Sleep, fatigue and reboot


Active Member
I've had problems with sleep for most of my life but I've done everything you're supposed to do to improve sleep quality: I eat very healthy, I do physical work outside so I'm getting exercise and sun, I follow a prebed routine and go to bed at about the same time every night. Yet I still wake up feeling like shit about half the time. I'm hoping it's the reboot (Tuesday will be day 60) but I'm worried it may be something else like sleep apnea or some neurological b.s. Any thoughts? This is starting to affect my livelihood as I'm largely self-employed doing physical work and if I feel like total shit I can't work and people start getting frustrated when I'm taking forever to get things done.


I can totally relate. I've had sleep problems and fatigue for years and have tried everything else I can think of. I always worked physically/outside too (as a lifeguard required to do cleaning and moving stuff around) and definitely notice it affecting my ability to be attentive and alert, which could really be dangerous. All I can say is trust the process..the most I've done is 14 days and just relapsed yesterday but I find this is one of my biggest motivators.


Active Member
Yeah it seems it's gotten way worse since I went hardmode 2 months ago so I'm going to take it as a sign that the reboot is working. I've just got to hunker down and push through it. Just hope I don't lose all my business in the meantime...


Active Member
Good (and bad) to know other people experience this, so it's likely the reboot and not other health concerns. Or at least the reboot is intensifying other health problems that would normally be fairly mild.

@Big H  I have a program on my computer called pluckeye that blocks all image and video files on my browsers (except for websites I've allowed). It can also be set to block specific websites at specific times or block the internet at certain times. I have it set to block access to the internet at 9:30pm so I cannot use the internet for at least an hour before bed. I also disabled the browser on my phone to avoid that work-around.