Back on the wagon


Well-Known Member
Day 20. Just a thought: having received some counselling in the past and having received some CBT in the past, I'm thinking that the way to battle this addiction is to look both to the past and to the future. The past might tell me why I'm messed up, but it's not going to help me define my future. Coping strategies might help but they won't root out the things that have led me to where I am today. I need both!

So to give you an example: my wife now attends a weekly group on a Monday night. To get through the inevitable temptation of being alone in the house, I have to (a) recognise that I'm weak and (b) come up with a plan. Tonight, the plan is to do some more decorating! And to pray beforehand.

I'm not going to post on here every day - I felt like my daily blog was making me too introspective. But I'll keep posting a couple of times a week.


Active Member
So much of what you have written so honestly is true of my story too. I am inspired by your story and faith.

I too struggle with the boredom when my wife is late back from work for example. But I am going into over drive trying to fill my time with stuff! The house has never been so clean!

Keep up the good work mate !