Hello Gentlemen. Now we begin.



Hi Branch.  Aron passed away?  No, it would be sad because he was only about 27.  No, Aron set a goal to overcome porn addiction.  He was a poster on NoFap, a similar site to this one, for about a year, when, having met his goal of becoming completely clean, having become a teacher to new members,  helping them understand basic concepts such as dopamine addiction, he announced he was going back to his life, although a life porn-free.  This is his story on yourbrainonporn if you care to read it. 

In fact, any one reading this, I suggest, hit this thread.






Thanks for posting! I'm ready to begin this journey, but it has taken myself a lot of personal convincing and mental battles that I had a problem, that was until yesterday when I started searching for stuff I would never have wanted to see. I'm a self-guilter, so I never got into heavy porn but kept myself balanced between the occasional soft porn, underwear catalogues, and fantasy. I've come to accept that is an incredibly dangerous place to be, after not dating in the last five years I've come to the conclusion I have a serious issue. My porn addiction was never so serious as to warrant an intense concern, I was always convinced that I was done with it, and any time I relapsed I quickly satisfied myself with the conviction that I would never do it again. This cycle kept on for so long that when a re-lapse was happening, that was every few weeks or so, I would begin to anticipate my "I'm done with this forever" thoughts and would actually subconsciously rehearse the monologue in my head prior to my porn consumption. I'm ready to start over. I've been addicted for the greater of the last 12-15 years. In a strange sort of way I'm excited to see what life can be without any sort of porn or sex obsession ruling my life both consciously and sub-consciously. Thanks for posting.


@theroad--good luck as you get started.  I'm just getting started, too. Lots of good stuff on this website--following the links William provides has been very helpful for me.  You might want to give that a try.



New Member
Last friday porn adiction almost kill me to a brutal stress that makes my heart in panic that result I in hospital. I need to learn reboot as fast as possible. Hugs .


Hi smit. I am sure you have heard the phrase "to conquer your enemy you must study your enemy." You have some studying to do. You do not know your enemy. First understand, this is very important, you are not addicted to PMO. No one is. Nor are you addicted to porn. No one is. It looks like you are, feels like you are, sounds like you are, but you are not. Porn, PMO, MO, those sexual thoughts of porn in your head, all of those are just a button you push to get a hit of the thing you truly are addicted to: dopamine.

For a dopamine addict, hypersexual thoughts lead immediately to a dopamine release, and nothing creates hypersexual thoughts like porn. This is completely, 100%, in your head. Totally a brain condition. It is Pavlovian, cause and effect, stimulus and response. Our brains reward sexual thoughts with a dopamine rush to encourage reproduction. That is why we like thoughts of sex, thoughts of sex lead to a dopamine rush, and that brain chemical feels, well, just about as good as anything we will ever feel. On some level it feels like being beautifully alive. But something in our environment has changed in the last 20 years. In the last 20 years we, as a species, have come to experience High Speed Internet Porn. One aspect of HSIP is that it allows for the constant "search". That is why Playboy etc is not addictive. It is a finite source of visual stimulation. You can only search a magazine for about an hour before you have found everything there is to see that is sexually interesting. But the internet and HSIP...that is new, that is different, and it is so vast that now you can sit alone in a room, closed door, with your computer, and search forever, and you never have to see the same image twice. You see dopamine is not merely released in normal amounts in response to normal sexual thoughts, and in much increased amounts to hypersexual thoughts, but dopamine rewards the search for the new, the novel, the different, and even the shocking. That is why many of us begin at what we call vanilla porn; pornography that on some level looks like how we would like to see ourselves, but that then becomes boring and we move on to something different, a bit shocking, and when that bores us we move on to other "categories," all a bit more hardcore than the last, as the addiction leads our sexual tastes further and further away from where this nightmare began.

This has to do with brain plasticity. Unconsciously, through a dopamine reward, you have conditioned your brain to reward porn, so much so that for some guys the brain will no longer reward sex, resulting in Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction.

I want you to watch this video. This video saved my life. Before it I thought, like you, that I was addicted to porn. After it I knew I was addicted to dopamine. When I finally quit fighting porn and began fighting my true enemy, dopamine addiction, I found success.


Next, quit aggressively, not passively. Don't sit alone at home "hoping" it is going away. It isn't. Make a plan. Understand it will take at least 90 days, but the 90 days is just the doorway through which you must pass to achieve a permanent life change. Beating dopamine addiction requires a permanent life style change. Right now you live the "porn lifestyle". You do it every day, multiple times a day. You plan on it first thing in the morning, you feel you cannot go without it. The idea of going without it is about as alien to you as sprouting wings and flying. For an addict, going without...forever...is the "impossible thought." You have to embrace the impossible thought. You cannot beat dopamine addiction and keep porn in your life because that button, if near, will always be pushed by the addict. You have to embrace the concept that you are putting porn down forever and will never go back to play with it again. If you have to get angry to do this, get angry. You see, we come to rely on porn, it feels like it is making us feel better, and it does; dopamine feels great. But like Gary Wilson said, if it did not cause problems, we would not give it up. It causes HUGH problems eventually, and you are having some of those in your life. Porn is not your friend; may feel like it, but no. Porn does nothing, absolutely nothing, positive for you, and only does negative things. The only way to beat this is to quit it 100% so you need to count on that now.

