
Respected Member
1092 days porn-free / 4 days until 3 years porn-free: Hey forum! Thanks for the shouts out my friends. I'm just checking in quickly before bed. Sunday will mark 3 years porn-free...4 days from now (I was off on my count). I have a lot to share but no energy so I'll write again tomorrow. Goodnight friends. I made it another day porn-free. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.


Respected Member
1093 days porn-free / 3 days until 3 years porn-free: Good morning forum! Wow 72 hours until 3 years porn-free. Two days ago, my car was broken into during rugby practice. Before getting into the details, this was probably my first rugby practice where I wasn't terrified the entire time. In fact, I was really enjoying myself, enough so apparently to come away with a black eye and wrenched neck! Back to my story. The thieves took my briefcase, cellphone, wallet, credit cards, keys etc. Strangely it was a liberating experience for several reasons. First, my teammates were incredibly helpful. They loaned me money, offered to help, and so on. Second, I saw what kindness was. On rugby nights, I stay with my boyfriend but arrive at his place rather late (near midnight). Unfortunately his apartment keys were stolen as well and he'd already gone to bed. F*CK! So I stayed at a nearby hotel and the very kind night desk manager gave me a room without any ID and loaned me his cellphone to call and cancel my credit cards. The next day when checking out, I found out they'd given me my room for free. I was floored! Yesterday was a blur of police reports, telephone calls, and so on. This annoying situation taught me several things: 1. I'm no longer angry nor denying my emotions. Yes I was pissed, but it never prevented me from staying calm and I was mostly pro-active. 2. Not once did I act out via my addictions. This alone is a miracle. 3. It was actually kind of liberating being without a smartphone for 48 hours. I'm now on a back up 90s-style flip phone and I'm loving how low-tech it is. 4. This demonstrated people's innate kindness. So now I'm going to leave a glowing review on Trip Advisor for the hotel and its night manager. My boyfriend told me that he didn't sleep all night and felt off yesterday because he was so worried about me and what happened. I slept pretty peacefully all things considered and just went about my day. Yes it still sucks to have to replace my license, ID, and credit cards but symbolically it feels like a fresh start. Thanks for reading my rambles friends. I'm down to my final 72 hours porn-free to the huge milestone of three years without my drug of choice. I'll post again tomorrow. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.


Wonder how you might have reacted to the same situation 3 years ago! Such a great response by yourself and everyone else who showed you kindness along the way.


Respected Member
1094 days porn-free / 2 days until 3 years porn-free: Good day RN! The final 48 hours. Thanks for your shouts out friends. Yes TrueMe I would have definitely handed getting robbed quite differently three years ago my friend. It would have been a lot of anger, then a lot of "Why me!?", a porn binge, and then some f*cked up plan for revenge...yet zero execution. What a difference living porn-free makes. When it happened I was like, "Meh!?" then got to work cancelling credit cards, changing passwords etc. I'm now home and very tired after an early morning and long day at work. But I did want to check in here before my evening off. Thanks for being here friends. I can't wait to celebrate three years porn-free with all of you Sunday. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.   


Respected Member
Thanks everyone. I have a 12-step phone-in meeting shortly with www.pornaddictsanonymous.org. I'll check in tomorrow with an update. Thank you thank you thank you for your love and support. Please continue posting and also posting/encouraging your fellow rebooters. The more we share, the more it motivates others to share. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION...and hasn't been for three f*cking years!  ;)


Respected Member
Three years + 1 day porn-free: Thank you everyone for your well wishes. I couldn't have made it this far without your love and support. Here is my very first post:

"Here is my story: 42 years old, first discovered porn/masturbation around age 12, went from magazines, to video, paid streaming porn, then free and highly addictive porn sites. What was a flirtation became a full-on obsession in 1994 and heroin-like addiction in 2005. I'm starting this journal on day 23 of my recovery with a goal of hitting 90 days initially before stopping forever. My addiction has now cost me: my career, my business, my marriage, and was well along to destroying my relationship with my three kids. On October 30th, I finally said "f*ck this". I've not watched porn since and never will do it again. I've started a reboot with no-fap and no television. I've also read pretty much everything I could about my addiction, namely it's harder to give up than meth. (Scary!) But there are temptations, particularly in the form of rock-hard erections at night and geyser-like pressure because I haven't had an orgasm in roughly two weeks. I'll post daily to keep motivated. Glad to have found this site and very happy to share with others."

