43 year old tired of pmo


Active Member
Thank you bob. Its certainly not easy, but I'm ready for change. Stay strong Bob,  I know you are a warrior and can beat this


Active Member
I'm 130 days , and I feel incredible.  I still have the occasional thought if porn but its nothing.  I'm not trying to Brad, I'm just trying to let people struggling know that you will get better and your mo d will heal. I've noticed that o just seem to be happy most of the time.  Please guys stick with it. I guarantee its worth it.


Nice accomplishment at 130-keep your guard up and keep moving forward. 


Active Member
Thank you jixu. I'm having a really almost a rough day. I feel really tempted to look at stuff I know I shouldn't. I've tried to keep my mind busy but eventually I need to go to bed. I think I will keep my phone out of my room. I know how this shit works it's way out.  Looking at some harmless videos on YouTube and next thing you know porn and regrets. No thanks.


Active Member
The last few days have been, to say the least have challenging. I almost feel like I'm in a bit of a second flatline. Just knowing what is waiting for me at the finish line keeps me in the straight and narrow. I have to say I'm proud of myself and before long I will be at a half of a year without porn.


Active Member
I'm just checking in. Nothing  new to tell. I just feel so Incredible. My thoughts are clear, my speech is clear. My mind is at ease. I'm a new person. Porn doesn't really cross my mind anymore. I cant tell you how confident iam. Porn has had a hold on me for way to long. I've broken free from its grip on me.


Definitely stick with it, bro. I've tried tons of times and never made it past day 20 until now. I blocked adult sites on my phone and pc. It helped for those weak or drink days. My morning wood finally came back too so I'm seeing progress. We can all do this and have some fun with thereal ladies again :)


Active Member
The battle continues every day. I just keep rerouting those thoughts of pmo to something constructive.  I've got the house to myself today and I must stay strong and know that porn is no lo get an option in my life.


Well-Known Member
Jbow said:
The battle continues every day. I just keep rerouting those thoughts of pmo to something constructive.

Congrats on building a set of processes that allow you to win those daily battles, Jbow. Is there anything specific you do to re-route your thoughts?


Active Member
Thank you big mog and work in progress.  Work in progress, when i get those thoughts to look ok at that stuff, I just remember how much hurt,and sorrow the pmo has caused me over the 3 + decades and know that's not what I want for my life anymore.  It has hurt me for years with the exact same outcome.  It's not who iam anymore.  I'm more than looking at a phone screen trying to get turned on enough orgasm.  Please, all of you keep up the good fight it's well worth it. Porn is no longer an option. There is so much more for us than this.


Active Member
Thank you work. Your support means a lot to me. I'm up an hour and a half early. Life is good. Please guys stay strong. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We have to weather the storm. Just know we are stronger than this addiction. Porn is no longer an option.


Active Member
Good work Jbow. Yes "Life is good" and as we untangle ourselves from the clutches of PMO we appreciate it more.


Active Member
Here we are rebooters.  One day stronger from this addiction we are all conquering.  I still occasionally have a thought about p but it is just a couple seconds and I'm done with it. I remember bedtime couldn't come fast enough, especially on the weekend. It feels so nice to not be a prisoner of that anymore.  If you are battling, please keep up the battle.  I promise you it will be worth it.  We have so much more in store for us without this disease.


Do not stress too much, exercise enough rest eat all 5 dishes. Wait, then will come back. Strong as before, It will be good. Try to fight.


Active Member
Well the battle goes on.  I've just decided to not let the porn control me anymore. It's not what I want in my life.  I still not believe how different I feel, act,  and  even think. I will be 6 months pmo free in a couple weeks. I'm so excited for what my future will bring. Stay strong guys,  it's tough u know but work through the struggle.


Active Member
I had an minor operation yesterday and really messed up my sleep cycle. At any rate woke up at 12:30 am wide awake.  I watched t.v. for a couple of hours and played some crossword games and at about 4:30 I finally decided to go back to bed. It wasn't until I woke up this morning that I realized porn didn't cross my mind once last night. I still cant believe it. Six months ago I would have been up surfing until my head hurt.  What a great feeling that was. I feel so free from that crap I have spent so many, hours, months, and years on spinning g my wheels. Please guys stay strong and dont let that stuff get in your way of a wonderful life. I will be 6 months pmo free in a week.