My Journey Starts today


Hi all. A bit about my story.

I am a 22 year old guy from England who has had Erectile Dysfunction for at least 5 years or more.  It has severely knocked my confidence with the ladies over this time, and on the occasion I have been in positions to have intercourse with a girl, I have always been let down by my own body.

I went to the doctors with the issue about 2 years ago after getting a girlfriend and trying and failing on several occasions to have sex with her. I was bounced around several departments with all of them convinced that I had some sort of anxiety problems. The issue is, how can one have anxiety problems with yourself. I couldn't even maintain an erection on my own.

After pestering the doctors, they eventually gave me a Viagra type drug, albiet not as strong as Viagra. but before I even had chance to try the stuff out, my girlfriend broke up with me over the lack of intimacy I was able to provide. Slightly shallow but fair I feel.

So after this break up I went on a long dry spell of no sexual activity with women. I pulled a fair few in clubs, but that was the extent for about 2 years.

So in some way I avoided the problem and pursuing sex with women in general for all that time until last Friday. I had been dating a girl for about a month and thought she was incredible. Beautiful, funny and just down right cool! We ended up going back to hers on date five and once again I couldn't perform. I even took one of the tablets prescribed by the doctor and it didn't work. I don't know where this leaves the relationship. In fairness she was lovely about the whole situation but it was awkward in the morning and I felt like I had to lie and say it was the first time it had happened.

I did a lot of thinking over the next couple of days. If I lose this girl over this issue I will be so upset, and people may say it is shallow of a girl, but I for one don't see it that way. Someone who isn't an expert in ED (i.e the girl) may well think the reason is her not being sexy enough to give the guy an erection. Furthermore the first night with a new partner is meant to be one of passion and excitement, and when the guy cannot perform you lose that magical connection you crave for.

Anyway, I decided to take a look on the internet for any glimmer of hope in a way that could help me, and I believe I have found two reasons.  I believe both are linked in terms of what has sparked them, and it goes against what doctors have told me - Too much masturbation.

But its more than that - Too much masturbation with PORN.

Ever since my mid teens I have viewed pornography very frequently, many times a week sometimes multiple times a day. Though not as bad as I was in my late teens, where I could masturbate around 4 times a day, I still have being doing it almost daily.

What I used to do because it was arousing, soon became something that I needed to do. At around 20 I ended up needing to masturbate before I went to sleep, in order to make me sleepy. I imagine it is similar to what Heroin addicts feel. After long term use you need it to feel "normal".  All this time I may add, I was still struggling to maintain erections. As soon as I stopped touching my self my erection would subside immediately.

So this brings me back to the two issues I have now. One is an addiction to porn, where I no longer have a brain that interprets arousal properly. I have had to move onto some pretty weird fetishes just to become slightly aroused. I believe my subconscious brain no longer views arousal with real female contact. And because of that my conscious brain gets very nervous when with a woman in bed which adds to the issue.

Too much porn numbs the brain to arousal, so I am at a point no where I could watch your average porn film and it be like watching a documentary on mowing the lawn. Nothing happening downstairs.

The second, and I believe perhaps secondary issue is all the masturbation has damaged my kegal muscle, which is the one you essentially use when you stop urinating mid flow. This gives strength to the erection and also enables you to urinate in a healthy way. I have neither. When I finish at the toilet I always get dribbles coming out after I have finished.

So after all this introduction, I have one clear issue, which I believe is underpinned by 2 sub issues. This blog is essentially about my road to recovery, and to help me track my progress. Here is how I am going to try and fix my broken manhood.

Curing the porn addiction.
Its all going. The Porn is gone.
I want to reset my brain into viewing sex as a real thing and not something that you see on a computer screen. I will be abstaining from porn for the foreseeable future, and masturbation with it. I understand that the latter will be hard, just like it is for someone coming off a substance addiction for example, but I believe drastic changes are needed to sort myself out.

