4 YEARS PMO FREE! - 5 tips to SUCCESS!! - MUST READ! (updated)


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I raised the disrespect subject with my wife again. she partly understood my position.
I think that in our society today, women see that they can outperform men in so many ways that men are left with tired, self-righteous women who can only guess that the men learn all their sex acts from porn and therefore refuse to be adventurous and exciting in the bedroom. Men are left with a dead end career, a boring wife and turn to any number of addictions including chemical dependencies as well as porn.

      In my case, I am hopeless.
No job for 5 years. Our income is from a mix of her income and welfare. No woman wants to be respectful to an unemployed man! So I will concentrate on my job, right?!! oh, but I have no job and oh, all I get for sex is a reluctant wife giving me a poor hand job, every 10 days or so. I know that the Lord has not abandoned me and I wish I could be more encouraging for you men here but my depression is getting worse. In the beginning of my unemployment, I let people know I needed a job. No one, not even people from church helped me. Guys at the gym would not respond even though every person I know, has a job or business. I stopped telling people after a year because I sounded desperate and depressed. people seemed to avoid me.

My resume's go into a black hole. My LinkedIn account is pathetic. At 52, porn was my only inoculation from dread and complete frustration and ruin. There is not much incentive for my wife to want me, let alone respect me. I quit porn knowing that life without porn is better, but better than being in complete darkness instead of dark shadows??
These are dark days. My 5 years of unemployment make my Christianity look so bad.
        I am suicidal without the children. There really is no reason to live when your faith fails and God seems to be so distant you begin to doubt. I live like the man 'Job' from the Bible; wondering what I did wrong so long. Other men on porn seem to have no problem keeping employment. I feel down and singled out for ruin and destruction by God Himself, although theologically that is not possible.
I have no answers. Just a deep dark sense of ruin and despair for all the years wasted and my legacy becoming so, so pathetic!


Active Member
dear Olaf,

what you wrote is very dark and sad. Please don't indulge in you depression. I know those situations well so I will tell you the same thing other people said to me when I was there. In those times words have to be harsh and pointed. But only you can realise the outcome!

you only are pathetic if you mark yourself as such. Your only option is not to crawl back and to hide, to blame others for your unemployment or to tell your wife that you don't feel respected because she gives you only a louse handjob every 10 days.

Your problem is you lack of respect towards yourself and therefore also you thinking that everybody else just doesn't respect you. Reading the Bible or hoping for something is not going to help if you don't follow the advice you can find in there! It is not the Job of a higher diety to make your life nice and confi, that is your job.

I mean no disrespect towards you when I say this but: get your shit together!

It is not to late to stand up and be the man that you want to be. 52 is not 82. There still is tons of time to get your life back in line. But you have to start. Nothing is going to change if you don't start with changing things by yourself.

Respect is not something you get because you are there or older as somebody else or because you have a cock. Respect is something you earn for you deeds.

Of course people avoid you if you drag them down with you in you depression hole. This is common sense. Please keep in mind that there is so much to safe there for you. Your wife partly understood your problem. Thet means, that she still sees something in you - which you apparently don't see anymore!

Rebooting can only go as far as to fix you problems regarding porn. It is no magic trick making everything bright again. What it can do however is, to show you that you CAN be proud of yourself, that you CAN achieve something.

This is not the end of the road for you! You can go further - but please push you ass over the f***** finish line, when you see it. It is NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO SIT AND COMPLAIN. Only those who work will get reward - remember that guy in the bible that just dig his money into the ground? You are doing the same thing!

I am not a religious person but I see a lot of sense in It! You have a very smart book with over 2000 years of experience about life and so many useful suggestions! Start there! use this and make the best out of your life NOW.

If your selfrespect returns, you wife will also start to respect you again, as will others. YOu are the Key!

I wish you the very best of luck and strenght to find the fire in yourself again.



Active Member
Olaf, I agree with what Vincent said.  You're indulging in depressing thoughts, and this is a vicious cycle, because it does impact how others will respond to you.  Frankly, your posts make me think that porn is not the first thing you need to give up.  The first thing you need to remedy is this self-pitying, self-loathing attitude.  You are better than this, brother, and you are much more than the man you are describing in your posts.

olafthewise said:
No woman wants to be respectful to an unemployed man!

