Thank you for sharing this.
I was not aware this book exists.
I found a web based version here
A completely free and open source method for quitting pornography easily and without willpower.
Stopping addiction is a complicated process.
There are many different ways to tackle it and different methods work at different stages of the recovery.
I personally believe that there is no 1 way that is effective. This is because:
1. We were all born differently with different life history
2. We each have different and unique reasons for falling for porn
3. It is difficult to tackle a psychological, emotional and cognitive affliction when it's already habitualized after long term exposure.
Therefore it is important to
1. arm ourselves with as much information as possible
2. Apply different techniques such as discipline, determination, rationalization, perspective change, alternatives, journalling etc.
Skimming the book quickly, I think the book is good as it has many topics for you to study and understand how to deal with addiction.
Is it a good book? That depends on what kind of reader and level of recovery you are at. For a start, this book can help.
I recall a blogger here also made an excellent blog that is very helpful. I think he has "eagle" within his account name. Please search and try to find his link
Edit: Found it!
Quit Porn Addiction Permanently. No Willpower. For logical thinkers.
85 days free from porn and fapping to screens. What saved me was Easy Peasy, YBOP, and Dopamine Nation. And telling the TRUTH to my wife/son, that I was an addict and my addiction was harming them. edit: My new website designed to replace Easy Peasy Creating...