Kegal exercises.
I know how to do these exercises, but my kegal muscle is so weak, I struggle to perform these at all. That will not stop me. Everyday I am going to do the exercises and hopefully I will see improvement.
I will be using this blog to track my progress. I don't expect anyone to read it, but it is good just to have a way to get all my thoughts and feelings out. I can't lie to myself if I actively write things out.

I will also use this blog to track my progress with the girls, as I am tall, decent looking, in shape, red hair (I'm going to be viewing that as a USP from now on!) and intelligent. I have a good job so I should be a real catch.

Anyway this is just the beginning and I hope someday I can look back on this article as a turning point. I'm not setting a time limit on anything.  I'm just going to keep going day by day and keep track of everything and we will just have to see how it goes.

I don't want to beat around the bush. There is pressure on this procedure, it needs to work. I feel my future happiness may rest on it. No biggie ey?!


Active Member
Welcome brother! Sincere congratulations on your decision! You'll see that coming here, reading other stories and updating your own is also good to your mind! Don't watch porn anymore and try not to masturbate again.. It will be frickin hard depending on your level of "addiction" but don't give in. You're powerful! You can do it! Visualize your goals and set sail bro! Best of luck to you comrade!


Cheers fella! Great words of encouragement. I knew I'd need somewhere like this to help me get though and hopefully aid others as well. There is definitely a stigma attached to this type addiction, different to being an alcoholic etc, but this seems like a place where people can come and not be judged.


Active Member
Yeah... I know what you mean, I tried talking about this with some of my friends and most of them think I'm crazy. Not so encouraging or helpful of them, but then I found this forum and I like it...
Also, read other journals to get more information on the issue and realize that you're not the only one with this problem. Also might give you a heads up on what to expect from you and your fellow along this path.

Blue Bird

Welcome  to the group ! You are like most of us. We understand you.  It will not ber easy but the results fwill be just wonderful.
Best regards
Blue Bird


Thanks for the reply my friend.

The current biggest issue is what I do with the girl I've been dating. After last weekends "attempt" at sex, the morning after was quite awkward. I don't know whether to continue seeing her or whether to let her go and leave dating until I feel more comfortable in my performance.
The trouble is she is such an attractive and nice person and I do feel like I'm punching above my weight! In fairness except from a couple of snapchats we haven't had any contact since. I just need a few days to think things over and I'm guessing she is thinking the same.


Active Member
I would say that if she is okay with the whole situation, go for it! Might actually be fun, having no sex pressure at the start of the relationship. But you've gotta talk to her and discuss the terms and conditions, let her know that you're in a confusing situation and timeline. But this is just my opinion, think it through some more!
Welcome to the nation! I can relate to your story a lot. I started my journey 12 days ago and I can already guarantee you that it is totally worth it.

For me the first days were the most difficult ones in terms of refusing your addiction related physical need to masturbation and porn.
What helped for me was taking cold showers of 5 minutes in the morning. It brings your mind in a different direction and will cure the "blue ball" syndrom you will perhaps experience later on. There are also a lot of others benefits.

I would also recommend to stay away from the computer as much as possible and be totally aware of not clicking any sex related pictures, articles or videos.
Your mind is a pro in tricking you to throw you back in your old habits. Be outside the house as much as possible! Get occupied every time possible!

Wheels said:
I did a lot of thinking over the next couple of days. If I lose this girl over this issue I will be so upset, and people may say it is shallow of a girl, but I for one don't see it that way. Someone who isn't an expert in ED (i.e the girl) may well think the reason is her not being sexy enough to give the guy an erection. Furthermore the first night with a new partner is meant to be one of passion and excitement, and when the guy cannot perform you lose that magical connection you crave for.

I experienced pretty much the same. My girl thought she was not pretty enough and that something was wrong with her. She also thought that she was responsible for my weak erection.
In fact it is nobodys fault. Its the porns fault. And the person who clicked the porn, who was not the real you. Just a very unconscious part of you in the past.

Wheels said:
Ever since my mid teens I have viewed pornography very frequently, many times a week sometimes multiple times a day. Though not as bad as I was in my late teens, where I could masturbate around 4 times a day, I still have being doing it almost daily.