Horse puckey.  This is a big, fat lie you have told yourself.  I've said it before, a man is NOT defined by what he does for a living or whether he has a job.  Your wife might not respect you to some extent (I don't know this), but if she does not, that is HER problem and HER mistake, not yours -- unless you perpetuate the problem with your attitude.

I would say, however,  that it is difficult for many women to show respect a man who is constantly expressing a "woe is me" attitude.  Women respond to men who are willing to boldly face the challenges in their lives and who have confidence in who they are and what they can do.  Yes, we all get down sometimes, as we are all human, but the key is to pick yourself up and keep going.

olafthewise said:
My 5 years of unemployment make my Christianity look so bad.

No, it is how YOU RESPOND to your unemployment that makes your Christianity look "good" or "bad."

Can you not get a job anywhere?  What about a fast food place, or as a waiter in a restaurant?  If your issue is plain and simple unemployment, can't you get a minimum wage job?  So what if it is not in the field of your degree or whatever.

And if you can't get a minimum wage job (I don't where you live), then go get a "job" serving on a volunteer basis in some church or with some charitable organization.  Do something that gets you out of the house and providing a service to others.

olafthewise said:
  There really is no reason to live when your faith fails and God seems to be so distant you begin to doubt.

The reason to live is that God has a purpose in your current suffering.  You may not know what it is, but he has a purpose for you.  Deep down you know this.  And BTW, there are people who are in far worse shape.

I think perhaps you need to seek some support from some Christian men in your church or neighborhood who can talk to you and give you in-person support.  In addition (and I apologize if I forgot some of your backstory), it appears like you might be suffering from depression.  Perhaps you should see a physician also, as we know that the chemicals in our bodies can get out of balance and cause depression, anxiety, etc.

Praying for you, brother.


Active Member
Thanks guys. I know I need to get my poo together.
I was looking at an alumni magazine the other day and I was feeling as though all my college classmates have a stellar job and legacy and all I have is failure. So that's why I got down again.

I still got my gym time and my 6 mile runs. My online graduate school will end in July or August. I am looking forward to it. In this economy I expect more success with a degree in psychology, so wish me luck guys.
Gimme an atta boy too, I fixed the clothes washer which had broken bearings and other worn parts. $700 later...beats a new one at $1200!


Active Member
olafthewise said:
I was looking at an alumni magazine the other day and I was feeling as though all my college classmates have a stellar job and legacy and all I have is failure. So that's why I got down again.

And when their time is done, how will those stellar jobs and earthly legacy be valued by the only one whose judgment matters? You know Jesus Christ, so right there you are eternally better off than any highly-successful college classmate who does not.

Atta boy and I wish you luck.  It sounds like you're feeling a little better today.


Active Member
Hi Olaf,

I am very happy to see you on fire again. I am sure there is always a way to become a person oneself can really respect. And believe me, those guys and girls from the alumni-mag also have theirs problems and hard times - ok some people simply have extreme luck but that's another story.

I am very sure that you can also make a stellar living if you bloom again! By the way. To keep yourself fit at the gym and rum 6 miles is pretty awesome! Considering some guys with 40+ already are obese as hell and can't move their ass any more what you are doing is really FAR FROM PATHETIC! My respect for that!

I again wish you the very best of luck and energy - and please, turn back here if you feel like the world is breaking down for you. For many of us the PMO/Porn/NoFap challenges and the discovering of an addiction only is ONE symptom of many we gradually beginn to discover by investing time and energy in ourselves. To confront oneself with oneself is a very hard task and everybody that does that deserves respect!

All the best,



Active Member
I agree with that assessment on fitness and this encouraging site.
Addictions have a world of their own. When we leave addictions, whether its a chemical addiction or porn, we end up looking in the mirror at a person we don't know OR someone we are familiar with and don't like.
Some years ago I became depressed while in a job by looking into an actual mirror at one of my grocery accounts. I looked at a man who I did not know. Needless to say, I began a depression that has gone on since then. during the progression of my depression, I was fired. Then our mortgage was late, then again. Then my son went into drug rehab and out and in again and again. He has had 2-3 suicide attempts. Then to add more insult to injury, my wife began to exhibit a repulsion to sex and nudity, thus driving up the amount of porn I viewed.