You have to make a plan. What kind of plan? Well, could be as simple as moving the computer into a public space. At work, keep your door open and move your computer to where people in the door way can see what is on the screen. If being inside a alone is a problem time for you, go outside, go to the mall. Take your laptop to the mall and sit in a crowded cafeteria. Use it in places where you would not dare access porn. Hell, if you have it bad enough, give up your computer during the hard 90. If you have a smart phone, get a dumb phone. Remember, this is not permanent; the hard 90 is a relatively short period in your life to fix a problem that will hang around your neck for the rest of your life unless you take time to beat it now. If not now when? When you are a 75 year old virgin being wheeled into a retirement home? Dude, pathetic. Now is the time. A big help: porn blockers. K9 seems the most effective and recommended. Also you need a better, positive, attitude. The attitude to many of us have is "I can't do this." No, that won't work. And while I am all for the good college try, "I can do this" isn't good enough either. You have to understand what this addiction is: It is a mother fucker, a son of a bitch, it does not fight fair, it fights dirty, and it lies to you. The attitude you must have to beat this addiction is: "I am going to beat this mother fucker to death, every day, if it takes that long, for the rest of my life, even while, in the beginning of the fight, it is the one beating me up." You are going to have to learn to fight dirty and take a punch. No one quits this addiction without split lips, black eyes, and broken bones, emotionally and psychologically. There are physical symptoms and pain too. It is not called an addiction because it is as easy as giving up chewing gum.

OK, get tough, get mean, get ready to be a SOB , and to suffer for the hard 90. Piece of cake.

Much love

Will I AM


Re:  Hi smit.  Damn, William, damn.  Powerful, powerful stuff.  As strong and to the point as the first entry is on dopamine as the real problem, this one might even be stronger.  Thanks for writing it and posting it.


Active Member
Thanks William, your words are really helpful, especially for those who start the process like I do. We all shall do it.


Well-Known Member
Philgood63 said:
Thanks William, your words are really helpful, especially for those who start the process like I do. We all shall do it.

Actually, these words are helpful for guys who start, who are in the middle, and who have reached 90 days. Because 90 days is just the start. For an addict these words are necessary to remember until they lay you down in a coffin.

Amen, William.


Hi Guys, thanks for all the kind words.  Another member just posted this video, which, when it comes to the addiction cycle is so fucking true.  We use, we feel high.  We come down.  At first the come down is easy, then less so, then difficult.  The longer the addiction goes on the less we get high with the same amount of stimulation, meaning it takes more stimulation as we desensitize to what initially worked for us, until eventually, it no longer works, but still have to use.  That is addiction.  I am specifically referring to the first video which should open when you click on the link.  Others may follow that are different and may trigger, so be ready be warned. 


Only one door out of here.  You have to quit using.  You have to quit pushing the porn button to get a dopamine hit.  This is experience talking.  Actually, this is William.

This is awesome a lot of great content here. I'm sure it will go a long way to helping each and every person here to step away from porn, this destructive, addictive habit. Thanks for all the great information!


Hi, thanks for the PM.  One day, a few years ago, after dedicating myself to quitting and failing for about 14 months, "failing" being PMOing to a porn scene on my laptop that had absolutely nothing to do with how I viewed myself sexually, how I wanted to be sexually, I finally said enough is enough.  And I quit.  What I learned along the way is, quitting porn addiction is a very small thing in my life overall.  Porn addiction was part of my life, but, ultimately, it was only a part; it did not define me.  When, after one year I had not gone back, I realized it was time to live my life.  You are 65 days in.  I really did not consider myself "quit" until 120 days.  Gabe Deem, the guy who created rebootnation, counts his freedom from after 9 months.  If you have HOCD it is because, over years, you have numbed yourself to other things.  Understand that porn and sexuality are different poles of the planet; they look alike, but in reality they are completely different realities that give up satisfaction for completely different reasons.  Porn addicts, in reality, don't really want to engage in the scenes that, by the end stages of the addiction, are the only scenes that will trigger them in reality.  One of the key aspects of porn addiction, aka dopamine addiction, is moving through the categories. We start with vanilla porn, something in which we think we see our own sexuality, but that becomes numb to us, then we move on to something more hardcore, and more hardcore, then elements of aggression enter the picture, then violence, then shame, then submission, then, some, "jump the tracks" because whatever they ended up at no longer triggers, and they start to watch things outside their gender preference.  Thus, HOCD.  By the way, this does not even have to do with true gender preference, this has to do with having numbed the pathways that worked for us before, and, having numbed those pathways, needing to find a new, novel, shocking, even disturbing pathway that gets through the callused areas of our brains sexual response center.  In that process we move further and further from the porn we, in the beginning, empathized with.  I don't want to start a flame here, I am sure there are gay guys who watch porn because they identify with it but...I also know, from experience here, there are a lot of otherwise straight guys who start hitting gay porn after they have desensitized to every genre of straight porn out there, including a lot of really fucked up stuff that probably is not accurately described as straight.  They need to have a category called "really deranged and fucked up, but the only thing left before gay porn that will trigger decades addicted porn addicts who on some level still identify as straight."

