Rediscovering reasons to live


Active Member
Hey Siphus!!

Great to see you back again and attempting to redouble your efforts - I'm in exactly the same position and I want you to know that you're not alone.

I've mentioned it a few times in my comments and my own thread, but I found that in the beginning of my quitting, I had lots of inspiration and was excited to quit, but then after about 6 months passed, and my life hit a couple of difficulties, I just slowly started moving back towards P. I know your pain man! Just know that you're not alone and that we've got your back.

I know that for me a super helpful tool is coming to this forum and posting and keeping in touch with the community. Talking to people in your life about it is definitely good too, but all of us on here can completely relate to each others problems, so I would say, come on back and keep posting, even if it's just to check in and say 'hi'.

Love you man! Glad that you're back! Hope to here from you soon,
