How to get past these feelings

I'm so happy I found this site. I haven't told anyone what's going on with our marriage right now as I feel so ashamed, and I'm so relieved to get my feelings off my chest. It's not the easiest thing to talk about with friends when our kids are playing together at the park. Like, "hey, my husband likes to look at naked women when I'm in the other room."

Anyways, I was hoping for some clarity from other spouses and addicts as well. Sorry for the long post.

I knew before we got married my husband would sometimes watch p. After we got married we talked about it and I assumed it would stop. Well, I found it on his computer and that led to a fight and he told me he would stop. Shocker, he didn't. I found out after I had our second child that he had been watching it sometimes. I was devastated. I cried and told him how horrible that made me feel, that while I was growing our child and my body was changing, he was looking at those perfect women. I threatened to leave, he cried then he promised he would stop. That was 3 years ago. The past 3 years, I would sometimes check on him and ask him (I needed the reassurance) and he would deny it, saying he didn't have time, etc. He is in graduate school, very busy studying all of the time (or so I thought).

About a year ago, I took our daughter shopping during my son's nap time. Hubby was 100% on board, and told me to enjoy my time with my daughter. I came home after a good day, and found evidence of ejaculation in the toilet. I questioned him, and he claimed it was just masturbation, no p (that was a lie). When I asked him what he was thinking about, he confessed it wasn't me. We talked about it and agreed that is not okay in our marriage. I thought that was the end.

A month ago, I felt insecure. I had a gut feeling and asked him. He said yes he had looked at a video about 2 months ago, but stopped because he "felt so awful". I cried, but forgave him. The next day, while he was out of the house, I sent him an article talking about how to overcome p use once and for all, and how to be honest with your spouse. I didn't think anything of it, but then he told me he was headed home and needed to talk. Shit. He got home, and he looked like he had aged years: dark circles around his eyes, visibly stressed. He told me that he had been watching p the entire time. About 3/week. I was shattered. I absolutely lost it. I'm pregnant with our third child, and he's still doing this. For the next week, we talked all of the time. Every time we put the kids to bed, we would stay up until 1-2am. I wasn't eating or sleeping (I'm pregnant, so I started feeling sick). He said he decided to stop watching once we found out about the third pregnancy, and in the withdraw process, he was only looking at pictures. Then he stopped doing that, and was sexualizing women he saw outside of the house. That hurt so bad. He told me it was bad for a few weeks, to the point he was looking at women in other vehicles while he was driving. He would imagine them naked and sometimes having sex.

He cried harder than I've ever seen him cry. He left the house and came back with a flip phone and immediately sat down to look at filters on the computer/devices. He is so scared I'm going to leave, so he wanted to show that he is never doing this again.

I honestly feel like he's remorseful; and from reading other stories here and other places, he's making huge progress on his own and doing more than a lot of men in this position. But I'm struggling hard. For the first two weeks, I questioned him on everything. I wanted to know exactly what he watched, how long, how often, etc. I started watching the p he claimed he liked and hyper analyzed everything. I wanted to know who he was what he liked, etc. It caused so much pain for me, so I stopped. But I can't stop thinking about what he watched. I get random images during sex. Like maybe he would like it if I did x like the woman in the video. It's miserable and makes me feel so sick.

Here's my big issues right now:
1. He claims his addiction didn't really progress into anything else. He said he started watching rougher things towards the end, but he liked a little bit of everything. I asked him to elaborate and he said he liked a little choking and slapping, but nothing that looked painful. But from everything I read, it seems it would get to the point the "mild" stuff wouldn't do the job anymore? He claims it did for him. Is that possible? I have trouble trusting anything, but then again he has been completely open about this and willing to help in any way he can. So I feel like I should trust him? But that's so hard.

