A better life - my Journal

There wolf

I ended up having the same problem and had to add blocks to my firewall so anything that connects will be blocked.  I have multiple desktop/laptops that I use and found by placing it at the firewall level everything is blocked even my smart phone.  Has been almost one week since I set that up and so far so good have had some urges but made it through.  Almost relapsed last night to M but abstained hoping for the same today.



Thanks for the support guys; getting back in the saddle.


Well, it looks like installing K9 gave me the breathing room I needed to pull my head out of my butt.

It's a crutch, but I guess it's what I need to at least to build some momentum and move forward.  Maybe this will be all I need to get a better result this time.  After all, doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Despite my setback, I pulled my head together enough to get some work done.  Going to hit the gym first thing in the morning to get out of the apartment. 



Got up and listened to some motivational speeches on youtube.

Ate some breakfast and hit the gym.  Hit the grocery and restocked my fridge.

Just kept myself busy most of the day.



Withdrawal all day.  Depressed, body aches, low energy.  Good thing it's Sunday and I don't have to be at work.  I don't think I could get anything accomplished today if I had to.  Waiting for the day to be over.



Fail.  I found a way around the K9 software.  It wasn't even difficult.  I PMO'd after work today.  Was feeling lonely in my apartment and feeling a little sorry for myself I'm ashamed to say.  I hate this.  It's like a catch 22.  I need to be around more people, but I'm never going to get that if I keep PMOing.  Frustrated and angry at myself. 



Active Member

Start looking for solutions to that problem rather than cultivating anxiety over never being able to solve it. There is a simple solution you just have to figure out what yours is. Design a program to suit your triggers. No one expects you to have it all figured out on the first attempt. This is a process and we are steadily gathering information to add to our addict-fighting utility belt. Think more transition than abrupt change. But that doesn't give you permission to overindulge.

To address my urges I have taken a two pronged approach. Have you heard of the 3 P's of Manliness? Yes it sounds cheesy but it helped me. http://www.artofmanliness.com/2014/02/24/the-3-ps-of-manhood-protect/

Since I have overcompensated for my shortcomings in the Protecting and Providing areas of my life I allowed my focus to shift only on Procreation and all of the hypersexualized content surrounding it.

Now, when I have a craving I try to ask myself what I can do to supplement the other 2 P's in constructive ways. I think that those ideas have to come from you. No one can tell you what to pursue. They have to come from within.

I have always liked art and the peace I get from creating things with my hands. I have taken steps to improve my skills in that realm. I have signed myself up for some classes. I have made connections with local artists so that I can use their studios. It is a complete departure from my career path but it makes me feel good and it puts me in contact with like-minded indivisuals. I am developing marketable skills and eventually I hope to earn extra income being creative. It not everyone's cup of tea but there it is. Strangely this has also resulted in better performance in my career. Not everyday is wonderful but it has improved.

Secondly, I think there is something character-building about honing our skills in protection. Sometimes I wonder if that's why Call of Duty and the like are so popular. We are virtually kicking ass and eye-banging hotties all with the click of a mouse. Again, this can be different for everyone. Maintaining novelty in our workouts also keeps it from feeling like a punishment. I am a nature nut and I have been hiking a lot, preparing for hunting season, doing yoga, running, weightlifting, etc.

That's my plan. What's yours?


Thank you for the encouragement Dhira; appreciate it man.

Thanks for the article Chiefmitch; definitely an interesting read.  As far as my plan is concerned, I guess I'm still trying to figure that out. 

One area that I need to improve is in getting to work early and being more productive.  I have a very flexible work schedule so I can show up almost whenever I want as long as I get the work done on time.  When I let things slide or procrastinate, I just increase my anxiety level and it just primes me to act out.  Staying on top of things at work and keeping to a set schedule should help avoid relapses.

I definitely need to find more organized activities after work, but I can't afford to do much for financial reasons at the moment.  So, I'm kind of biding my time until my next promotion so I can open up my options for organized activities.


Day 1 completed.  Actually felt pretty calm and in-control for the most part.  Didn't get to the gym this morning, but was productive at work.  Setting my alarm to get up early tomorrow and hit the gym first thing.



Didn't make it to the gym today, but was pretty productive at work and that feels really good.  Felt some depression this morning, but shook it off eventually.  Going to try and hit the gym again tomorrow morning. 



Productive, but tiring day at work.  Almost didn't go to a Halloween party I was invited to.  Glad I went though.  Even after just a few weeks of reboot, I am noticing a drop in my level of social anxiety.  Just got back and don't even have any urges to PMO thank goodness.