My addictions are like icebergs: 9/10ths of my real problems were below water. I reckon porn was just the visible tip. After all, I had recovered from my porn addiction in just a few months but I still felt an overwhelming need to use some other "crutch" to manage my emotions. So the hard work began post-porn addiction. That's when I didn't have anything to distract me from working on the root causes of my addictions to porn, masturbation, and sex. And these root causes were fear, shame, and a total lack of self-esteem.

I believe porn was nothing but a drug, a distraction from my real problems. So what I'm about to share is how I overcame my porn addiction and remained porn-free for the past three years. I'm going to divide this into three phases: phase 1 was when I stopped porn; phase 2 was when I addressed the root causes of my addictions; and phase 3 was about bettering myself (or becoming the man I truly wanted to be).

PHASE 1: REBOOT (3-4 months)

I did the classic "hard 90" which I believe was more like the "hard 100." That meant no porn nor masturbation for the first 100 days. Here is how I made it through the first 3+ months porn-free:

1. Adopted a 'PORN IS NOT AN OPTION' mentality
2. Posted here daily, almost to the point that recovery became a new addiction
3. Joined www.pornddictsanonymous.org (or "PAA"), a 12-step program for porn addiction
4. Through PAA got a sponsor and sobriety buddies to contact in case I felt triggered or close to relapse
5. Exercised daily
6. Gave up TV
7. Read "Your Brain on Porn"

PHASE 2: EMOTIONAL REBOOT (first 18 months)

This was the most challenging part of my reboot. Why? For some reason, I never really learned to properly feel nor express my emotions. I was completely incapable of just honestly experiencing and sharing my feelings. From a very young age, I denied my emotions which caused me a lot of self-hatred, pain, and shame. Later when these negative feelings risked overwhelming me, I'd turn to food, TV, then later porn and sex to artificially "feel better." While porn initially made me feel better, over time it just made me feel worse due to porn-induced f*cked up brain chemistry (insomnia & anxiety for example), deep depression, and PIED/erectile dysfunction. This is how I made it through my emotional reboot:

1. Healthy living: exercise, sleep, and eating well.
2. Therapy: I found an incredible therapist and did about six months of regular therapy.
3. Reading: Books like "Breaking the Cycle" about addiction and "Loving What Is" to re-learn how to express my feelings to avoid falling back into denial.
4. Coming out: I came out as gay to my (then) wife, my parents, sister, and extended family.
5. Improving Relationships: I separated and divorced from my wife, met a boyfriend (now together 5+ years), and started the slow process of detaching from everything toxic in my life.

PHASE 3: SELF-IMPROVEMENT (1.5 years porn-free to today)

This is where I am today. I see this phase as a period of self-improvement. As a recovering addict and formerly closeted gay man, I'm trying to find the inner strength to live a happy and fulfilling life. While in active addiction, it was all about trying to find happiness via external means. For example, the first four years of my new (gay) relationship were very rocky because I wanted my boyfriend to love me; an impossible task because I was incapable of loving myself. I've spent most of my life hating myself for being gay while also feeling resentment towards others, mainly because I wanted what they had or I wanted them to do for me what I was incapable of doing myself. In the past, I just gave off this "fix me!!!" aura whereas now I'm slowly learning to fix myself. This is how I'm working through my current recovery phase:

1. Healthy living: exercise, sleep, and eating well.
2. Healthy relationships: I read "The Velvet Rage" which is the best book about the coming out process and then worked very hard on self-acceptance. For a time I joined CODA (co-dependents anonymous) to get over my lifelong people-pleasing. This helped me lovingly detach from all the toxic people in my life while also detaching from my toxic thinking.
3. Fear Management: I'm currently working through a hit list of lifelong fears in an attempt to better myself. For example, I've always feared violent team sports so I joined a gay rugby team in a nearby city. It's been painful but ultimately a great experience.
4. Self-Esteem/Integrity: I read and re-read "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem" and "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" to re-learn the value of honesty, integrity, and hard-work. These books also helped me with communication and boundary setting. For example, now that I can pro-actively set boundaries in my personal relationships, like with my boyfriend, I'm much happier.