2. I'm having trouble with my self esteem. I can't leave the house without worrying if I don't look pretty enough, he will look at other females. We also started having a lot of sex. I've always been a very sexual person, my drive was much higher than his, which is why none of this makes sense to me. I've always been right there in the next room. I've begged him our entire marriage to initiate things, but he never really did. It was always me initiating. Now he is experiencing PIED, which he struggled with mildly throughout our marriage, but I just thought it was stress. I now know it's because he could access a full library of anything and everything he could imagine, and I'm just one person. In that, I have completely lost my self-esteem. We will start, and everything is fine. Then something won't feel good for him for a second and he completely loses it. I'm so irritated. So not only have I been lied to for the past 7 years of our marriage, I've also been sexually neglected, betrayed, psychologically abused (when I would feel insecure and ask, and he would tell me I was just insecure and needed to trust him) and now sometimes he can't even have sex with me because it doesn't work.

3. I get triggered. I had a panic attack going to the grocery store by our house, because he admitted to looking at other women there. I felt sick and my heart was beating so hard.

I have thought about leaving. I don't deserve this for the rest of my life, none of us do. I know some of this will get easier, but how can I ever trust him again. Sure he might not be able to look anything up, but there's women everywhere all of the time. I can't even see a beautiful woman without thinking "I bet my husband would love watching her get f*cked." It's miserable. But at the same time, he is remorseful and has shown so much progress. I love him so much, and don't want to leave him, but I can't even look at pictures of my husband before I found this out. Pictures of him holding our babies or at Disney world with our family. I just keep thinking how stupid I was for thinking he stopped. I had no idea he had an addiction. How sad.

My big questions for the addicts: like I said he says, there wasn't really a progression for him. He would watch whatever was in the top videos and scroll through for a few minutes until he found the right one. He would watch that and get off, then go about his studying. A 5-10 minute process. He liked to see the male controlling the situation (the majority of p), but that was really it. He said that's basically been his thing since he started watching it over 10 years ago. He said he would watch different stuff every now and then, but he didn't really have a "this isn't working anymore, I have to watch x to get off." From what I've been reading, that doesn't seem possible? How can you watch the same stuff 3 times a week for years and not need something more exciting/intense? Maybe I'm looking into this too much. I'm just so afraid there's something he isn't telling me.

Thank you if you read all of this. I'm so heartbroken and it feels so good to get this off my chest. I thought we were happy. If you are a male struggling to stop, please do everything you can to never fill your head with this toxic stuff again. It will ruin your life.


Well-Known Member
@BetrayedHurtAngry I can not fully make sense of your feelings of negligence . But I feel my partner she also might be feeling this since she knows I watch and chat on explicit chat sites . I had promised her that I stopped chatting explicit but i still do it and been educating myself about willpower discipline and porn addiction more and more and praying to god in hopes of recovering from this everlasting addiction I’ve had through my adolescence.

If I put myself in my partners shoes and imagine her looking at sexy men and chatting with them and masturbating I would’ve been broken heart and devastated ! And I would be destroyed internally morally and otherwise.

but I am trying ti imagine how she might be feeling about me all the time since last few years because she knows when I am isolated in attic or watching late night movies and walk into bedroom at the wee hours I might have watched p or chatroom fantasies and masturbated before I hit the bed .

I have also spent about $700 on cam girls that she doesn’t know of and if she does get to know that stuff that might be just the end of our marriage.. period …

Again I am struggling with all these shadows of guilt behind my head and getting through my days and job and family .

I sometimes feel if I could rewind everything back to the day I stepped into my friends room in my teenage and watched p with him for the first time and undo every instance of my p session until current day . That would be my dream come true . But that can never happen and all I have is the remaining years of my marriage family and life that I could turn into sober days months and years .

I just have 2 options in my life now .
One is keep my addictions and fantasies and live my two faces life until one day that my partner finds out and leaves me with my kids
Two I make good of the remainder of my marriage life and parenthood and earn sober days one at a time and transform my life into a sober one . Sure it would be a boring life with no excitement and highs and lows of addictions but it will be much happier life If I choose to be sober .

thank you for making me aware of the feelings a partner of an addict goes through .

