I want to beat this addiction.


Active Member

Firstly, I would like to prove you wrong about your conversational skills.
You might not be the wordsmith of the group but that does not take away from  the value  of your opinion as a person with a completely unique set of life experiences. As far as your dullness and lack of intellect I think that is the lack of self esteem talking. We know from our forays into the realm of digital erotica that its use eventually results in a general dissatisfaction and diminished confidence.

In my case I falsely believed that if I wasn't doing it like a pornstar then my sex life was mundane or that my masculinity was in question. When I wasn't getting what I felt that I deserved in the bedroom at home I turned to porn/chatrooms to scratch that itch, like I had done when I was single. This resulted in an increase of social anxiety and isolation from everyone, including my wife. I used marijuana (and still do) to help overcome the awkwardness. At least I could laugh at life when I smoked. MJ is what I partake in when I want to party so I cannot cast any stones in your direction. I get it. I feel like I will be a less creative person if I give it up.

My counselor talks alot about filling all of my new found time with endeavors that will renew me spiritually. And that could mean anything for anyone. For me, I have always enjoyed art, my parents have done it on the side my whole life and it really puts me in a calm state of mind when I am doing something creative with my hands. Hence, the registration in a few art classes. Rather than occupy all of my time working for the almighty dollar I am finding happiness in thinking outside of the box and seeking experiences rather than material wealth. I hope to use these skills to transfer into a more fulfilling career eventually. I'm not setting any records trying to be a zen master but I am taking small steps in the right direction. Also, the people that I interact with at these classes are usually more interested in art than in partying so it helps to keep me on track. The people we surround ourselves with is integral to our healing process in my opinion.

Your life is your own, only you have control and know what is best. I just don't want to see you trade one addiction for another my friend.
hmmm so what happened this week....gave up caffeine six days ago.
wife says I have been irratible all day.  She has been bithing at me all day.
leave the house, hit the casino, came home, caved to porn (for about 10 minutes, then zoom back to ground zero)

there you have it.  I thought I as doing alright.  60 days out now is Dec 19. 
Here we go.  giving it another try.


Active Member
Tough news,

Don't let a slip bring you down Mech. Instead of allowing yourself to go down the path of guilt and shame (which leads to more PMO, trust me I know from experience) try to understand what triggered the relapse so you can have a new game plan for next time you're in that situation.

I bought that book you recommended and will be receiving it on Monday, really looking forward to cracking it open.

I'm rooting for you Mech. Dust yourself off and get back out there.


Active Member
Mech, where are you at? Keep us posted on how things are going. There are people here going through the same fight you are. You are not alone in this.
I have been binging on weekends during the last month.

Its bad.  I ma trying to go on a 30 day run.

Wish me luck rebooters.


Active Member
Great to see you back Mech!!! I was getting pretty concerned about you. Good luck on 30 days! Anything you care to share about your time away?
My time away?  yeah sure - there is an feeling of hey I would like to reward myself for having so much discipline by easing back and looking at porn again....haha.

I am back on the wagon.  I think my last pmo was 11/30.
I have been on track for about two weeks now.  (including 2 weekends).

I haven't been on the computer much (hence I have been absent from here) because it is way to easy to tap in a few keys to get to the bad ju-ju....

Thanks for asking ---

check ya later - Mech
Chief and others..

Porn free since December 1 2014.

So that makes it around 75 days for me.

I have been absent from here because I needed to get my mind away from the whole "I am quitting porn" mentality to I am not quit anything rather "that is some nasty & destructive shit I used to do."

It has been working.  I don't like loggin on to the computer at all these days.  The computer at anytime is about one click from that old previous hell for me.  That is why I haven't been posting daily once my resistance built up a little.

I would like to know how fellow Chief Mitch is doing.  ALSO - for him and everyone else, stay strong and don't underestimate the very worthy adversary of the personal addiction of pornography and sex addiction.

Now that we all know what is going on here we all can defeat this.  Good Luck


PS -  I was a sex addict.  Now I am not and don't ever want to be again. I run from porn.


Active Member
Congratulations on 90 Days Mech. Really proud of you man! Keep up the great work. I'd love to hear if you feel like this change is starting to pay dividends in your life, in your marriage, in your job, etc. No rush though, I know you feel like you have to stay away from screens. I have made a lot of changes to avoid screen time myself.
Thanks for asking about the changes Chief.

The most remarkable change I have is in my personal self confidance at work.

I am feel that I am making a positive contribution in the workplace.  I used to live in fear that I wasn't good enough at work.  Now I feel that if they don't appreciate the work I do they can kiss my ass I will leave and find another place to work. 
I feel much more capable.

I also am getting more and more comfortable by the day knowing that I "used to be" a sex addict.  To the point that I have told a person here and there that I have beat the addiction.  Which as a sex addict I would have never admitted.

Another thing I have noticed is that I have more self control.  I don't use as much profanity.  I have an easier time declining to join people in drinking.  I used to really look forward to gambling too.  I don't feel the desire quite as strong to gamble.

At times there is a very fleeting feeling of loss of the old me.  I think what the hell am I supposed to do with life now that I have no vices?  But I remind myself of the richness of loving family and the richness of doing good thing for friends.

Counting it up, it was about 95 days ago that I kicked the habit.  I still think there are better things to come.

Mech ;)



Active Member
Awesome Mech, you are doing so great. So proud of all your progress, progress in so many areas all at once. Peace and Love Brother.


Active Member
I'm counting 197 days on your pro tracker :) Don't sell yourself short Mech. Truly great to hear from you buddy! Keep it up!
Here's Journal entry - went on a binger a couple times in the last few weeks.

Now I feel completely flatlined.  Boarderline depressed.

Rebooting effective today.  This is day 1.  Here it goes.

You still out there Cheif?  I kind of fucked up.  :(

Feel very depressed.  Want eat sweets all the time like a woman.  This is crap.

Feel bored, hopeless, somewhat lazy.



Well-Known Member
Hey Mech, sorry to hear about your troubles but you're not the first one i've seen come back after a long period of clean time.  Bored, depressed, lazy, craving sweets - sounds like me for most of this year.
Keep posting
Have you had any luck rebooting?

I relapsed about a month ago.  I can tell you that I had some great success with rebooting.  Confidence goes up, self esteem goes up, self control comes back.

That was my experience, but I want to say it life starts to I prove around day 60....



Well-Known Member
I have had much better success in my attempts to quit. And i have noticed a huge improvement in confidence. If it keeps getting better then i can't wait to see it :)
I know you've been through this already. Any easier this time around?