I am ready to break from Porn forever! 90 Day Journal (29 Year Old)


Active Member
Start of Reboot: December 29

I just recently turned 29, been masturbating since I was 15, 1-2 times a day. Escalated to weird fetishes and also experienced moderate PIED + DE. I'm not a virgin but mostly the sexual experiences I've had have been unfulfilling thanks to this Porn addiction. The very first time I had sex, I was able to get hard and penetrate the lady but I couldn't finish because of DE. The woman thought it was performance anxiety, so did I. Who knew that it would be PIED sheesh. Repeat that with a few different girls over the course of the next few years. Fast forward to my last relationship and it did improve. I still had mild-moderate PIED + DE but I was able to have sex with my girlfriend but the only problem was, I had to have fantasy keep my erection going and O. Can you believe that? I wasn't thinking about the girl in bed with me during sex, I was thinking about some weird porn fantasy. It's pretty sad, both for me and the girl. I feel terrible about it now.

Bad with Women
I'm a physically attractive man, and have a good body, so I don't really have a problem initially attracting the ladies but I do have social anxiety and depression and it has been a problem for me. I don't have a problem getting the first date but I soon find women being repelled by me because of my insecurities and overly nice guy personality (my internal response to social anxiety). The women I did ended up getting into relationships were fundamentally insecure, low-esteem riddled and clingy, just like me. The attractive confident hotties always seemed to pass me by or would get one whiff of my needy personality and stay 50miles away. The women I really desired wanted nothing to do with me.

No Creativity, no Focus, Severe Brain Fog
For the last 15 years I cannot remember the last really creative thing I've done. Everytime I had to do something creative, it was the worst feeling in the world. It was like wringing blood out of a stone. And get this, I'm a pretty creative guy to begin with. I was always drawing cartoons, writing stories, creating fantasy worlds before I discovered PMO. After that, my creativity just dried up completely and I could barely even of an original thought. Now that I think about it, that's really depressing. Where did my life go?

Soul-crushing, heavy depression for the last 15 years. It became even more exacerbated by failed romantic pursuits and I began to gnaw at myself on the inside. Why me? Why is my life so bad? Actually my life really wasn't all that bad. I went to a good college, had good friends, have a good job now, came from a good family.. but MAN, my insides tell a completely different story. I don't even know how I'm able to get up in the morning sometimes.

Social Anxiety
This I can definitely confirm. It's gotten better because the nature of my current job forces me to be more outgoing or extroverted but I can tell you, that it is all an act or performance. I am not INTERNALLY feeling confident or outgoing. I have to put it on. If I see a beautiful woman, you can bet I'll hang my head down and walk right past. If I see a group of beautiful women I will freeze up on the inside. It's hell sometimes.


Time for a change

So i've been relapsing so many times in the last 4 years I've lost track of how many times I've reset my counter. I'm giving it another go, complete with Hard Mode, counter, journalling and removing triggers. I'll try to do a daily blog and hopefully I'll make it to 90 and beyond. Wish me luck! I'll be watching your journals too!

1 Week:

2 Weeks:

30 Days:

90 Days:

1 Year (365 Days):


Its good you didn't relapsed!  Maybe try to shut off ur pc/tv when u want to watch porn. just shut it off immidiatly and try to do some housekeeping for example. I don't think anyone ever got or stayed horny when washing clothes:)

Good luck and keep posting 8)


I know it isn't easy, but you can do it.


^Here is an instructive video depicting the last encounter I had with my libido.


You're doing great!  You're aware of your obstacles and you're taking steps to overcome them.  Good to see that you're meeting with friends and feeling positive.  Keep up the good work and keep posting!


Active Member
Good on you and quitting FB is proof of how serious you are. Reduced brain fog and social anxiety were the first improvements i noticed, it took around 20 days for mine to improve, the longer we go w/o pmo the better the improvements.


You've not posted in a while, so thought I'd post to ask how things are going.  Hope all's well with you!


Active Member
readytobefree said:
Day #1

They say the first day is the hardest. It's usually the day one really decides to break free, mentally.