I can’t say for sure or advice you anything if you should trust your husband or walk away or put him into rehabilitation or counseling that may again not sure will help or not . Sorry I couldn’t advice you anything concrete here being an addict myself sometimes I wonder whether we deserve a second chance to make good or punishment is the right course .. I don’t know .

but I and your husband we surely have a desire to get sober but also a competing desire to keep our addictions. Only time will tell who prevails and which version of ourselves we choose to make it ours and which one we kick out of our life . Consciously or unconsciously we make that decision every single day .

Hope this helps keep in touch take care ..
I hope it’s ok works for your family good
@BetrayedHurtAngry I can not fully make sense of your feelings of negligence . But I feel my partner she also might be feeling this since she knows I watch and chat on explicit chat sites . I had promised her that I stopped chatting explicit but i still do it and been educating myself about willpower discipline and porn addiction more and more and praying to god in hopes of recovering from this everlasting addiction I’ve had through my adolescence.

If I put myself in my partners shoes and imagine her looking at sexy men and chatting with them and masturbating I would’ve been broken heart and devastated ! And I would be destroyed internally morally and otherwise.

but I am trying ti imagine how she might be feeling about me all the time since last few years because she knows when I am isolated in attic or watching late night movies and walk into bedroom at the wee hours I might have watched p or chatroom fantasies and masturbated before I hit the bed .

I have also spent about $700 on cam girls that she doesn’t know of and if she does get to know that stuff that might be just the end of our marriage.. period …

Again I am struggling with all these shadows of guilt behind my head and getting through my days and job and family .

I sometimes feel if I could rewind everything back to the day I stepped into my friends room in my teenage and watched p with him for the first time and undo every instance of my p session until current day . That would be my dream come true . But that can never happen and all I have is the remaining years of my marriage family and life that I could turn into sober days months and years .

I just have 2 options in my life now .
One is keep my addictions and fantasies and live my two faces life until one day that my partner finds out and leaves me with my kids
Two I make good of the remainder of my marriage life and parenthood and earn sober days one at a time and transform my life into a sober one . Sure it would be a boring life with no excitement and highs and lows of addictions but it will be much happier life If I choose to be sober .

thank you for making me aware of the feelings a partner of an addict goes through .

I can’t say for sure or advice you anything if you should trust your husband or walk away or put him into rehabilitation or counseling that may again not sure will help or not . Sorry I couldn’t advice you anything concrete here being an addict myself sometimes I wonder whether we deserve a second chance to make good or punishment is the right course .. I don’t know .

but I and your husband we surely have a desire to get sober but also a competing desire to keep our addictions. Only time will tell who prevails and which version of ourselves we choose to make it ours and which one we kick out of our life . Consciously or unconsciously we make that decision every single day .

Hope this helps keep in touch take care ..
I hope it’s ok works for your family good
I can promise you your wife feels very similar. You can stop this and cherish her like you should have been doing all of this time. I'm not saying this to be rude, rather to hopefully help you. You said yourself you would feel heartbroken if she was doing this to you. So why do it to her? She doesn't deserve that. Every time you make that decision, you are being unfaithful to your wife, your vows, and your family. If she feels like me, she needs you right now. What do those women offer you? If the benefit was so grand, you'd be able to watch the same thing over and over again, but you can't. You need something different each time, or something new and exciting. The women on that screen are fake, they can't offer you any real joy, just a few minutes of fun. Your wife can offer all of that and more. She is real, and in front of you. I'm sure she would love to have her husband back to make you feel loved and wanted, and vice versa. She doesn't feel loved or wanted.

