Porn stole over a decade of my life

Today marks my one year anniversary of saying goodbye to porn.  I thought I'd be a little more excited about it.  I thought for the past couple days about what I was going to write on here, and had a nice post written down in my head.  All in all it's been a decent year.  Full of ups and downs.  A couple relapses, but nothing I couldn't recover from.  Asked a girl out, so that was kinda cool.  Nothing ever came of that.  I don't even know if I want to date.  I haven't seen her or thought about her in almost a month.

As far as other things go, I've been getting rather horny from time to time.  Especially on weekends when I'm not doing anything or have anything really to focus on.  I try my best to ignore it and it usually goes away after a while.  I woke up with morning wood a couple times, and my penis has been rather responsive to touch lately.  Not sure how it would respond to another person's touch, but it responds to me quite well.  Other than that, I don't really feel like much has changed over the course of the past year.

Oh well.  Onward to year 2.


Active Member
Congratulations! One year in and many more to come! As for the dating, I wouldn?t worry about it too much if you?re not into it. Don?t be discouraged by past results and keep meeting people. You?re doing great!