Same. But together we can make it!

There is small epiphany that I had the other day that I want quickly want to share with you:

Sometimes we are so affraid of feeling embarrassed and hurt people with not getting an errection again that we stop beeing around women or places like clubs where we could potenially meet them.
For me this was not even an unconscious action. It was just that I was affraid that it could happen again and I wanted to avoid an embarrassing, intimate situation at any costs.

Now I realize that this was complete bullshit. It is very important that you go out and get around women or places that make you feel perhaps a little uncomfortable: You dont get comfortable by avoiding the uncomfortable, you get comfortable by attacking whatever makes you feel uncomfortable.
If you makeout with a girl it does not mean that you need to have sex with her.

For me this was a really tought part.

I wish you all the best for your journey mate!


Hi mate.
Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply, you've made some cracking points there and its nice to know I'm sharing some common ground with others especially on the issue with making the girl feeling unattractive.

You've hit the nail on the head with your latter point for me though, its something I've never really though about before. I quite often get nervous when first talking to a girl of a similar age to me (i.e late teens early twenties). No problem with men, no problem with older woman. I now know that this is most probably because I am auto tuned into thinking about them in a potential sexual way. Once I get to know them I am completely fine and can get on with anyone - Damn the complexities of the human brain!!


Active Member
Wheels said:
I quite often get nervous when first talking to a girl of a similar age to me (i.e late teens early twenties). No problem with men, no problem with older woman. I now know that this is most probably because I am auto tuned into thinking about them in a potential sexual way. Once I get to know them I am completely fine and can get on with anyone - Damn the complexities of the human brain!!

I really feel you on this one... I don't know why I developed this thing, but yesterday I was visiting a work friend and there was a new girl there. She was very pretty and hot but damn it it made me feel anxious and scared shi*less... How do you cope with this kind of stuff?


Haha it's one of those situations where you think "right, play it cool, just be yourself" and you end up thinking about that so much that your mind goes blank, you end up not being yourself and end up appearing like a right bore!
I'm no way near as bad with this as I used to be, especially since I started working at a company with hundreds of employees, but I'm still no Hugh Grant!


Active Member
My mind just goes into a frenzy like, I will end up having sex with her and I won't get hard. But there's no reason to go there since we've barely met and plus she was there with her boyfriend. I mean.... wtf? Why am I so god damn anxious and panicked?


noises1990 said:
My mind just goes into a frenzy like, I will end up having sex with her and I won't get hard. But there's no reason to go there since we've barely met and plus she was there with her boyfriend. I mean.... wtf? Why am I so god damn anxious and panicked?

It will take time mate. Just like releasing an animal back into the wild which has been held in captivity for a while, it takes time for them to be natural in the new surroundings. Only time spent putting yourself into positions you aren't comfortable with will help you.


Anyway, I've not watched any porn since last Thursday and haven't masturnated self since Saturday. I'm already feeling better about myself, and I think 99% of that is knowing I don't have porn hanging over myself anymore. I have my whole week booked up with activities, gyms and meeting friends.

In terms of the girl I've been dating, after not speaking with her for 3 days after the embarrassing night with ED I decided to ring her up (even though I am truly not a phone person - I was more nervous for the phone interview for my job than I was for the final one with the finance director!). It wasn't the most flowing of calls but we decided to meet up a week on Saturday. I didn't mention the sex issues and she didn't ask. So that is perfect for me as it gives me 2 weeks to get on the road to recovery and i know have a motivation to keep on the straight and narrow.

Once again cheers for the comments people, will look to offer others advice where I can


Well I've been going over a week, and I have to say things are going well so far. Kept myself busy, and aside from a few cravings earlier in the week before going to bed, I have had no urge to watch Porn.
In terms of libido, still feels a bit limp down there, and I got one random erection at work (I'm tucked under a desk fortunately!) but as per it went away very swiftly. Hoping this will pick up sooner rather than later.
Kegal exercises are going okay, Its sill very weak down there but definitely improvement.

