smile because we persevered through it.


Hey man thanks for the detailed journaling, it really helps someone in my position (a little behind you in terms of rebooting)... Skimmed thru but gonna give it a more detailed read later.

Just wondering how you're holding up now? Have things been trending upwards? Let us know!

Recovery Will Come

Active Member
Congrats for the process.. Last year I made it 10 weeks then relapsed by opening my Facebook and Instagram back up.. Never again but that was a new record for me... Had a very hard time bouncing back and got back into my old ways.... Now that new year is here I'm trying again to get back on track.. Very hard on the east coast in the winter with the freezing weather