Extreme wiring since childhood


New Member
How long does it take to recover from PIED? I know the answer varies a lot depending on multiple factors, but I've been a maniac porn user for 13 years and a bed bumper earlier than that in my childhood..now I am 24 and I mean by mania nearly every day ..somedays involved binging of up to 6 sessions of death gripping, edging and switching tabs of a cocktail fetishes, so there could be stories on the extreme of the spectrum like mine that I could get a recovery time estimate from as well as checkpoints that I can anticipate... I know that I've been booming my rewarding system for a really long time and this should take a while as it's clear I couldn't get an adequate erection nor I can maintain it with my girl, suddenly it goes to zero... I am now dependent on viagra to get me a confidence boost and satisfy her needs as well.. so my 2nd question is could viagra impede the rewiring or could it act as a bridge to recovery? Given that I stopped touching it and viewing porn as well...


Respected Member
Listening to your history with porn it’s safe to say your brain has been severely damaged. It can be recovered however by sticking to your reboot. That’s the only real and lasting cure, to rewire your brain and return it to its normal functioning.
The ED pills won’t help in your recovery, they are a bandaid solution at best. Sure you can satisfy her by taking them but at what cost to your recovery? And you may end up being dependent on them which will set you back even further.
You need to avoid ALL artificial stimulation and all porn substitutes, by doing so you will recover.


Active Member
I think ED pills can help in the rewiring. It is about making good experiences with sex and therefore connecting your desire to a real human again. If you can't get an errection, that won't necessarily help with the rewiring but may even harm it, as you could go back to porn as the "easy solution". If it helps you, take it when you need it, but the goal is to have sex without it for sure.

But I a agree with fappy, the foundation for every progress is abstinence from porn.


New Member
Sure , i've been off porn for 2 months ... i know relapses might be around the corner and definitely cravings ..but i am not willing to be enduring such horrible experiences in years to come ..so porn, even though it might be hard wired, is a no go because i am well aware of the damage.. i am just wondering if using viagra would stop the unwiring process or even find myself in another dependency that i got to unwire for years...does viagra substitute porn relapses effects?