Saw the girl I've been dating again for the 5th time, still slightly worried when it comes to time to perform as I have yet to tell her about my issues. My only doubt about her is she seems to have had a fair few partners (well probably just an average amount - so more than me) and it makes me feel a bit uneasy knowing this and I don't know why. Anyway its just me being a bit silly so I think I'll just have to accept it.
But aside from that she is delightful, and I now have the tricky task of suggesting we go bf and gf! Still unsure though due to her living an hour away, her working weekends and myself weekdays.


2 Weeks in and still going strong. Wish I had done this sooner in my life!
Managed to stay mentally strong so far and have resisted any urges, which have thankfully only happened infrequently.

I think I'm seeing small signs of recovery physically, with the occasional random erection popping up. had one that lasted a minute or so lying in bed and not touching myself, which for me is a big step forward! My only concern on this aspect is I am seeing the girl above next week and if we do get down to business (if you catch my drift) I think I will go off like a volcano as soon as she touches it. So if that happens that will be one time with a floppy member, and one time lasting 6 seconds!

IN terms of just more general lifestyle, had a few ups and downs - feeling a bit down for no reason which is un heard of for me. But these generally don't last too long and I seem to be enjoying life on the whole more at the moment.
Any way thanks to anyone who reads this and good luck to you if you are doing the same


So its near enough day 22 of my ordeal and still haven't looked at anything or had any "me time" during that. Porn has been relatively easy to get a way from, the odd occasion I have accidentally stumbled across something (I was curious about how anal bleaching was done - not for personal use! and the wiki page had a rather graphic image so I quickly got off that).
Feel good about it all still, keeping busy keeping happy. Lots of gym and working hard - passed a finance exam last week.

Still seeing the girl, saw her last night and stayed over but she said she was tired so we didnt do anything which was a bit of a kick in the teeth. I've just this afternoon sent her a message asking whether she sees any longevity in the relationship, as I don't want to be investing time in someone who isnt really that into me. Either way, she'll come back saying she does or she doesn't, and I just feel like I need to know because we live in two different cities and only see each other once every 2 weeks at the moment.

Anyway I've continued to read everyone else's posts, but if anyone has any advice at all or comments please do leave one :)


Cheers for the reply fella.

I think one of the reasons I started this reboot was actually for this girl. She is the reward for myself to stay strong. Yes there is a chance  that we could try and have sex again and I fail, but even if the worse happens and she stopped seeing me because of this (I don't think she is this much of a shallow person) I've already noticed too many other positives from the reboot to stop now!

I may have to tell her what I am doing at some point, but I get the feeling if you admit to someone you have only known a short while you were essentially a porn addict for 5 or more years they may think you are a bit of an oddball!


So it is now 4 weeks into my re boot. I have had to update my count from 30 to 60 days which is promising.

In terms of how I'm getting on, I have probably the biggest urge I have ever had in my life to be intimate with a girl. I woke up to day and just though, "I want sex so much". That is actual sex with a girl - not porn or masturbation. PMO just don't seem to have the same interest to me anymore.

When the time comes to have sex, I still feel that I may have some performance anxieties and still don't think I am cured yet. I think I have made significant steps but must keep it going in order to keep progressing. I get more random erections which are becoming stronger, but still could be better and still require stimulation to keep them up. All I need is a slight touch to keep it up, but I want it to be hard just naturally.
Still taking it just a day at the time


Hi waves, I'm from uk as well mate. Was just thinking you might be interested in a book called "the heart of tantric sex" it talks about everything you were saying about performance anxiety. Has really helped me reevaluate the way I look at sex. I'm struggling with stopping the porn but as far as sex goes with a partner I know that tantra is the answer for me. It's basically the opposite of the way I thought sex should be. It's about being relaxed and not aiming for anything - just like being with another human being. If u have an erection that's cool if u don't that's cool to it's not important just about following ur body.. If u have a partner try and get then to read it as well. Particularly about valley orgasm  :) that's worth a bit of perseverance. That's the key to rewiring with sex, at least it is for me.  I hope that maybe can be of some help. Good luck bruva.