So imagine me now looking into a mirror at a man I hated back in 2008. Now that porn is gone, I gotta address the man who is me...the real me. No inoculation, no alcohol to drown it out, just me and the man in my mirror.


Active Member
Ho olaf,

that is a very harsh and sad stroy you went through. I hope your son is better and I very much hope for you to fond the strength for all the changes necessary.

I know, it is always easy to say one should change if one's not in the situation. However, i belive that only in showing  and provin to yourself that you are a worthy person that can achieve something, one can truly show empathy and also help others.

At times the construct of ones own life is not stable enough and might seem to crumble under all the pressure from the outside. But in ones own story oneself is the hero that can save the day. And you can do that, too!!

Again, all the best!


Active Member
I began my career in another state in 1988. It was going to be a great career! I expected to be a hero and a community leader and an example for people to follow. I was even going to have my own bible study and learn the guitar. My wife would always stay home and be a wife under a great man..........

that career ended soon after it started. I tried to redeem it for 10 years with no luck. I ended up in a sales job that I hated and got fed disrespect daily. I never started a bible study and in fact got in an argument with a bible study leader once at the home where we all met. I have not been to a home bible study since then. (we made up and are still friends). I learned about 6 cords on a cheap guitar, it lays under my bed unused. As I said before, I was fired after 18 years with my last job, due to an accident that happened shortly after my autistic daughter was date raped. My "career" ended in disaster as I aged out and would never return.
Porn was a good inoculation for me since I refused alcohol or drugs. But now it needed to go.
My only inoculation now is fitness.
I am in grad school now for psychology at 52.


Active Member
Dear Olaf,

considering what you and your family went through I have to state my respects for you to still be this strong and refusing to give up. It is a very difficult past you have with a lot of brutal realities I never wish for anyone. I am very sory for what happened to you and you children.

The important part however is: you did not give up. Where ever you get that strenght from, be it God or you intrinsic energy, keep is and nurture it, let it grow.

There simply is nothing worse you can do for yourself - and yourself is the one you have to focus on, otherwise you can't help others - than hide because you are desillusioned. You, of course, have every reason to be angry, feel left alone and betrayed by life. I would as well in your situation. But you most certainly are the salvation for yourself and your family. There always is a very thin thread, holding everything together.
You wrote, that you were ready to take responsibility in a community, to be a leader. I think that you still have it in you. It just is hidden. let it out. Because your future is there.

You have every right to give up. But I don't think that you will. You would never have gotten through all those hardships if you wouldn't have been a very strong, determined and proud man, who loves his family. I belive in you and I hope I will also be as corageous in life as you are.

The hardships of live, only love can overcome.

I believe in you, Olaf!

You already know all the reasons for life to be bitter. Now its time to find some sugar!!!! :D

And btw: If you managed with all that...PMO must be a joke.


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This is a site where reality is not filtered.
            My confession is that I mostly did not "PMO" to porn. I simply viewed it, collected soft porn pics and moved on. Unfortunately, porn collecting took several hours in some cases. For those guys who view porn with their "tool" in their hand until they "explode," I find it difficult to do that (PMO) in light of my wife and kids being around. Late night porn viewing or searching for the right soft porn pic had to be done discreetly otherwise someone would come downstairs or demand I open the bedroom door. I also find it difficult to get "hard'' while viewing porn maybe because I avoid the hard core stuff. I told my wife that I don't get an erection when seeing a porn pic, she was surprised.
At any rate, I know that any porn is bad and bad for you. So I stopped.


Good stuff man!

except #5 sorry I'm just not a religious person, and i don't need "god" to help me with my problems, just self confidence and perseverance but whatever works for u keep it up!


Active Member
My son rejects God too. He has no reason to, he was raised as an adopted child and lived well. Then a girlfriend broke up with him and the drugs started and he blamed his adoption for his problems.