I was playing this computer game Dragon Age: Origins for about 5 hours straight and while I was playing it, mentally I was losing interest more and more. Eventually I found myself deleting all my games and nonsense off my computer in a desire to change a new life. No games, and certainly redoing this I've already done a 100 times.

I used to be a big time collector of movies and computer games and I would fill up my hard disk with stuff. I decided that if I've already seen or done something, I don't need to collect it.

Smart choice. I'd say when you're hooked up on a thing for 5 hours straight it may not be the best to keep it going if you can't dose it. I love gaming but they're not an addiction to me - I just have 1-2 weeks super bursts with a new game and stop  ;D

Good luck restarting man! You're better than when you've started anyway. ;)

Best of luck there! I have also binged a lot whenever I relapsed--even when I made it to day thirty or so. I know for me, it's difficult with this kind of thing to tolerate any kind of stepping over the line of PMO without falling in completely since I have difficulty forgiving myself. All the more credit to you for starting back up again!


Well done for getting started again! Good to see you figuring out your ways of coping and keeping motivated.

I'd just like to say, you seem to be cutting out a lot of things at once.  I don't know how much you rewatched your films/TV shows or played videogames, but cutting it out will at least have freed up some time that you wouldn't otherwise have.  That's not necessarily a bad thing, but my advice to you is to really make sure that you have something to fill that free time with.  If you've already done that, then that's great, but if not, have a think about what you want to do.  If you've got a lot of free time now you could start a big personal project like learning a language or skill or an instrument.  If it's just a little time then maybe something that you can do little and often.  Maybe an online course or something?


Active Member
This so rings true for me. Quitting FB was crazy tough and I hated when people would ask me why I did it.

Keep the good work going. :)


Active Member
The initial week is always difficult to get through. I've found week two is usually ok then week three the dormant urges come flying back! Don't let your guard down for a second man.


Active Member
Hey man, totally relate to feeling major temptations to act out around the 7 day mark (I rode out some pretty heavy pangs just an hour ago) but great to see you rode over it too. Keep it up!


Active Member
Hey mate, from my experience it's natural to have up and down days when changing a habit (especially one as insidious as porn and masturbation!).  For me it sometimes feels like subconsciously my brain is craving the chemical highs of porn and fantasy and so will sometimes try and sabotage me in order to get me into a state where I'm more likely to relapse, it could be that you missed breakfast and exercise because they're not fully formed habits yet (and creating a new habit is challenging) or it could be that you subconsciously skipped these as baby steps to return to your old state where pornography and masturbation were more common. What's important is that you recognize the gap in desired behavior and modify it - you're doing great! 

As for your question about feeling "Am I really improving? I just feel nothing", I don't think I quite experience that but I absolutely relate to feeling apathy, sometimes I'll "forget" how shit it feels to be in addiction and I'll remember only the pleasure and novelty of viewing pornography. I know that I'll hit this emotional state again though I also know that I'm far less likely to hit this state if I work on my recovery every day. It's a roller coaster of emotions this journey but remember that any emotion, no matter how bad it might feel at the time is fleeting, it will pass.


Active Member
readytobefree said:
9 Days free from porn! I feel like I've actually accomplished something in my life lol. It feels weird, this 2nd week, It's a rare feeling for me to be past 7 days. Will I get to 2 weeks? Let's keep those fingers crossed! Gosh, if I can get to tomorrow, I'll finally get into the double digits, whoo hoo!

You're the writer of your own success. If you promise yourself to not do it and are able to stop yourself and remind why you should stop.. How can you not get there? ;)

PS: stopping an addiction is an emotional rollercoaster. it's like that for everyone  :p


Active Member
I like the fact you've had some tough times, and yet you're still persevering.  Good work.  You should be proud.

Keep workin'!


Active Member
You're doing so well.  Keep it up.

I've been trying to stay out of the house when I can, and when I can't, I come on here.  I can't even look at cute pictures without getting severe urges.  I'd just say to be careful about those.

I'm so looking forward to two weeks.  Only because there was a time when I didn't think a month was possible.  Starting to think I might pull it off.