Your doing great Therewolf!

When I have relapsed the first 2-3 days were tough to get through. Your gonna be sailing in no time. 8)

And the fact that you have had a tough time lately, and you are still completely committed to your reboot and still posting like crazy wins a medal in my book.


Thanks for the support guys!  It is greatly appreciated.


One of the few joys of being single is the ability to sleep whenever you want without being nagged to get up and do something productive.

That's how I spent my Saturday; sleeping and a little bit of eating.  I guess I needed some down time.  No real urges; had some weird dreams though; whatever.  Just another day.




Got some pretty stressful news on Sunday.  Pretty much had a panic attack and caved.  Not posting in my journal again until I go at least 7 days clean.  Later.

neon tiger

Active Member
Hello Therewolf

If you do as you said on your last post, you should be back here today or tomorrow.  Hope you do, First of all because if you do, you have seven days under your belt- congrats!.  Second, after reading your thread, its clear that no one on here believes this is about perfection, but progress- thats a variation of a 12 step slogan btw ;), so hope you come back whether you have those days or not.

But on a selfish note, i hope you come back because there were so many ways in which your story and mine are the same.  We are about the same age (i turned 40 in august).  Father was not abusive, but definitely distant and neglectful. I got into porn through him too.  One night o got up at night (maybe i was 10), and found him PMO in the living room.  He didn't notice me first, but i got up a couple other times and after a few i just walked in on him. He didn't turn it off- he stopped M though. He never tried to do anything to/with me, but he must've found it a rite of passage that his little one was checking out porn.  On my following birthday he wrote on my birthday card that he was proud of my maturity. (Quite a definition of maturity I got at that age).  I found his stash and before long i was taking turns with him, waiting for him to go to bed so i can go and feast.  I would borrow one or two movies and bring them to sleepovers with my cousin (no acting out either).

This is the most honest and eloquent i think i have been regrading that piece. I think i will copy and post on my own journal...

I also had my run with SAA for a couple years. It wasn't my unmanageability with porn that brought me there at the time (thought it should've earlier on if i saw it as that bad of a problem); i had actually escalated from porn to acting out, engaging in casual sex in a way that was eating up my time and life energy (Such a contradiction because it was exactly when i was committed to yoga and my physical and spiritual well being). For me, it made a huge positive change, but my group was not big enough to have long term sobriety and diversity that would allow me to connect with someone to go through the steps. I went for about 2 years.

College, social anxiety, trying to be honest with another too early (thank you dhira for describing so eloquently and compassionately  the self serving nature of such action), the benefits of being single. I felt very connected to your experiences. 

I am coming up at my first goal, which is 14 days.  This is one thing that i love about this blog. I get to set my own goal. In a 12 step program you celebrate 24 hours, then 30 days. I need to build my confidence,  and for me that means setting and making small manageable goals.  Its the way it has worked when i quit cigarettes, started exercising, gave up fast food, other kinds of unhealthy food, milk, and most recently coffee. (No i didn't do all these overnight- more over the past 7-8 years). At 14, i will set a new goal.

And by the way, i don't want to sound cocky when i say 'when i reach 14'.  I know confidence is one of my biggest red flags.  This is when i need to get uber vigilant. It is easy to see and feel the pain of PMO, and act on it when you are in the agony of it. A good day hazes my perception, makes me feel entitled. This has been one of my biggest reminders in the last few days.

Hope you make it back, and to hear from you.





Okay, I'm a little late in posting this, but here it is.  Finally got 7 and now 8 days under my belt.  Gotta keep the streak going now.

So, over past few weeks, I not only attempted to go hard mode, but I also decided to try and go off of an SSRI that I was on for years.  I'd been weening myself off the meds for about a month before finding this site and learning about PIED. 

I was trying to figure out why I was getting ED and thought it was the meds.  Now I know better.  The point in writing this is that going off the meds was a mistake. 

Going hard mode is difficult enough as it is.  If anyone else is taking other meds for any reason, I would say to not complicate the process by changing too many variables at once.

Anyway, back on the SSRI now and feeling better.  Pretty much in a flatline at the moment, which is fine.  I'll write more when I get a chance.

neon tiger

Active Member
Glad to see you back therewolf!

That was gutsy of you to do, giving up SSRI and PMO. Im happy to know you found your right balance at this time.  The time for giving up SSRi will come on its own.  Someone on here told me he calls flatlining smooth sailing, which is not such a bad things when recovering and healing. 

Congrats on 8, and carry on.