I have every reason to reject God; The loss of my career into a sales rep job started my wife seeing me as less than a man. Then I got fired. She then started to insult me and boss me around. sex got infrequent. After 3 years of being unemployed, she got more sexualy frigid and started to hide her body from me so that I rarely see her nude. Then she developed sexual pain. So, lets look at it. I pray for a good career, God not only takes it, but ruins the situation so I can't go back. Then from the loss of the career my wife sees me as a bit of a wimp and bosses me around. Then I get fired. Bosses me around more and disrespects me. Then she gets a job after a 1 week search. I hit the 5 year unemployed mark. She gets more disrespectful and then develops pain during sex. So, I have no sexuality to look forward to, no job to fill in the gap and my autistic son is gay and effeminate. I hate the life I've developed.
As for God? Other people have lost a lot more so what do I have to complain about? God will do what He will do.


Active Member
olafthewise said:
I have every reason to reject God;

Every person on earth thinks that they have a reason to reject God.  But olaf,  you know in your heart that you do not have a reason to reject God, as such reasoning has as an underlying and fundamentally flawed assumption that you know better than Him. 

A great lesson I am studying in a Bible study this week is when the Israelites complain in the desert about eating manna everyday, and not having meat to eat. (like they had in Egypt when they were slaves)  They complain about what God has given them and not given them, and He is angered.  But Moses complains to God and seeks his help, and God comes to his aid.

We all have things we think we have a right to complain about.  The key is not to reject God's judgment regarding how He has ordered your life or what He has given you or not given you, but to "complain" to Him (in prayer.)  I myself often fail to recognize this important distinction.  And when we complain to Him in prayer, we have to remember that his timing is rarely the same as our timing, and our "will" for our lives is rarely the same as his will.

olafthewise said:
As for God? Other people have lost a lot more so what do I have to complain about? God will do what He will do.

Yes, God will do what He will do, and as a wise man once said, He is much more interested in our character, than our comfort.  Hard to accept sometimes, I know.  But also remember that this life's troubles are temporary.  Stay strong, bro.


Staff member
olafthewise said:
My son rejects God too. He has no reason to, he was raised as an adopted child and lived well. Then a girlfriend broke up with him and the drugs started and he blamed his adoption for his problems.

I have every reason to reject God; The loss of my career into a sales rep job started my wife seeing me as less than a man. Then I got fired. She then started to insult me and boss me around. sex got infrequent. After 3 years of being unemployed, she got more sexualy frigid and started to hide her body from me so that I rarely see her nude. Then she developed sexual pain. So, lets look at it. I pray for a good career, God not only takes it, but ruins the situation so I can't go back. Then from the loss of the career my wife sees me as a bit of a wimp and bosses me around. Then I get fired. Bosses me around more and disrespects me. Then she gets a job after a 1 week search. I hit the 5 year unemployed mark. She gets more disrespectful and then develops pain during sex. So, I have no sexuality to look forward to, no job to fill in the gap and my autistic son is gay and effeminate. I hate the life I've developed.
As for God? Other people have lost a lot more so what do I have to complain about? God will do what He will do.
I read a book recently entitled "Don't Blame God" by John W. Schoenheit. While I don't necessarily endorse every view that the author holds, I think that it helped me to see that God does not have a hand in everything that happens. I get frustrated by life's ups and downs at times and more than once I've blamed my loving Creator, but it's not His fault. We live in a flawed world, caused by sin and disobedience. The horrors I see all around as I read the news are upsetting, even disheartening, but that doesn't make the work of our Creator any less wondrous. In His time he will bring an end to the suffering; until then we must wait.


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Regardless, 5 years...
ok, 5 years...
so 5 years. I do not "blame God." God does not need to screw up my life. I do that all by myself. All He has to do is nothing and my own sin and human nature will do the rest of it.
Blame is not what I do here.
People say to those unemployed; "God will give you a new job." But, not me. However, I could get a job tomorrow because God could make it work for me. I've said this for about 1,945 days now. Once again, I could get a job...tomorrow...?
So, blame God? My marriage is directly affected by this. You cannot take the feeling a woman has of the need to feel financially secure nor can you take the feeling she has for her man that he is masculine which is acquired by him having a job. It is in the nature of a woman...the very "way" she sees him. I am ruined. That is all. My marriage ruined while I stay in it pretending that I don't need sex with her and pretending "we" are ok. I am ruined.

God wants it this way and there is nothing I can do about it. I'll wait for a job tomorrow which will be 1,946 days.


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?Self pity is easily the most destructive of the non-pharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality.?

? John Gardner