
Staff member
Lyon,  I ave watched you and walked with you through this site the last three years!!  I am proud of you !  I know this was not an easy road for you.  But here you are, strong in the broken places, tested and true.  Your insight is invaluable to those going through this process!

Live your life true to yourself with compassion for  others and you will continue to grow


Respected Member
Thank you so much Gracie. Be well friends. I probably won't post that much but will come back if I find myself stumbling or working towards a new milestone.


Active Member
Lyon, are you still out there? I'm back trying to climb back on the wagon. Seeing you still here doing well is encouraging. Hoping you made it through your lonely spell alright. Check in with me if you have a spare moment.


Respected Member
1152 days porn-free: Merry Christmas everyone! Hi Chiefmitch. Unfortunately, I don't post here regularly brother but I do continue to post, attend (phone-in) meetings, and sponsor porn addicts on www.pornaddictsanonymous.org. Check me out there if you want my friend. Good luck with your journey. Life is better porn-free my friends. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION. 


Active Member

You are an inspiration for so many of us here. We are striving to be porn free and you've shown that it can be done. Thank you for sharing your experience and inspiring us. Do drop by sometimes when you can.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and everyone here,



Merry Christmas, lyon.  Keep going.  Porn is not an option.

Will I AM.


Active Member
Your doing awesome lion. You and I started here at almost the exact same time. I've not been that successful yet. I'm still trying.  Reading your posts sure does give me hope that I can change. Thank you for being here. I'll get it right one of these times. I know one if the most important things for me is exercise.  That seems to be working for me right now.


Active Member
Hello Lyon!!

grats on your success - i am 4 years porn free this day!

continue to do your good work, success is out there for us all!!

happy new year my old frienc


Respected Member
Happy New Year friends! Hey SMS...great hearing from you brother. Congratulations on 4+ years porn-free. What an accomplishment. I'm now at 3 years and 2+ months porn-free, just another 10 months before celebrating 4 years porn-free. In the beginning, I counted my recovery in days, weeks, and then months. I never thought I'd be counting my freedom in years but here I am. I welcome all of the new members and encourage the long-term members to keep coming back. There is no secret to my recovery:

1. Doing the hard 90 (or 100 in my case)
2. Daily posts and encouraging others
3. Reading everything I could about porn addiction, addiction, self-esteem, self-improvement, etc.
4. Attacking my addictions to porn, sex, and masturbation from every angle until I prevailed.

To give you a snapshot of where I was, I was heavily addicted to dopamine [read up on it if you don't know the term] for about 15-20 years and masturbated to porn 1-2x daily for about the final ten years. There was a time when I couldn't go three whole minutes without a porn fix...I know because I timed it. Because of my screen/dopamine addiction, I suffered from depression, erectile dysfunction, anxiety, anger, and a whole host of other porn-related problems. Around Christmas 2013, I seriously contemplated suicide as my only way out. Had I not stopped watching porn and using hook up applications like Grindr (often while driving), I know I'd be a dead man. 

I joined this forum in November 2014 with a "porn is not an option" mentality and have not watched porn since. But I didn't do it alone. This forum and its kind members were a lifesaver. I also joined www.pornaddictsanonymous.org, a 12-step program for people with porn addictions, got a sponsor, now sponsor others, and still participate in their weekly phone-in meetings. So what's my point? If you attack your addictions from every possible angle, you will eventually prevail. It might not happen immediately and you might stumble from time to time, but you'll eventually get there.

Thanks for reading friends. Be well and remember...PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.


Respected Member
1257 days porn-free (3 years 5 months porn-free): Good day nation! It's been a while my friends. I'm just checking in with an update and to encourage any new members to keep fighting the good fight. I don't have a lot to share other than life is much better porn-free. Mine was a roughly 20-year porn habit that also morphed into sex and masturbation addictions as well. There was a time not too long ago when I couldn't go three minutes without looking for a porn hit. (I know because I timed it.) Read my thread if you'd like to follow my road to recovery. Here is how I made it to 3+ years porn-free:

1. Hard 90 (no porn nor masturbation)
2. Daily posts for the first 100 days
3. Read "Your Brain on Porn" (a lifesaver)
4. Joined www.pornaddictsanonymous.org (a member to this day)
5. Encouraged and connected with others
6. Lots of gym time, sleep, and otherwise healthy living

There is no one way to recover. Some see reboot in religious terms, others are atheists, gay, straight, vegan etc. We all have our own unique perspective. No one dances the same way and recovery means moving to our own music as well. But I will share this: attack your addiction from every possible angle and you'll eventually prevail. I came to this forum with a "porn is not an option" mentality that served me very well. It meant that from day 1, I was willing to do whatever it took to recover. I attended 12-step meetings, posted here 2-3 times a day, read countless books about addiction/recovery, and just b*ll-out bludgeoned my porn addiction to death.

If you're wondering what life is like addiction-free, trying watching a 50s-era black and white film on a grainy old TV then go see an IMAX movie. That's the difference. My addictions meant seeing the world in black and white. I saw everything and everyone through the smeared lens of sex. These days, I never tire of seeing things in pure colour again. It's taken me years to heal from my porn addiction and it was probably the hardest thing I've ever done. But I'm a better person for it. You'll get there friends!



Thank You Lyon for all of your inspiration. I'm committed to the same outcome. Porn Is Not An Option.

misc person 86

Active Member
lyon03 said:
(3 years 5 months porn-free)

Thanks so much for the update Lyon!

Just to clarify...

1. Your erections no longer worked before quitting.
2. Now your erection works every time you feel like being intimate and it stays?


Respected Member
1387 days porn-free / 3 years 9 months 18 days porn-free: Hey nation! It's been a while between posts. In just 10 weeks, I'll reach the major milestone of 4 years porn-free. What started as a journey to have boners again has become so much more. Just a few days ago, I celebrated 6 years with my boyfriend. It's been quite the journey my friends. In addition to addressing my decades-long porn addiction, I have also: come out of the closet, separated, divorced, and found love again. I don't have a lot to share my friends other than that porn was simply the tip of the iceberg, the acting out if you will, 9/10ths of my problems remained under water. I'm not the same person I was when I started this journey. After a lifetime of shame and self-hatred, I've re-learned to love myself, am no longer angry all the time, sleep better than I ever have, and now connect with people almost instantly.  I'm 100% myself which is so much easier when I'm not carrying around the pervvy porn aura I had in the past. Living with the dual shame of being a closeted gay man AND porn/masturbation addict almost drove me to commit suicide. As one of my favourite books writes, "Suicide is a permanent solution to life's short-term problems." Amen to that. Life still has its challenges for sure, but I no longer turn to porn nor masturbation to cope with them. Speaking of masturbation, I probably wank about 5-6 times a year, compared to 1-2x daily during full-blown PMO addiction. Someone asked above:

1. Your erections no longer worked before quitting.


2. Now your erection works every time you feel like being intimate and it stays?

Not always my friend, but that's life when you're 46 like me. Most of us start this process because we want puberty-level rock-hard erections...on command. Now 4 years later I understand this process was always about my brian, not about my junk. I'd suggest you read, "Your Brain on Porn" to better understand that what we have is a brain/dopamine addiciton, not limp d*ck obsession.

If you want to learn more about me and my journey, just read my thread! Be well friends. And remember: PORN IS NOT AN OPTION. 


Staff member
Hey!  Good to see an old familiar face!  Good to see you are still doing well and showing others it can be done!!!!!  Peace and much love to you.  It is important to know in this walk, whether the addicted or the partner to know there are those you can count on.