My husband honestly said he wishes I would've picked someone else, so that I wouldn't be in this much pain. But the thing is, I don't want anyone else. I want him, but I want him whole; not this weak part of him. I am probably not the right person to talk about this, because at the moment I am hurt and angry, and honestly hate P and feel like everyone who watches it is a low life. But I also understand from reading other posts that it was pushed on young men for so long. It's everywhere. And so I can't hate the men for it, rather hate the culture around it. For instance, when my husband confessed everything to me, I looked online for support. I couldn't find any outside of the christian community. I am a Christian, but I didn't really want that side of it. Anything outside of a Christian viewpoint was basically saying I'm a prude for not wanting my husband to watch that. I read other forums saying the fault is on the woman, and if I "would've put out more, he wouldn't feel the need to do that." Those comments hurt so much, because I felt like the whole world was against me. And the sad part is, those are the same people and organizations that have pushed p on young men, and told them it was normal to sexualize every woman they saw.

So I've started feeling some empathy for you all, but only some. It's still a choice. You all know it's wrong, and maybe that's the exciting part. But next time you login to your accounts or look up that things you like, think: how would my wife feel if she read what I'm writing to another woman? Or: would I want my daughter's husband to treat her the way I'm treating her mother? Or: do I want my son to struggle like this? To be lonely? Or: what would my children think about how I'm treating their mom?

Your family aside, you deserve better than this. You deserve real relationships. You deserve a free life. You don't deserve what you're doing to yourself right now.

I truly hope the best for your family as well. I'm sorry if I sound bitter, but honestly I am. Don't continue this. Confess to your wife everything you have done, and help her to heal. Then promise and commit to doing better. Put blockers on your devices. Let her be in control of finances and your online activity. Let her love you, and love her like she deserves. It will take time for you to both heal, but your marriage can be better than ever. I already see some major, positive changes for us, because my husband and I promised to be completely open about everything. He confessed he needs me to touch him more often throughout the day. So I try to hug him more often, or rub his neck randomly. He needed that, but was too afraid to tell me because he didn't want to feel "less masculine." It's sad for me, because maybe something as small as that could've saved us from all of this trouble. If I would've showed affection more. Maybe he just needed that reassurance of love to fight the urge. But who knows. We can't go back, only forward. I just hope that I can get over it in the long term.

Thank you for your reply, and I wish you the best in your recovery!


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your words there @BetrayedHurtAngry .
I don't know how to confess to my wife and be honest with her. I know she will be heart broken if I tell her everything and that might be end of it all on our marriage. we have discussed the lack of physical intimacy between us that has been building up for a while now and we both feel we are drifting apart from each other slowly but surely. and the root cause of that drift apart is the addictions lingerning in my life even today.

I want to breakfree of this addiction and gain back the physical intimacy with my wife and let go off my internet adventures with p and cam girls but I don't know how on earth I am going to accomplish that. I feel very very weak internally to be able to do that .

I hope I can find myself and get out of this abyss somehow . I pray to god to help me and I dont help myself when the time is to make a sound decision in my lonely moment. I end up making bad decision each time sabotaging my moral thoughts and wishes of earning sobriety and then after my session I pray to god again to forgive me for what I just did and then feel low and defeated and move on to my daily chores.

so thats basically my life and day to day . Hope your husband and you can work this out together.
I am very lonely in this fight and powerless is how I feel right now.

Take care.


New Member
I can’t imagine how betrayed you feel and know that if your husband doesn’t take the steps to address this and find active help you’re allowed to consider leaving him. You deserve pleasure and safety and to be loved and cherished.
Thank you for your words there @BetrayedHurtAngry .
I don't know how to confess to my wife and be honest with her. I know she will be heart broken if I tell her everything and that might be end of it all on our marriage. we have discussed the lack of physical intimacy between us that has been building up for a while now and we both feel we are drifting apart from each other slowly but surely. and the root cause of that drift apart is the addictions lingerning in my life even today.

I want to breakfree of this addiction and gain back the physical intimacy with my wife and let go off my internet adventures with p and cam girls but I don't know how on earth I am going to accomplish that. I feel very very weak internally to be able to do that .

