The practices that helped me get into a groove of being able to withstand PMO-related urges have been: meditation, cold showers, RebootNation posting / journaling, listening to Dr. Trish Leigh’s “Porn Brain Rewire” podcast, and taking a few minutes before bed each day to reflect on why I’m doing this — ideally, all of these habits should be done every single day.
My confidence — and my mental health writ large — have increased in ways I never thought possible. I’m now three months into my job as a trial attorney and I’m in court almost every day, arguing cases in front of a judge and against another attorney (oftentimes a much more seasoned attorney); and I have been able to obtain favorable outcomes for myself at these hearings and trials. This sort of work was something I thought I “just wasn’t cut out for”; but it turns out that the limiting factor was my PMO-addiction and the feelings of shame and guilt this addiction wrought.
One last thing: you have to believe that this addiction is something that you can, and will, overcome. It won’t be easy and it won’t happen overnight, but before you know it you’ll have 130+ continuous porn-free days under your belt too. Godspeed, brother.