Don't get confused about what you are and what you are not.  You are a hardcore dopamine addict, and you have numbed the natural ways you get that high via High Speed Internet Porn abuse.  65 days?  Good start.  But that comes years after the abuse began.  It won't take years to get back to normal, but it will take at least months.  90 days is not necessarily where you get back to normal, but for most of us, it is where you start to feel back in control.  Give it that last month, you are almost there.  My advice:  get out in the world, mingle with people, even if you have to fake it, pretend that you like it.  Find someone to help and help them.  Do something for someone else.  I don't care if it is carrying the groceries of an elderly person to their car, do something outside of yourself.  I say again, do something outside of yourself.  Extend yourself.  Reach out.  Take a chance.  Make yourself vulnerable.  Re-engage with reality, even if it slaps you in the face or pours cold water over you--and it will.  Part of quitting is filling that void with something else.  If you don't fill that void with something else you just have a void.  Go hug a tree, go for a hike, ride a bike, run, hit the gym, read a good book, join a book club where you actually have to interact with other homosapiens.  Go for coffee with someone and talk to them about anything.  Porn abuse is the most solitary, isolating, of vices.  Part of taking the cure is doing something you, I, and every other porn addict is terrified of and hates; interacting with others.  I often tell people you have to get out of your comfort zone, but that really is not enough; in reality, you have to move into your discomfort zone, and learn to like it.  Sort of like learning to love withdrawals.   

They don't call it the hard 65.  They call it the hard 90.  You have more time to put in.  But don't put it in passively.  Get out there. Porn is the ultimate detachment from reality.  Part of the cure is re-engaging with life, with reality.  You need to find a group to join, a club, a team, find a group of people who pick up trash at the local park and go pick up trash.  Or something like that.  You get the idea.  Do something.  I hope this does not sound pollyannish, but it has worked for others.  The thing is, nothing in the world will give you the high that dopamine can.  So, if you are waiting around to find a replacement, give it up.  It won't happen.  On some level, we will always miss it.  OK, so we will miss it from time to time.  It is not like we lost a loved one.  It always only did one thing to us:  It fucked our lives up.  That is the only thing porn ever did for us.  Dude, it is time to quit looking backward and time to start looking forward.  Ok, so here is the obvious truth, which I hate saying, and which I hated hearing myself, which I hated hearing from others, and which I hated admitting to myself.  I hated these words, but they are the truth, they are the things our parents tell us and we hated our parents for telling us.  But our parents were right.  If you don't like where your life is, what it is, who you are, change it.  Change it.  You can change it.  I know, sometimes the truth sucks.  But it is the truth.  Although the essence of overcoming dopamine addiction is quitting porn, quitting porn alone is not enough.  You are going to have to get out of the dugout and onto the diamond.  I know, I hate me for saying it too because it is such an obvious truth, and I sound like such a parent talking to a child, but I am not.  I am a recovered porn addict talking to someone who, I have absolute confidence, will also be a recovered porn addict.  Go find a crowded place and walk through the crowd.  Once you get through that cringworthy  moment, turn around and do it again.  These are the people you have been avoiding via porn.  You have many valid reasons for not engaging them, but, now, for you, it is time to join them.  It is time for you to get back in the game.  Even if you lose.  Get back in the game.  Life is not just about self satisfaction.  Life is about experiencing victories and defeats.  Like is about throwing a punch and taking a punch.  Don't be afraid of a split lip.  Get out there.  "There" is real.  Porn is counterfeit, fake, and will never happen to you in real life.  Get out into real life.  This is my advice. 


Active Member
Thank you so much for all of this information and advice! I'll not let this addiction control my life anymore! I've had up to "here" with it rightnow.
It's time to be that man I always wanted to be.


Wonderful post William and very educative.  I went without PMO for about 4 weeks and relapsed badly yesterday.  Today I am having strong urges to view P.  Even stronger than when I started the reboot.  Is this the chaser effect?  Though I have relapsed once, I don't want to relapse again for every relapse could weaken the resolve.  And it is all about having a strong resolve, right?


Active Member
" No one gets out easy, so, if you are not willing to get out hard, you are not willing to get out." I just like that statement.I have been striving to quit PMO but only to crawl back. After joining reboot nation, i have done 10 plus days and relapsed once. I have realised the only way out is not to reduce frequency of PMO but cut it completely. I am getting out hard.