Andy's 90 Day Journal...

6:37 PM
Day 1

Guys, not sure if this is going to make sense....but after my relapse yesterday...Lady and I had a crazy amount of sex for like 3 hours today. I was able to maintain a rock hard erection the entire time. My sensitivity was way up....It was pretty amazing. Not sure what that was about. I still can't come with just her alone...but It felt like nothing ever before.

So here I am starting over day one again, but it feels different this time. I feel like I'm more in control. I feel like I am more functional. I have read about people who after extended periods of no PMO ( My time without PMO would not be considered extended ) They will use porn to jump start their sex drive or to get out of a flat line. Not sure if I'm experiencing that sort of thing on a smaller scale.

Anyway, cheers to day one! Catch you guys later.


Respected Member
Congrats on the sex. I bet she loved it, too!
For me at least, the withdrawal symptoms would kick in two or three days after a relapse. Never the next day. So it could be that perhaps they just havnt hit yet but will soon.
Ive heard that too, about using porn to kickstart their desire or to get out of a flatline. This is very very dangerous territory. It can easily lead to a binge or more relapsing due to the chaser effect. Be very careful with that.


Hey Andy, thanks for sharing. I think you should avoid porn "by any means necessary", if not, you will become a chronical relapser. Do not be terrified by "flat line", be terrified about porn. Withdrawal symptoms are different for each person, so don't worry about it, at the end they fade.