I hope I can find myself and get out of this abyss somehow . I pray to god to help me and I dont help myself when the time is to make a sound decision in my lonely moment. I end up making bad decision each time sabotaging my moral thoughts and wishes of earning sobriety and then after my session I pray to god again to forgive me for what I just did and then feel low and defeated and move on to my daily chores.

so thats basically my life and day to day . Hope your husband and you can work this out together.
I am very lonely in this fight and powerless is how I feel right now.

Take care.
I'm genuinely sorry you feel like this. You don't deserve this either.

Have you considered therapy? It might help you get to the root problem. Then your counselor could help you talk to her.
I can’t imagine how betrayed you feel and know that if your husband doesn’t take the steps to address this and find active help you’re allowed to consider leaving him. You deserve pleasure and safety and to be loved and cherished.
That's the hard part. I have considered leaving, but he has taken full accountability and made changes all on his own. He wants to change, but it's hard to trust him because of the past 7 years of secrets and flat out lies. I feel like I'm going crazy sometimes, honestly. But thank you both for your kind words!


Active Member
Anything outside of a Christian viewpoint was basically saying I'm a prude for not wanting my husband to watch that. I read other forums saying the fault is on the woman, and if I "would've put out more, he wouldn't feel the need to do that." Those comments hurt so much, because I felt like the whole world was against me. And the sad part is, those are the same people and organizations that have pushed p on young men, and told them it was normal to sexualize every woman they saw.

Firstly, I'm sorry your family is dealing with this agonizing experience. I will say that you seem to be doing an excellent job of keeping things in perspective. Through all the pain and betrayal you're showing empathy and grace and that speaks volumes as to what type of person you are.

It's nearly impossible for a partner not to think they could have done something differently to change how this addiction has developed. Simply put, a majority of us with spouses already had this ingrained when we met our partners. The
Majority of us develop these habits early on and it just becomes 2nd nature to hide our shame. That was my case anyways. Young men definitely have the cards stacked against them in terms of being exposed to P and developing healthy sexual habits. It's really a failure at a lot of levels that has allowed this addiction to spread the way it has. I personally have been battling for over 3 decades and I just turned 40. Only really seeing the damage it's done over the last couple of years and nearly losing everything. It's unfair to the partners, their family and the addicts themselves. The lack of resources mixed with the constant influence of sex in marketing and just everyday existence, makes our world a minefield for relapses and slips.

Without the support of reboot nation, I know I'd still be flailing. My wife has shown the same grace and empathy, while still being heartbroken 😔. She's been my rock and my True North since day 1, even after betraying her multiple times. Knowing this is my last opportunity to prove to her the type of man I can be. I've tried many times to stop, as I'm sure your husband has. I truly believe the difference this time has been support. Support from my wife, reboot nation, and just knowing I'm not the only one struggling with this. This is not a path anyone can take solo. There is a wealth of resources and knowledge in this forum, and I encourage you ( and everyone else) to use them. Tell your story and read others. We can all learn and grow together and live a lifestyle that we don't have to hide from, that's my ultimate goal.
I can just imagine how you feel as his wife and being lied to for so long. I am in a similar position as your husband. I have been watching p and maturbating since I was 11 years old. That was 20years ago still struggling now. In many cases a lot of men have been struggling with this for years before their relationships with their wives or girlfriends. As in my case I am in a ten years relationship so I have been struggling with this habit a decade before I met my wife.

My thoughts on the matter is that honesty is needed in every relationship to strengthen the relationship with trust. However honesty comes with a great deal of pain as you speak the truth and the more the details the greater the pain. He should be honest with you, however if it's too painful to listen to the details about the truth, you should encourage him to speak to a good therapist or counselor to help him battle his struggles and perhaps only ask for details on the matter that you are sure that you can handle hearing.