I want to stress that I'm not the perfect rebooter, so my recovery from addictions to porn, masturbation, and sex has been rocky at times. I've detailed a lot of these struggles in previous posts. For example, I can still lose myself in Facebook or YouTube. This is something I need to monitor because losing myself in screens can look a lot like a porn substitute. After decades of darting around the internet, I continue to have trouble concentrating. This has negatively impacted my business (I'm self employed). And under the guise of an "open relationship", I have often used anonymous sex/hook ups to avoid feeling negative emotions (such as loneliness and fear). So yes the road to recovery is rocky, but these secondary problems (or middle circle behaviours as we call them in 12-step programs) continue to melt away. So I feel I'm on the right track.

Thanks for reading my rambles friends. I also wanted to thank Gabe Deem and all of you for making Reboot Nation such an integral part of my recovery from porn addiction. PORN IS NOT AN OPTION.


Respected Member
I'm proud of you Lyon.
Your words ring clear and true.
We of any form of addiction all suffer some emotional issues. I know mine should be anxiety, and PMO was a form of coping, of avoidance and denial.
You speak of fear management, and that is probably something we need to do. And now you chosen to face it head on, and I'm very proud of you.

Even after reconnecting with ourselves through abstinence, it still takes much time to reveal what are the silent impulses that define or deny us. But discover we all eventually will, and that will bring closure to the gap between our image and who we really are. It is in alignment where we be happiest and most contented.


Active Member
Thanks for posting this Lyon. As well as giving me hope, it has provided me with thoughts as to what I may need to do for my recovery. It's so true that PMO is only the tip of the iceberg, a coping mechanism for deeper issues.

I'm only at the beginning of my journey to be PMO free, but I am looking forward to finally growing up and facing my problems porn free.

A BIG CONGRATS on getting to 3 years. That's an amazing achievement!!


Appreciate you taking the time to share your reboot journey so clearly Lyon. Your unselfish, positive and 'tell it like it is' honesty is adding up to an incredibly helpful resource we can all take guidance and inspiration from.


Respected Member
Thank you everyone for your kind messages of support. If you are ready to live porn-free, I'd urge you to post here daily, encourage others, keep working/asking questions, and systematically dismantle your porn addiction (and its root causes) until you prevail. This may or may not include getting help from a 12-step program (like www.pornaddictsanonymous.org) or from a mental health professional. I used both. For some of us, we can successfully reboot our first time. I envy these people. For others like me, it might take months or years of failing our way to success. PLEASE KEEP TRYING. I tried and failed for years to stop watching porn. I just happened to join this forum after stumbling again and again. So yes here I've detailed a mostly porn-free time period, however, I didn't detail just how many failures it took me to get here. If you're like me, you probably want an easy, effortless, and perfect reboot. I was so na?ve to think that I could cure a 20-year addiction in just a few months. STUPID ME! As I've learned, addictions are like those ocean-going mega-freighters, they don't just stop nor turn on a dime. Addictions take a very long time to change course and an even longer time to stop. For me, reboot was a question of making small daily course corrections which over time completely changed the direction of my life. And that started with daily posts here. When my motivation would wane, I'd remind myself that I carved out 3-4 hours EVERY DAY for wanking to porn, so I needed to use that same amount of time and effort to post here. And it seems to have worked. I might post again. I might not. Regardless, I urge you to put in the effort to live porn-free. Why? Life without addictions is so much better and you're worth it my friends. Love Lyon.