New Culture Needed - Day 7 Now What?


Respected Member
Still going strong despite the tempations. Yeah being bored is not good in the reboot. Idle hands are the devils fap things.
Any distraction will be a welcome one at times like these. Learn a new language, a new skill, something you always wanted to learn and just put your whole attention into it and you wont even give two fucks about the temptation to PMO.
It is a tough battle and a powerful demon to slay. But the dirty rotton whore will soon fall, and when it does make sure you kick it hard so it doesnt get back up.


I hope you made it through the rough patch okay! I remember having days like that the last time I rebooted -- I think it's just part of the process we have to endure.


Day 30 - First, thanks everyone for your well wishes and suggestions.  I take them all to heart as help and it does help, tremendously.

The urges have stayed strong all week and I had a trip that kept me away from home.  Thankfully I was in public or with someone else the whole trip, except for the night in the hotel.  Great news - NO PMO in the hotel room!  I was able to just watch a movie, The Departed, and go to sleep.  This is a miracle like you wouldn't believe.  When I was on porn, it was automatic in a hotel room.  In previous trips my routine was, PMO, to go to sleep, wake up PMO, get ready for meetings, repeat.  Not this time.  I didn't have the urge to M the whole trip.

The bad news, I've substituted Porn badly the last two days.  When I woke up in the morning at the hotel I found a reality TV show about WWE Divas.  I watched it just to see the women on the show.  At the airport I sat behind my laptop and stared at all the women walking to their flights.  I've been on my phone looking at photos of women in tight dresses.  All of it just looking at clothed women but I know it is a slippery slope.

If I can get myself back on track toward work and running, then I can get past these urges.  I need to get back to those things because they kept me off the PMO cycles.  Part of me wants to cheat or fail just so I can PMO and binge.  My mind is racing.

Enough of that though, I'm at 30 days!!!  I can't believe it.  I'm hopeful the above will urges I mentioned will pass.  I'm praying that I will not substitute either.

Thanks again everyone.  Your words are helpful and priceless.  Here is to 31, may it come with more peace than the last 4 days have.


Respected Member
30 days is a great acheivement! well done!
Bit of dangerous territory there having a perv behind your laptop. Wouldve been worse if one of them caught you!


Active Member
Congratulations.  That is awesome!  This is up and down, but you will feel peace and relief at some point.  Keep up the faith.  It will come.

As far as the porn substitutes, awareness brings choice.  The fact that you are aware is huge.  I have stopped clicking on salacious news stories once I realized what I was doing.  It just takes time.


Respected Member
newstart said:
When I was on porn, it was automatic in a hotel room.  In previous trips my routine was, PMO, to go to sleep, wake up PMO, get ready for meetings, repeat.

It's amazing when one things they are the only ones that do this. It is an extremely difficult habit to break. At least it is for me.



Day 34 - I'm taking a lot from this group and not giving back.  I'm so busy and I'm a procrastinator, so this is a bad combination.  I plan to get back this week to see how everyone is doing and be an encouragement to others.

I was with people all weekend so no real chance to PMO, but it is on my mind.  I think I need to find a different strategy than, "don't think about PMO, don't think about PMO, don't think about PMO."  That makes me crazy and gets me to thinking about PMO.

I start another business trip tomorrow.  I don't care if I binge watch movies and play online games every night, I just don't want to get into a backslide of any kind.  My goal is to make this site my first stop every night when I get into the hotel room.  No P subs this week is my other goal.


Respected Member
Yeah its sometimes a case of the more you you try to keep it off your mind the more its on your mind. Itll always be on your mind, escpecially in the first 10 or so days of your reboot. But yeah as you said keep your mind busy with anything, and I mean anything. Watch some shit on netflix (and chill), play some shit games, ready a shitty book, etc. Doesnt matter, just do it!


Active Member
Congrats on Day 34!

Business travel is hard.  I go the boring route.  I get a chance to find somewhere new to run or at least uncustomary to run.  I try not to drink too much, and I eat salads. 

Let yourself watch the thought about PMO come and let it go without holding onto it.  Don't fight it.  Just watch it.  It will disappear on its own.

Keep up the fight, and good luck. :)


Day 41 - Last week was a success!  No PMO but some P sub.  Being at the airport, I found myself staring at women again.  I keep my head down and look up when I feel it is the "right" time and make it look as natural as possible.  At night in the hotel I started a series on Netflix and that took a lot of my time (no P and no trigger to PMO).  I ran in the mornings.  It was a great week with regards to my addiction.

Weird that today back at home has me thinking more about porn than when I was travelling.  Nothing major but just more on my mind than last week.

I have experienced a flatline lately.  No morning wood and desire is not super strong.  That probably helped last week and I'm not super worried about it.  It has been soft in the morning for the last 7-10 days.  I've read about flatlines coming and going during the reboot.  I also have to remember that I'm 46 not 16.  I hope it comes back though.

Thank you everyone for prayers and support.  RF - Your ideas worked, I watched a mediocre series and that took the balance of my awake time.  I also stopped saying "don't think about porn" and started saying "what do I want to do next" in my head.  Light - your ideas about running were a help.  Especially since I like running.  Thanks to you both!


Active Member
That is awesome!  Glad to hear you passed through the storm.  You are almost to 6 weeks.  Many people report this starting to get easier around that mark.  I think I'm an intractable case!  Heh.