I am pretty sure he loves you far more than all those women that he sees in the pornos and those that he sees out in the public places. How do I know this? Because if you should leave him, his struggles with pornographic fantasies would very likely come to a crash and burn halt for the rest of his life. But he would have suffered a great lost, losing you the love of his life before he could learn this lesson. We hope that will never be the case and he gets all the help he can get to make a very beautiful and life changing recovery and find himself fully aware of the abundance of the realest romantic connection and passion of love that you have always been giving him that he couldnt see because of the mental blindness cause from porn. [And let me say that I wish that for myself too because am not quite there yet, but, I know it is very real and true.]

For now I can tell you that your husband is a good man, the reason he lied to you is never to hurt you I can bet. He lied because he is ashamed of himself and his identity and for that reason he lied to himself because he is afraid of his truth and if he is ashamed and lying to himself he will automatically lie to you, not to hurt you but because he is ashamed and scared.

He is under the spell of a disease that eats the brain from the inside out and he will need all the self courage, self love, loving support of his family and friends in which ever way that they can and a lot of truth telling and divine intervention that he can get.

Thank you having courage to speak about your concerns and being an amazing wife in helping the world rid men and husbands of this brain paralyzing and destructive disease one man and husband at a time.


Active Member

Hey, I am so sorry for what you have to endure, porn addiction is truly a monster.
From what you write it sounds like he really opened up and is trying to change. I hope you both can overcome this.

"But from everything I read, it seems it would get to the point the "mild" stuff wouldn't do the job anymore? He claims it did for him. Is that possible?"

I don't know if it is possible, but I know one thing: If he escalated to more extreme material, you don't want to know it. You think you want to, because you want to understand, but you can't understand, as well as you cant understand why a junkie still takes his drug even if his teeth fall out. Maybe he is honest with you, maybe he is not. Please accept it, he was very open to you, but there can be things where there is no possible benefit from sharing.
Also I wouldnt consider choking and slapping mild, but violence. But thats kinda how porn influenced society, that such violence is considered "kinky", which sounds rather positiv, opposed to being prude.

Hey, I am so sorry for what you have to endure, porn addiction is truly a monster.
From what you write it sounds like he really opened up and is trying to change. I hope you both can overcome this.

"But from everything I read, it seems it would get to the point the "mild" stuff wouldn't do the job anymore? He claims it did for him. Is that possible?"

I don't know if it is possible, but I know one thing: If he escalated to more extreme material, you don't want to know it. You think you want to, because you want to understand, but you can't understand, as well as you cant understand why a junkie still takes his drug even if his teeth fall out. Maybe he is honest with you, maybe he is not. Please accept it, he was very open to you, but there can be things where there is no possible benefit from sharing.
Also I wouldnt consider choking and slapping mild, but violence. But thats kinda how porn influenced society, that such violence is considered "kinky", which sounds rather positiv, opposed to being prude.
Hey... yes you do have a point about the more he uses the more intense it will likely become. So it staying at mild could be a really hard thing to do, however i cant say its impossible for it to stay at a mild level. Each case for each person is a little different. That could be his difference. However being truthful about himself and his situation is very much needed. Encourage him more than ever to be honest brurally with himself however painful it may be and speak to a therapist or a counselor that can help.


Staff member
All of your feelings are very much the same as what all of us went through as partners. I know the pain is incredible! I have been in your shoes. I want to recommend my two go tos for you. 11 years ago there was not much for us as partners. Mostly Information was about them as males and nothing about our feelings. Then a book came out that very summer that I discovered his use. I felt so broken. The book is “Love You, Hate the Porn” by Mark Chamberlain and Geoff Steurer. I read it and marked things, he read and marked things and we talked. It was not “Hallelujah “ we are done, but we understood a lot more about both of us. The other is
This is a blog with tabs for both the user and the partner and has significant usable help and information. Geoff Steurer also has talk on YouTube. None of this is directed at blame. It is directed at healing. If you like you can pm me here and I will answer any questions you have. And always through this walk, take care of you!
Thank you everyone for the insight and kind words. I really appreciate it!! I'm just taking everything one day at a time right now and trying to be gentle with myself/feelings. I'd like to read the recommended books soon, but I feel like right now I just need to learn to accept and process everything.