43 year old tired of pmo

Way to go, Jbow!  I'm sure it must feel amazing to be almost a half year PMO-free.  You're an inspiration to me.  I hope to get there, too.  I'm "just" on day 12, but it's a start.  Keep going!


Active Member
Thank you Bob, and Phil. It does feel so good to be free of that stuff. I'm so glad I made the choice to stop doing the things that have caused me so much heart ache over the decades. Thanks again for the support.


Active Member
Nicely done Jbow. Shows how far you?ve come that you can occupy yourself without PMO even when your sleep cycle is out. Hope you?re recovering well from the op.


It wasn't until I woke up this morning that I realized porn didn't cross my mind once last night.

Awesome. What a great observation. It's like rediscovering time. Empty time. Bored time. Time for hobbies and interests, whatever. The important thing, it's not filled with porn. Porn really destroyed my experience of time when I was using it. Thanks for sharing that story.


Active Member
Thank you big mog and idunno. Its so nice to log on here and see the support iget from you guys.  It's just nice to see. Stay strong and keep up the good fight.


Active Member
I continue to trek forward. I spent most of the day In A truck with full internet capabilities.  I had many opportunities to vere off the new path I have chosen for myself,  and my family.  I stayed on the straight and narrow and iam proud of myself. I need to let you know that throughout the day I had thoughts , and certain scenes of movies go through my head and I think how I could lose myself for hours, if not days catching up with my old friend. But as I have become good at this, I moved my thoughts process to something useful and productive.  Stay strong  guys, and know there is something better for all of us down a pmo free lifestyle.


Active Member
today is my 6 month Anniversary of being pmo free. this is by far the longest streak I have ever had. everyday is still a challenge.  it crosses my mind sever times a day and I've just realized pmo is not something I want in my life anymore,  and I'm going to make that happen. it just a choice I have made.  its broken my heart for the last time. thanks for the support and keep strong. porn is no longer an option.


Active Member
I've kind of slipped a little.  I gave in and had a couple night of binging. it was fun at first and then I just found myself just looking at video after video in an aimless matter. not sure what I was looking for but I spent several hours higher than a kite on dopamine . it is what it is I'm still a better person knowing what 6 months felt like I guess I'm going get clean again


Your approach and attitude towards the recent event is 100 percent correct.  You have to recognize and acknowledge your achievement and progress and focus on that aspect.  After all, it is all about today and moving forward.  Keep going! 


Active Member
thank you Judy. I could get down on myself and feel shitty, but that will only magnify things for me. it happened it sucks and it's over. I'm going on 2 weeks clean already.  life is good.


Active Member
I'm still around,  staying clean I had my fun on July 10 and I've been clean since.  Not much to report.  Its kind of odd I'm not thinking about porn at all. I would have thought after my slip up that I would have kind of been hung up on pmo, bit I'm not, not at all. Stay strong guys the battle continues.


Active Member
Thank you Bob. I'm moving on. Porn isn't really something I think about too much. I kind of dont realize it, but things are going really good for me. Keep up the battle and keep your mind busy on producing stuff.


Active Member
Time to start over. This thing really has a hold on me. I just erased everything,  and it was tough. I haven't pumped for at least 2 weeks. I'm so much better than what I e become


Nice to see you are back into the battle-hope you are not beating yourself up too much.  Wipe the slate clean and get going again with a fresh start-that is what matters at this stage.  You have the tools, you know the drill, you can do this!  Take care bro.   