11 years Addiction and My 365 Days Challange


positive_beginning said:
You are doing a great streak mate..Remember this moment will pass,and with it you will experience temporary pain but in the end you can imagine...visualize a bit about your future if you kick this

Ask strength from the creator ,connect with some old friends on the phone (if you can't meet )

You have done this for so long, you can still continue doing the same-kick the demon put from your life-even peeking the filth is not an option

Thanks for your valuable and great comment my friend..but as you know sometimes hard to keep streak alive, I just know what much pressure and crazy thing happening to me but thanks to creator who's giving me strength and positive mind set to keep going.. Day 37 and still not relapsed.


Day 39

I am doing great, Having positive dream and having craving but Up to now i am managing myself to control


I was watching this video and author describe many times that we always looking for more shocking materials, Now I understand why i am more interested in porn actresses personal life, What her brother mother sister and specially father thinks about her, and just caught by taboo movies incest then more shocking material just to boost my dopamine, Oh my creator how idiot i was.


Just saw this post.  Excellent work.

Keep going, porn is not an option.
