At this current moment I'm too tired. I'm physically exhausted because I played sports after a long time. Stressed because got in an argument with a teen, said some things and now they might beat me. Stressed because exams are coming and haven't studied again even though doing extra semester for already failing. Upset at myself for the thing I've done today. Angry at myself for using my phone even when it's 1:00 at night and I was supposed to wake up at 4:45 in the morning. No idea what I'm doing on my phone, just numbing my thoughts. At moments like these porn become very alluring. But no! I will resist. I know things are not ideal atm, but this small step of not watching porn tonight will push me in the right direction. I'll make this post and try to sleep, because this 4 hour rest will be enough to get me going for gym tomorrow, then I'll sleep in tomorrow afternoon to cover my lost sleep time.
I feel proud for taking the right path tonight even when so much was going on in my head. Things aren't always as we want them to be, but I gotta remember the rules I set for myself in life, because they make me what i am. These principles I set for myself decide my personality, and what kind of person I am.